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Converting from kilograms to pounds is a common task in the realms of math and engineering, but, luckily, it's an easy one. In most cases, all you need to do to convert is to multiply the number of kilograms by 2.2 to get the number of pounds . In general, it can be said that there are 2.2046 pounds per kilogram. [1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Making the Conversion

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  1. Converting from kilograms to pounds is simple. Best of all, once you know how to do it, it's something that you can use in a wide variety of situations. Start with the number of kilograms you want to convert.
    • For example, let's say that you want to convert 5.9 kilograms to pounds. In the next few steps, we'll do just this.
  2. Next, just multiply your kilogram measurement by 2.2. The answer you get is the number of pounds that is equal to your kilogram measurement. [2]
    • In the example from above, you can convert by multiplying 5.9 by 2.2. 5.9 × 2.2 = 12.98 pounds .
    • Don't forget the "pounds" label. If you're doing this calculation for schoolwork, you can lose points if you leave the label off. If you're doing the calculation for something else, the person who reads your work may misunderstand your answer.
  3. Technically, multiplying kilograms by 2.2 to get pounds is sort of a "shortcut" for easier conversions. If you want to get the most accurate result possible, you'll probably want to use a more accurate value for the conversion. 2.2046 should be accurate enough for most purposes. [3]
    • In the example above, if we use the more-accurate value, we get 5.9 × 2.2046 = 13.00714 pounds . This is a minor difference, but if we're aiming for very precise measurements, this may be the better choice.
    • If you want to be even more accurate , consider using a conversion factor with more decimal places. At an extreme level of accuracy, one kilogram is equal to 2.2046226218 pounds . [4]
  4. Getting from a pounds measurement back to kilograms is as simple as dividing the number of pounds by your conversion factor. In other words, if you used the basic "2.2" conversion above, divide by 2.2. If you used 2.2046, divide by 2.2046, and so on. [5]
    • In the example from above, you can get from 12.98 pounds back to the original kilogram measurement like this: 12.98/2.2 = 5.9 kilograms . Don't forget the label!
    • Don't mix and match your conversion factors — only divide by the number you originally multiplied by. For instance, since you got 13.00714 pounds when you used the more accurate 2.2046 conversion, you wouldn't divide by 2.2. This would give you 13.00714/2.2 = 5.912 kilograms , which is slightly different from your starting 5.9 kilograms.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Converting to a Pounds and Ounces Measurement

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  1. There are many ways to represent pounds when you're not dealing with a whole number. Two common examples are decimals (i.e., 6.5 pounds) and fractions (i.e., 6 1/2 pounds). Another way to do this is with ounces. There are 16 ounces in a pound, [6] so a pound-and-ounces measurement of, for instance, 6 pounds 8 ounces is like saying 6 8/16 pounds (or 6 1/2 pounds).
    • To convert kilograms into this sort of pound and ounces measurement, start by doing the standard decimal conversion above. For instance, if you want to convert 7 kilograms to pounds and ounces, start by multiplying 7 × 2.2 = 15.4 pounds
  2. As mentioned above, one ounce is 1/16 of a pound. This is equal to 0.0625 pounds. [7] If you divide the numbers in your answer to the right of the decimal place by 0.0625, the answer you get will be the number of ounces.
    • For example, if you want to figure out how to write your 15.4 pound answer above to pounds and ounces, you would get your number of ounces by dividing 0.4/0.0625 = 6.4 . This means that the "0.4" in "15.4 pounds" is equal to 6.4 ounces.
  3. Once you know the number of pounds and ounces you're dealing with, getting your final answer is as easy as combining them. Write your answer by listing your number of pounds first, then ounces. For example: 10 pounds, 3 ounces.' [8] '
    • In the example problem, we have 15 pounds (from our original 15.4 pound measurement). We now know that the 0.4 decimal is equal to 6.4 ounces. This means our final measurement is 15 pounds, 6.4 ounces.
  4. Getting from pounds and ounces back to kilograms requires two things. First, you need to convert your ounces back to pounds by multiplying them by 0.0625. [9] Then, you need to convert your pounds back to kilograms by dividing by 2.2 (or whatever other value you used). [10]
    • In the example problem, you would convert back to kilograms like this:
      Start with 15 pounds, 6.4 ounces.
      Multiply 6.4 × 0.0625 = 0.4 pounds
      Add this to 15 to get 15.4 pounds.
      Divide 15.4/2.2 to get 7 kilograms.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What would 135 pounds be in kg?
    Top Answerer
    Divide the number of pounds by 2.2.
  • Question
    How do I convert 0.86 kg to pounds as a decimal? I am working out the freight cost of importing books from USA.
    Community Answer
    That's the equivalent of 1.892 pounds.
  • Question
    My contractor is paying $60.00/pound and I have a truck that can carry 38,990 kg. How can I get a dollar figure for my load?
    Community Answer
    Convert the load from kilograms to pounds first. To do that, multiply 38,990 by 2.2, which gives you 85,778 pounds. Now multiply the number of pounds by the dollar amount, which gives you $5,146,680. If you want a more accurate amount, you could get $5,157,441 by swapping the 2.2 with 2.2046 (which is a more accurate value to use for kg-to-lb conversion).
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      • "Pound/Pounds" is often abbreviated to lb (from "libra," the Latin word for "scale" or "balance"). "Ounce/ounces" is often abbreviated to "oz." [11]
      • In a hurry? Try this handy kilogram-to-pound conversion calculator. [12]
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To convert kilograms to pounds, multiply your kilogram measurement by 2.2. If your measurement is 5.9 kilograms, for example, multiply it by 2.2 to get 12.98 pounds. To learn more, including how to convert your pounds measurement back to kilograms, or how to convert your kilograms to a pounds and ounces measurement, scroll down.

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