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Effective ways to get Facebook support over email, chat, & more
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Getting the help you need from a big company like Facebook can be a challenge. To save you time and frustration, we've gathered a current list of every possible way you can contact someone at Facebook or Meta! Read on to learn how to contact Facebook, whether you're a personal user, business partner, advertiser, creator, or press member.

How to Contact Facebook Support

Facebook doesn't have a support phone number or email address, but you can contact them using one of their direct contact forms. You can report scammers, harassment, and abusive Facebook users from their posts, messages, and profiles. If your account was hacked, visit facebook.com/hacked.

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  1. Because these forms are all linked directly from support pages on Facebook, you're more likely to get a reply to filling out these forms than sending emails directly.
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How to Get Support by Email

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  1. For personal account owners, the only way to contact Facebook directly is by filling out a contact form . There are a few publicized email addresses for Facebook, but they are only for specific situations:
    • If you've appealed Facebook's decision to disable your account and need to send Facebook more information (such as an ID or other document), send it to appeals@fb.com . You will not receive a reply if you did not submit an appeal.
    • For press and media inquiries, write press@fb.com .
    • To report a scam or phishing attempt that mentions or implicates Facebook, forward the message to phish@fb.com . [1]
    • If you are with law enforcement, write to legal@fb.com .
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Report a Facebook User

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  1. Report someone for abuse or harassment. Instead of using a contact form, you can report Facebook users directly from the problematic post, message, or profile.
    • To report a profile, click or tap the three dots, select Find support or report , select the problem, and follow the on-screen instructions.
    • To report a post, click or tap the three dots and select Report post , select a reason, and enter any requested information.
    • To report a message, click or tap the down-arrow or "I" in a circle, select Report , and follow the on-screen instructions. [2]
    • To report a Facebook Marketplace scam, see Report Marketplace Scams .
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  1. Go to https://www.facebook.com/hacked . If somebody hacked your Facebook account and you can no longer log in, you can contact Facebook through this link to get your account back.
  2. You'll only see this option if you're signed out of Facebook. If you don't see it, you're likely signed in using another account, which means you still have access to your account.
  3. Enter the email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account, then click Search . Once Facebook finds your account, you'll be asked for your password.
  4. Even if the hacker changed your password, you can enter your previous password to confirm that you really own the account.
  5. Once you choose the best fitting option, click Continue .
  6. Facebook will now walk you through steps to reset your password and get you back into your account.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to get your account back.
    • If the hacker removed your email address from your account and replaced it with another, you can remove it. Facebook will be able to send a recovery link to the previous email address associated with your account. [3]
    • You'll also be able to remove any information the hacker added to your account and posts they created while signed in as you.
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How to Contact Facebook by Phone

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  1. Meta's only phone number, which includes Facebook, Instagram, and Oculus, is 650-543-4800 . If you call that number and choose the option for support, you'll hear a recording that tells you Facebook doesn't offer phone support.
    • If you're with law enforcement or need help with your business, developer, or advertising account, there are options in the phone menu for support.
    • There are also options in the phone menu for marketing, press inquiries, and employment verification for current Facebook employees.
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How to Contact Facebook by Live Chat

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  1. While live chat is not yet available to everyone, some English-speaking users with business accounts in the United States now see the option to chat with a support representative if they are locked out of their accounts. [4]
    • If you're a Facebook Creator in the US, go to https://www.facebook.com/help/media . If chat support is available, you can chat with a representative on this page.
    • If you have a Business or Creator account and use Facebook Checkout services, access chat in Commerce Manager:
      • Select your account in Commerce Manager.
      • Click Education and select Contact Support .
      • Enter your issue and select Chat .
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Business and Partner Support

