Littlest Pet Shop toys are adorable and so much fun, especially when you customize your own! You can use paint, glitter glue, stickers, and other decorations you may already have at your house. By using your creativity, you can make your LPS toy totally unique.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Painting Your LPS Toy

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  1. Lay down 2-3 layers of newspaper on a flat surface, like a table, and set out your painting supplies. You want to keep your crafting area protected, since acrylic paints can stain.
  2. Pure acetone is the best way to remove your LPS toy’s current paint and give you a blank canvas to start customizing. Wet a cotton ball or one corner of a washcloth with it and rub it against your LPS toy, pressing down firmly. Continue wetting your washcloth and removing the paint until your LPS toy is down to its plain base coat. You can also paint the LPS in white acrylic paint if you don't have acetone but this will take a bit longer. Always wash the pet before continuing, as the acetone can also ruin the paint. Wear a mask to prevent breathing in any dangerous fumes. [1]
    • Don’t try to take the paint off with nail polish remover. It will smear the paint instead of taking it off.
    • Don't use acetone on McDonald's LPS. They're made of a type of plastic that dissolves in acetone.

    Warning: Acetone is highly flammable. Only use it with adult supervision and never put it near heat, like a microwave or oven.

  3. Acrylic paint won’t smear and is easy to find in most craft stores! Pour out a small, coin-sized amount onto a paper plate or napkin. You’ll only be applying in thin layers, so you don’t want to pour out too much.
    • You can use a matte color for a solid look, or try metallic for a bit of shine.
    • Don’t use sharpie markers or nail polish to paint your LPS toy. Sharpies can smear and stain, while nail polish will flake off after a few weeks. [2]
  4. Dip a small, thin paintbrush into your paint, getting just a little on the bristles. Hold your LPS toy by the top and start painting on the feet and legs, going from front to back. Use smooth brush strokes and paint in thin coats so it doesn’t clump and takes less time to dry. [3]
    • Starting at the feet will help them dry first, so you can set down the toy to paint the head.

    Cool LPS Toy Paint Designs to Try


    Rainbow pattern

    Polka dots

    Cute designs, like flowers or vines

    A life-like style, like a real dog, cat, etc.

  5. Continue painting in a smooth, thin layer until you get to the top. Let the paint dry for as long as the instructions specify, then paint on a second layer to neaten up and make the color bolder.
    • If you’re painting with different colors, feel free to switch while you’re painting your first and second layers! Just try to use a different paintbrush for each color, or wash the brush thoroughly with water before using it for a new color.
    • If your paint still isn’t as neat or bright as you want it, add a third layer.
  6. Once you’ve completed the base layers of your paint, go back and add any last decorations. You might want to outline the eyes, eyelashes, lips, nose, paws, or tail in black or another color. This is also the time to add fun decorations like polka dots, tiger stripes, or anything else you want to try! [4]
    • Don’t worry if you smeared into any unwanted areas. Simply wait for it to dry, then paint over it with the correct color. Acrylic paint is thick enough that the bottom color won’t show through.
  7. Once you’re happy with your LPS toy’s new paint job, let it dry fully for as long as the instructions say. Then, lay it flat on your newspaper base and spray it with a clear sealant product. Let it dry as specified in the instructions, then turn your LPS toy over and spray the back as well. [5]
    • For a flat finish, choose a matte spray. If you want a shinier look, go with a glossy spray. Do not use a nail polish clear coat for a sealant or it will smear the paint rather than sealing it.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Adding Fun Decorations

