Plus, we go over how to cancel Spotify's auto-renewal
If you've decided to stop using Spotify, or you just want to save some money on subscription fees, you may be wondering how you can cancel your Spotify Premium subscription. In this article we go over how to cancel Spotify Premium via your account page or a web form, as well as how to cancel different types of Spotify plans. Keep reading to learn more.
Quick Steps
- Open your Spotify account page in a web browser.
- Click Manage your subscription .
- Click Cancel subscription .
- Click Continue to cancel .
- Click Yes, cancel .
- Follow any on-screen instructions to finish up canceling your Spotify subscription.
Section 1 of 5:
Using the Account Page
Open your Spotify account page in a web browser. You cannot cancel your Spotify Premium in the app. However, you can be directed to your account page by going to your Spotify settings and selecting Account .
- If you aren't logged in, log in to your account page once you navigate there.
Click Manage your subscription . You can also click the name of your subscription at the top of the page under "Your plan."Advertisement
Click Cancel subscription > Continue to cancel > Yes, cancel . If at any time you decide you don't want to cancel, click Back to account instead.
- You will keep your Premium benefits until your next billing date. Once you pass that date, you will be switched to a Spotify Free plan. [1] X Research source
Section 2 of 5:
Using a Form
Go to Spotify's cancellation form in a web browser. If you prefer, you can submit a form to cancel your Spotify account instead of going through your account page.
Enter the required information. You must enter the email associated with your Spotify account, the type of subscription you have, and cancellation type.
- The cancellation types you can pick are Normal and Extraordinary . Selecting Extraordinary gives an additional field called "Cancellation reason." If you're not sure which to pick, select Normal .
Click Cancel now . Follow the on-screen instructions to finish up with the form. Once the form is submitted, you'll get an email to help you finish the cancellation process.
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Canceling Family or Duo Plans
Open your Spotify account page in a web browser. You cannot cancel your Spotify Premium in the app. However, you can be directed to your account page by going to your Spotify settings and selecting Account .
- Note that only the plan manager can cancel the Family or Duo plan. If you're a plan member, following these steps will remove your account from the plan but it won't be canceled.
- If you aren't logged in, log in to your account page once you navigate there.
Click Manage your subscription . You can also click the name of your subscription at the top of the page under "Your plan."
Click Cancel subscription > Continue to cancel > Yes, cancel . If at any time you decide you don't want to cancel, click Back to account instead.
- Everyone on the plan will keep their Premium benefits until the next billing date. Once you pass that date, everyone on the plan will be switched to a Spotify Free plan. [2] X Research source
Section 4 of 5:
Canceling Third-Party Plans
Open your Spotify account page in a web browser. If you get your Spotify Premium through a third party (such as your phone or internet provider), you can find the contact information to cancel your plan on your Spotify account page.
- If you aren't logged in, log in to your account page once you navigate there.
Click Manage your subscription . You can also click the name of your subscription at the top of the page under "Your plan."
Check the contact info under the "Payment" heading. With that contact information, you can contact your provider and ask them to help you cancel your Spotify subscription.
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