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Test your strength and skill in this series of post-game challenges
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The Battle Frontier is a special battle area in Pokémon Emerald Version that’s accessible after you defeat the Elite Four. Using the S.S. Ticket you receive upon your victory, board the ship out of Slateport or Lilyport City and travel to the Battle Frontier (located below Route 130). We’ll give you a run-down of everything you can expect on this challenging island, like the rules you’ll have to follow and the facilities you’ll have to beat. With a little bit of preparation (and a tiny bit of luck), you’ll be ready to put your best foot forward in the Battle Frontier as you collect Silver and Gold Frontier Symbols.

Things You Should Know

  • Get to the Battle Frontier by using your S.S. Ticket at Slateport or Lilycove City. You’ll get this ticket once you’ve beaten the Elite Four.
  • The Battle Frontier has 7 total facilities: the Battle Factory, Battle Arena, Battle Dome, Battle Pike, Battle Palace, Battle Tower, and Battle Pyramid.
  • Achieve multiple consecutive victories to build a winning streak. Once your winning streak is high enough, beat the Frontier Brain (the facility leader) to get a Frontier Symbol.
Section 1 of 8:

Getting Started

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  1. The Frontier Pass includes your original Trainer Card and tracks the progress you make your way through the different battle facilities. The Frontier Pass also includes a map so that you can keep track of each facility’s location. There are 7 battle facilities total: [1]
    • Battle Factory
    • Battle Arena
    • Battle Dome
    • Battle Pike
    • Battle Palace
    • Battle Tower
    • Battle Pyramid
  2. Although each BF facility has its own set of rules, the following rules apply to all facilities:
    • No duplicate held items are allowed (e.g., Two Pokémon on your team can’t both hold Leftovers).
    • No duplicate Pokémon are allowed on a single team (e.g., You can’t fight with 3 Slakings on your team).
    • Items can’t be retrieved from a Bag in the middle of a battle (e.g., You can’t use a Hyper Potion if your Pokémon takes a heavy hit). The Battle Pyramid is the only facility with an exception to this rule.
    • Certain Legendaries cannot be used: Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Mew, Mewtwo, Jirachi, and Deoxys (Speed Forme). Other Legendaries are fair game, like Latios and Latias.
    • Eggs (unhatched Pokémon) cannot be members of your battle team.
    • No money or EXP can be given out after a successful battle. [2]
  3. Each BF facility gives you the option to either cap your Pokémons’ levels at 50 or leave them uncapped (also known as “open level”). If you choose the open-level option, your opponent’s Pokémon will match your highest-leveled Pokémon (even if your other Pokémon are at lower levels). [3]
  4. BF fights aren’t like traditional battles against Pokémon trainers. Instead, you’re caught in a cycle of battling certain trainers to increase your winning streak. Once you’ve won a certain number of rounds/battles (depending on the facility you’re in), you’ll battle that building’s “Frontier Brain,” which is the equivalent of a gym leader. You’ll need to complete 2 winning streaks and beat each Brain twice to collect all the Silver and Gold Frontier Symbols. [4]
    • After a successful round/battle (depending on the building you’re in), your Pokémon get automatically healed. Still, it can be challenging to keep up a long winning streak, especially when you’re angling for a Gold Symbol. [5]
    • Think of Silver and Gold Frontier Symbols as Gym Badges for the BF.
  5. A few BP are given out each time you claim victory in the BP, which these rewards getting bigger as your streak grows. You’ll receive 10 BP each time you beat a Frontier Brain (both at Silver and Gold level). These points can be spent at the Battle Point Exchange Service Corner (toward the center of the island, just south of the Battle Tower). You can trade BP in for rewards like:
    • Pokémon dolls (e.g., Ditto, Meowth, Chikorita, Lapras, Snorlax, etc.)
    • Supplements (e.g., Protein, Calcium, Zinc, etc.)
    • Held items (e.g., Leftovers, Quick Claw, Focus Band, etc.) [6]
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Section 2 of 8:

Battle Factory Guide

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  1. Turn left immediately after entering the BF to find the Battle Factory, a yellow-and-white building. It’s pretty separated from the other facilities. [7]
  2. In the Battle Factory, all of your opponents’ teams are randomized. Before you battle, though, a Scientist gives you a hint about what to expect. He’ll let you know if your opponent has at least 2 Pokémon of a specific type (assuming the opponent doesn’t have 2+ Pokémon of multiple types), and he’ll say a special phrase to indicate which abilities you can expect from this opponent. [8]
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Special Phrase Possible Opponent Abilities
Battle Factor Ability Groupings
"Appears to be one based on total preparation"