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  1. If you don't have a business account with checkout services, this will not work. To contact Facebook Support via chat:
    • Open your Commerce Manager and select your account.
    • Click the Education tab and select Contact Support .
    • Select the issue you need help with and type your message.
    • Choose either Chat or Email and choose Send .
    • If you chose email, you'll get an email response within 24 hours. If you chose Chat, a Facebook Messenger window will open, and a support representative will join the conversation. [5]
  2. While signed into Facebook with your Business account, head to https://www.facebook.com/MetaforBusiness and click the Message button at the top.
  3. If you're a media partner and have trouble with payment, bugs, or monetization problems, visit https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/478867325828479 .
  4. Get advertising advice from a Facebook marketing expert. If you need help crafting your advertising strategy, fill out the form to request help from one of Facebook's marketing experts at https://www.facebook.com/business/m/facebook-marketing-expert . This program is not available to all advertisers .
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Tweet at Facebook

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  1. If your issue is serious enough, someone at Facebook might contact you in response to a tweet —this has happened for a few different people in Reddit forums. Here's a list of official Facebook accounts you can try:
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Send a Letter to Facebook

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  1. If you want to mail a letter to Facebook, send it to Meta Headquarters at 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025 . [6]
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Find Facebook Employees on LinkedIn

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  1. If you have a LinkedIn account , you may be able to reach out to a Facebook employee who also has LinkedIn. There is no guarantee that a Facebook employee will reply to a message on LinkedIn, but it's worth a shot. Visit https://www.linkedin.com/company/meta/people/ to see a list of Meta employees on LinkedIn.
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Report Marketplace Scams

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  1. If you find an obvious scam on Facebook Marketplace but haven't fallen victim, you can report the scam directly from the listing. Just click or tap the three dots on the listing, select Report or Report Listing , and select Scam , and follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. If a seller scams you on Facebook Marketplace, report it to Facebook using these steps:
    • In the mobile app, open the listing from the Buying section of your Marketplace inbox, tap the seller's photo, tap the three dots, and select Report . Choose Scam and follow the on-screen instructions.
    • On a computer, open the Buying area of Marketplace, click the listing, and then click the seller's name. Click the three dots, select Report Seller , and follow the on-screen instructions. [7]
  3. If you were the seller of an item and were scammed by the buyer, report it from your listing.
    • In the mobile app, go to the Your Listings area of Marketplace, select the listing, tap the messages with the buyer, and then tap the buyer's name to open their profile. Tap the three dots, select Report > Scam , and follow the on-screen instructions.
    • On a computer, open Marketplace, go to Your Account > Your listings , and select the listing. Click any of the messages from or to the buyer, click the three dots, select Report buyer > Scam , and follow the on-screen instructions.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Does Facebook offer live chat for customer support?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    In general, no. However, if you use Facebook ads and have an active ad account, you can get live chat support by going to facebook.com/business/help and scrolling down to the section labeled “Still need help?” There, you’ll see options to chat live or send an email to support.
  • Question
    Does Facebook have a contact number?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Unfortunately, it does not have a publicly available customer support number. A number with the area code 650 that frequently shows up in online sources as being linked to Facebook is actually a scam number. You’ll need to contact Facebook through their online help center.
  • Question
    Some contacted me claiming I won money through a Facebook promotion. Is this real?
    Community Answer
    No! Facebook does not run a lottery, give away money, or ask for bank or credit card info for any reason. This is a scam. Do not reply to the message.
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      • If you're in the Level Up program or Partner program, you can find additional contact methods at http://fb.gg/support .
      • If you need help using the features of Facebook, are experiencing errors, or want to report a problem, the best way to find information is to visit the Facebook Help Center at https://www.facebook.com/help .
      • If you can't find the issue about which you wish to contact Facebook in the Help Center, try looking in the Community section--the posts there are usually better suited to outlying cases.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • I was locked out of my account for a few days but finally I cleared my browser's cache and tried logging in again and it worked. So if you're dealing with being locked out of your account, maybe give that a try and see if you have any luck.
      • You can also try looking for answers in the Facebook Help Center before going through the hassle of trying to contact someone. Sometimes the problem you're having has already been addressed in a topic in the Help Center.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open the Facebook Help Center webpage.
      2. Review the options toolbar at the top of the screen.
      3. Select a relevant section.
      4. Follow Facebook's on-screen instructions.

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