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  1. Nail art stencils are tiny, making them the perfect tools to add cute details to your LPS toy! Choose a stencil from a nail art kit and stick it onto your toy, then use a small paintbrush to paint over the design in a thin layer. Let it dry, then carefully peel off the stencil. [6]
    • Use acrylic paint, which will last the longest and look the best on your toy.
    • You can find nail art kits in the beauty aisle of most big stores, or online.
  2. If you have a blank spot on your LPS toy and don’t want to do any more painting, stickers are a great option! Choose a tiny one in any design you want, then carefully stick it on. Make sure you know exactly where you want to put it, since you probably won’t be able to peel it back off once it’s on. [7]
    • You can use regular crafting stickers or nail stickers, which are even smaller.
  3. Try sprinkling on just a bit of glitter while your paint is still drying for a playful, random look. You can also place little sparkles on one by one in small areas, like around your LPS toy’s eyes or paws. For even more accuracy, try using a glitter paint or glue. [8]
  4. You can tie a small bow with a pretty ribbon, then use super glue to attach it to your LPS toy’s ears or head. You can also tie on the bow directly, but it might look a little messier and shift around over time.
  5. What else can you do to customize your LPS toy? The sky is the limit! Look around your house and see what kind of small accessories you can give your toy. You can attach them right to your LPS toy with superglue or lean them up against it on your shelf.

    Unique Prop Ideas for Your LPS Toy

    Glue pretty beads onto your LPS toy, like buttons.

    Make a witch or wizard LPS toy with a little twig as a wand.

    Make a school LPS toy by cutting out a small sheet of paper and making a pencil from a couple of toothpicks.

    Give your LPS toy a doll crown to help it become a prince or princess.

  6. Tools like epoxy clay are a great way to get creative with colorful, permanent accessories. You can make cool additions like hats, earrings, or even tails! Choose a clay color and mold away, attaching it to your LPS toy when you’re done and letting it sit for 24 hours to dry. [9]
    • To create a unique mermaid tail for your LPS toy, first ask your parents to help cutting off the back legs with a sharp knife. Mold your epoxy clay in a swooping tail, about 1 in (2.5 cm) long. Let it dry for 24 hours, then mold a little mermaid fin for the end. Let it dry afterwards. If you want wings for your LPS toy do the same thing!!
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I do tiny details?
    Community Answer
    For tiny details with paint, a thin brush will work. For sharpies, I recommend trying to draw tiny on paper before you do it on the toy.
  • Question
    How can I find a LPS toy that is plain or white?
    Akela Young
    Community Answer
    You can go on Amazon or eBay and try to find one. Another good tip is to paint a few layers of your base coat if you don't have a white or plain LPS.
  • Question
    How can I do well on the eyes?
    Community Answer
    Use a thin paintbrush, and focus on it. The eyes are very hard, so be careful.
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      Reader Videos


      • Don't let it ever get near water! The paint will come off anyway you can do it again.
      • When working with fine details, use a toothpick for more precision.
      • Don’t worry if you mess up a little! Your LPS toy is completely unique and special, and you’ll still love it no matter what.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • If you're having trouble with making your eye spots right, you can always go to a local craft store or Amazon and buy a dotting tool. You can also use the tip of the handle of a skinny paintbrush as a dotting tool in a pinch.
      • If you are coloring your LPS with a Sharpie, store it away from other LPS figures. The Sharpie can rub off on the other figures, leaving a stain.
      • After dipping your brush in paint, dip it in water before painting on the toy. This will help smooth out any brush strokes and bubbles.
      • To make parts of your LPS shiny, use Mod Podge. You can paint it on like acrylic paint, and it will dry clear and shiny.
      • Use a fake LPS figure for customizing, as they usually have bad paint jobs and are cheaper than actual LPS toys.
      Submit a Tip
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      Things You’ll Need

      • 2-3 newspapers
      • Acetone (or nail polish remover)
      • Washcloth
      • Acrylic paint
      • Paper plate or paper towels
      • At least 1 small, thin paintbrush
      • Spray sealant (optional)
      • Decorations like nail art stencils, stickers, glitter, ribbon, and props (optional)

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To customize your Littlest Pet Shop toy, first remove its existing paint with a small amount of acetone. Do this under adult supervision, since acetone is flammable and can be dangerous. Then, start painting your LPS toy with an acrylic paint, going in thin layers so they dry faster. Let your paint dry, then go over your toy one last time to fix any mistakes, outline the lips and eyes, or add detailing. Seal the paint job with clear sealant, then you're done! To learn more about customizing your toy, like using stencils and stickers, keep reading!

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      Reader Success Stories

      • Olivia Downs

        Apr 22, 2020

        "I got a dupe of an LPS, so I decided to paint it. I didnt have acetone so I had to use white paint. So far ..." more
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