Acid Armor, Agility, Amnesia, Barrier, Belly Drum, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Charge, Conversion, Conversion 2, Cosmic Power, Defense Curl, Double Team, Dragon Dance, Focus Energy, Growth, Harden, Howl, Iron Defense, Meditate, Minimize, Psych Up, Sharpen, Snatch, Swords Dance, Tail Glow, Withdraw

"Appears to be slow and steady"

Attract, Block, Confuse Ray, Disable, Encore, Flatter, Glare, Grass Whistle, Hypnosis, Imprison, Leech Seed, Lovely Kiss, Mean Look, Poison Gas, Poison Powder, Sing, Sleep Powder, Snatch, Spider Web, Spikes, Spore, Stun Spore, Supersonic, Swagger, Sweet Kiss, Taunt, Teeter Dance, Thunder Wave, Torment, Toxic, Yawn, Will-O-Wisp

“Appears to be one of endurance"

Aromatherapy, Baton Pass, Detect, Endure, Haze, Heal Bell, Ingrain, Light Screen, Magic Coat, Milk Drink, Mist, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Mud Sport, Protect, Recover, Reflect, Rest, Safeguard, Slack Off, Softboiled, Swallow, Synthesis, Recycle, Refresh, Water Sport, Wish

“Appears to be high risk, high return"

Bide, Blast Burn, Counter, Destiny Bond, Double-Edge, Explosion, Facade, Fissure, Flail, Focus Punch, Frenzy Plant, Grudge, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Hydro Cannon, Hyper Beam, Memento, Mirror Coat, Overheat, Pain Split, Perish Song, Psycho Boost, Reversal, Self Destruct, Sky Attack, Volt Tackle

“Appears to be weakening the foe to start"

Charm, Cotton Spore, Fake Tears, Feather Dance, Flash, Growl, Kinesis, Knock Off, Leer, Metal Sound, Sand-Attack, Scary Face, Screech, Smoke Screen, Spite, String Shot, Sweet Scent, Tail Whip, Tickle

“Appears to be impossible to predict"

Assist, Camouflage, Curse, Follow Me, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Move, Present, Role Play, Sketch, Skill Swap, Substitute, Transform, Trick

“Appears to depend on the battle's flow"

Hail, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Weather Ball

“Appears to be flexibly adaptable to the situation"

The opponent’s Pokémon uses a variety of moves from 3 or more of the above categories

  1. Unlike the other 6 facilities (where you’re allowed to use your own Pokémon), you need to “rent” your Pokémon before starting your battles. Choose from a pool of 6 Pokémon and choose 3 to be in your roster. [9]
    • You’ll receive these special insights before each battle. In each battle (except for the first), you’ll have the option to switch out one of your Pokémon with one of your previous opponent’s Pokémon. For example, if the Scientist tells you that your next opponent specializes in Grass-type Pokémon, you might swap to get your previous opponent’s Slugma.
  2. After 21 consecutive wins, you’ll battle Noland (the Battle Factory’s Frontier Brain) and his random team of Pokémon. If you win, you’ll get the Silver Knowledge Symbol. Continue battling and winning in the Battle Factory 42 times to face Noland again and earn the Gold Knowledge Symbol. [10]
    • Since Noland’s team is random, there’s no way to predict his team beyond the hints given in the game. Just focus on having the most well-rounded team possible!
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Section 3 of 8:

Battle Arena Guide

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  1. Turn right once you’ve entered the BF and continue walking across the island. When you see a gold building surrounded by water, turn left and ascend the staircase (that’s surrounded by trees). [11]
    • The Battle Arena is directly above the Battle Palace, a building that’s surrounded by water and forest.
  2. Choose 3 of your party Pokémon to enter the tournament—just keep in mind that you can’t swap them out in the middle of battle. Aim to knock out as many of your opponent’s Pokémon as possible and lose as few of your own Pokémon as possible in 3 rounds total. [12]
    • You don’t get any hints as to which Pokémon your opponent will use, so it’s best to choose Pokémon that have strong abilities capable of delivering lethal blows in one hit.
  3. If there isn’t a clear winner after 3 rounds, the following factors determine the ultimate winner:
    • Mind: Which Pokémon used the most offensive abilities
    • Skill: Which Pokémon landed the most abilities (excluding abilities impacted by Fake Out, Protect, or Deflect)
    • Body: Which Pokémon has the most health left
  4. After 28 consecutive wins, face off against Arena Tycoon Greta (the Battle Arena’s Frontier Brain) to earn the Silver Guts Symbol. If you manage to win 56 times in a row, defeat her again to get the Gold Guts Symbol. [13]
    • Greta’s Silver Team: Heracross, Umbreon, Shedinja
    • Greta’s Gold Team: Umbreon, Gengar, Breloom
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Section 4 of 8:

Battle Dome Guide

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  1. Keep heading straight once you’ve entered the BF, making your way to the opposite end of the island. You’ll find a large, rounded building in the northwest corner: this is the Battle Dome. [14]
  2. Choose 3 of your own Pokémon to fight in the tournament. Before each match-up, take a look at your opponent’s Trainer Card and pick your 2 Pokémon who are best equipped to defeat your opponent’s team (your opponent also only fights with 2 Pokémon).
  3. After winning 5 tournaments (or 19 battles total), face off against Dome Superstar Tucker (the Battle Dome’s Frontier Brain) to earn the Silver Tactics Symbol. After winning 10 consecutive tournaments (or 39 total battles), defeat her again to get the Gold Tactics Symbol. [15]
    • Tucker’s Silver Team: Swampert, Salamence, Charizard
    • Tucker’s Gold Team: Swampert, Latias, Metagross
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Section 5 of 8:

Battle Pike Guide

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  1. Turn right once you’ve entered the BF, but turn left at the first possible point—a narrow, grass-covered path that leads to a cave resembling a Seviper (officially known as the Battle Pike). [16]
    • This mini peninsula is surrounded by a pond most of the way.
  2. The Battle Pike gives you a choice of 3 doors to choose from before entering a room. Receptionists throughout the facility will hint at what you can expect behind the door, which is 1 of 8 things:
    • Single battle: A single trainer with 3 Pokémon battles you.
    • Double battle: Two trainers with 1 Pokémon each battle you.
    • Wild Pokémon spawn: A Wobbuffet, Breloom, Electrode, Milotic, Seviper, or Dusclops appears for you to battle (but not catch).
    • Status effect attack: One of your Pokémon will receive a status effect like burned, paralyzed, asleep, or frozen.
    • Partial recovery: 1-2 of your Pokémon get completely healed.
    • Full recovery: All of your Pokémon get completely healed.
    • Nothing: You encounter a person who doesn’t do anything (like challenge you to a Battle).
  3. After making it through it through 2 full pikes, fight Lucy to receive a Silver Luck symbol. After 10 successful runs, challenge her again to receive a Gold Luck symbol. [17]
    • Lucy’s Silver Team: Seviper, Shuckle, Milotic
    • Lucy’s Gold Team: Seviper, Steelix, Gyarados
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Section 6 of 8:

Battle Palace Guide

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  1. Turn right after entering the BF and continue onward until you find a building surrounded by trees: the Battle Palace. Enter this area from either the north or the west, passing wildflowers as you go. [18]
    • This facility is surrounded by a small pond as well as an inlet that feeds into the ocean.
  2. Choose 3 Pokémon to battle with at the Battle Palace, but take a close look at their natures beforehand. In this facility, the Pokémon choose either Attack, Defense, or Support moves based on their natures—you get no say in what they do. For a better chance of landing Attack moves on your opponent’s Pokémon, battle with Pokémon whose natures are: [19]
    • Hardy
    • Brave
    • Docile
    • Impish
    • Timid
    • Hasty
    • Naive
    • Quiet
    • Sassy
    • Quirky
    • Note: The bolded natures have the highest chance of using Attack moves.
  3. After completing 21 successful battles in a row, defeat Palace Maven Spenser to receive the Silver Spirits Symbol. After winning 42 consecutive battles, defeat him again to receive the Gold Spirits Symbol. [20]
    • Spenser’s Silver Team: Crobat, Slaking, Lapras
    • Spenser’s Gold Team: Arcanine, Slaking, Suicune
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Section 7 of 8:

Battle Tower Guide

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  1. Turn right after entering the BF and take a left at the second possible turn (not at the narrow path that takes you to the Battle Pike/Seviper Cave). Continue walking north until you reach the Battle Tower, a large multi-colored building that’s blue, white, and red. [21]
    • A barrier sits to the right of the Battle Tower, which separates it from the Battle Pyramid.
  2. Upon entering the Battle Tower, choose 3 Pokémon to fight with during Single Battles. Make your way through the tower multiple times, fighting 7 challengers in each cycle. [22]
    • The Battle Tower in Pokèmon Emerald is similar to the Battle Towers in Sapphire and Ruby .
  3. At the very end of the 5th run, face off against Anabel to get the Silver Ability Symbol. After making it through 10 consecutive runs, battle her again to get the Gold Ability Symbol. [23]
    • Anabel’s Silver Team: Alakazam, Entei, Snorlax
    • Anabel’s Gold Team: Raikou, Latios, Snorlax
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Section 8 of 8:

Battle Pyramid Guide

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  1. Upon entering the BF, turn right and walk to the opposite side of the island, passing the Battle Arena and Battle Palace as you go. Then, turn left and head north—nestled in the far corner, you’ll find the Battle Pyramid. [24]
    • The building itself is orange and sits on sand-like ground.
  2. On each floor of the Battle Pyramid, it’s possible to run into trainers, Wild Pokémon, as well as items. There’s also a PC on each floor—speak to the Hex Maniac standing by it to get a sense of the next Pokémon you’ll encounter. [25]
    • The floors of the Pyramid are super dark and only become lighter when you defeat enemies.
    • The types of wild Pokémon you encounter appear in this order: Electric, Poison, Fire, Pokémon with PP-draining moves, Ground, Pokémon that have trapping moves, Ice, self-destructing Pokémon, Psychic, Rock, Fighting, Pokémon with weather-based moves, Bug, Dark, Water, Ghost, Steel, Flying, Pokémon that evolved with stones, and Normal.
  3. While you can’t use items from your inventory in the Battle Pyramid, it is possible to pick up items as you go. Just keep in mind that your Battle Bag can only hold 10 different items, so you’ll have to toss something out if you get more than this number. [26]
    • By default, your Battle Bag will have 1 Ether and 1 Hyper Potion in it. You can store up to 99 of each item you find.
  4. At the end of your 3rd Pyramid run (21 floors total), fight Brandon to get the Silver Brave Symbol. Once you’ve completed your 10th consecutive run (70 floors total), defeat him again to get the Gold Brave Symbol. [27]
    • Brandon’s Silver Team: Regirock, Registeel, Regice
    • Brandon’s Gold Team: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Exactly what streak does Brandon appear on?
    Community Answer
    Brandon appears after completing three rounds of seven floors for the silver symbol and after the tenth round of seven floors for the gold symbol.
  • Question
    How do I get to the battle frontier?
    Hannah Creasor
    Community Answer
    The battle frontier is an area accessible in the post-game. You need to complete the game to access it.
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      • In a house to the immediate left of the Battle Dome are 2 Move Tutors who will teach moves in exchange for BP. Not only can you get useful moves here, but you can also have moves taught to Pokémon who may not be able to learn them normally. For example, a Typhlosion can be taught ThunderPunch. [28]
      • These facilities can be defeated in any order.
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      • Don't start a challenge if your game system is low on power. A win streak is not saved until the challenge is cleared. If your challenge is suddenly interrupted before you can clear it, you will be disqualified. Therefore, you will lose your streak and will have to restart.
      1. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Factory_(Generation_III)
      2. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Frontier_(Generation_III)#Facilities
      3. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Arena
      4. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Arena
      5. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Frontier_(Generation_III)#Facilities
      6. https://www.serebii.net/emerald/frontierleader.shtml
      7. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Frontier_(Generation_III)#Facilities
      8. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Appendix:Emerald_walkthrough/Section_21#Battle_Pike
      9. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Frontier_(Generation_III)#Facilities
      10. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Palace
      11. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Palace
      12. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Frontier_(Generation_III)#Facilities
      13. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Tower_(Generation_III)#Pok.C3.A9mon_Emerald
      14. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Tower_(Generation_III)#Pok.C3.A9mon_Emerald
      15. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Frontier_(Generation_III)#Facilities
      16. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Appendix:Emerald_walkthrough/Section_21#Battle_Palace
      17. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Appendix:Emerald_walkthrough/Section_21#Battle_Pyramid
      18. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Appendix:Emerald_walkthrough/Section_21#Battle_Pyramid
      19. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Battle_Frontier_(Generation_III)#Facilities

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