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Brightening his day makes you smile like crazy, and you want to say “I love you” with lots of creativity. Maybe you want to cheer him up with some sweet words or make him blush with a flirty text. There are tons of romantic things to say and fun messages to send to get his attention. We’ll walk you through some cute ways to tell him you love him! Try one of these to melt his heart.


“I smile every time I think of you.”

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  1. Give him a compliment at a random time of the day. Bring attention to how good he makes you feel and how any passing thought of him warms your heart. When you focus on all the sweet and fun daydreams you have about him, you’ll perk him up and motivate him.
    • “Thinking of you again! You’re my favorite distraction.”
    • “Morning, gorgeous! This coffee is almost as strong as you.”
    • “You’re my happy place. Wish your arms were wrapped around me!”
    • "I love how smart you are and the fact you're able to take initiative."
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  1. Admire him for all the ways he’s supported you, and let him know how he’s added to your life. Bring attention to small favors and big gestures. Maybe he always makes you tea in the morning, or he repaired a broken laptop. Reassure him that you notice how he’s contributed to your life and his heart will soar. [1]
    • “You’re always so supportive. My life wouldn’t be the same without you.”
    • “Thank you for fixing my computer! You’re the hottest and smartest guy in the world, and you’re all mine!”
    • “Thanks for showing my parents around town! You’re the perfect tour guide. I’ll definitely repay you tonight. 😏”

“OMG, cute! Look at this video of us!"

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  1. Go through your phone and look for funny or adorable moments. Maybe he got whipped cream on his nose when you bought him hot chocolate last week or you went to an exciting holiday party together. Search for any photos or clips that make you smile and share them. You’ll give him the perfect pick-me-up. [2]
    • “Isn’t this pic of us so adorable?! 😍”
    • “LOL! I found a clip from our first karaoke night together! 🎤”
    • “Aww! I was going through my photo roll and found this! We really killed that costume contest! 🎃”
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“You’ve got me eyeing you like fine print."

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  1. Use sassy one-liners that say you’re super attracted to him. Your sense of humor and fun-loving attitude will make him want to play along. You two might just find yourselves caught up in a silly back-and-forth to see who can get more creative. [3]
    • “Wanna catch a horror movie tonight? I’ll even let you hold my hand, cutie!”
    • “Ouch. My jaw just dropped. That Instagram pic is so hot it hurts. 😭”
    • “I’m thirsty and you’re the tall glass of water I need. 🌊”

“My friends are jealous of how perfect you are!”

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  1. If your friends or even strangers see he’s attractive or really charming, mention it. Tell him what others appreciate about him so he knows you’re not the only one who values all his special qualities. He’ll be impressed that you’re super secure in your connection. [4]
    • “Everyone I know loves having you around!”
    • “You were a hit at last night’s party, babe! Everyone says you tell the best jokes.”
    • “Everyone was checking you out at the grocery store. I can’t blame them!”
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“I’m proud of you and proud to be yours!”

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  1. List all of his amazing traits that you just can’t get enough of, and let him know that he’s perfect in your eyes. Express how he has a special spot in your heart and that you feel honored you’re part of his life since that will make him feel really special. Your text will make him melt and he’s sure to notice how supportive you are. [5]
    • “No one’s perfect … except you! 😍”
    • “I’m a little bit obsessed with you! I can’t help it.”
    • “You’re too good to be true! You make my life a dream!”

“I can’t wait for you to come over tonight!”

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  1. Remind him that you always look forward to time with him, even if you see him often. You can talk about a special dinner you’ve cooked up or all the affection you have stored up for him. Keep an upbeat and hopeful attitude in your texts and you’ll strengthen your bond with him. [6]
    • “I haven’t hugged you all week! But we’ll fix that in an hour!”
    • “Popping out the wine and sliding on the black dress tonight! Just for you. 🍷”
    • “You’re my Friday night treat. 🍫”
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“This bed is lonely without you!”

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  1. If you can’t wait to get your hands on him, tell him! Use direct language to say exactly what you want to do with him, or tease him with playful hints. You can inspire him to rush to your place right away or keep him simmering all day. Either way, he’ll be hooked and seriously craving you. [7]
    • “When do you get off work? I need you ASAP. 🤤 ”
    • “Had to take a dressing room selfie. Which of these looks naughtier? 😈”
    • “Here’s a vid to show that you’re on my mind…💦”

“I love waking up to you!”

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  1. Letting him know that he’s the man of your dreams even after months or even years gives him lots of reassurance. Thank him for romantic nights you spend together, and praise the small moments you’ve shared with him. You’ll capture the spark of a first date and also leave him smitten with your bond and connection. [8]
    • “Five years and you’re still the finest man I’ve met.”
    • “I love our morning coffee together! It’s the best part of my day.”
    • “I fantasize about you even when I’m doing the dishes. 🧼”
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“It’s my day off! Guess who I’m spending it with?”

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  1. If you have a holiday or a long weekend to look forward to, invite him to spend it with you. Jump into exciting or relaxing activities that you both love. You can go for a long hike or cuddle on the couch while watching his favorite movies. Reassure him that he’ll get your full attention really soon. [9]
    • “I gotta chill and it’s gotta be with you.”
    • “Let’s have a lazy weekend together, handsome.”
    • “You always have dibs on my free time. 😉”

“Go check your doorstep, hun!”

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  1. If your present has just been delivered, let him know so he can check it out and smile. You can also tease him with clues about what you have in store for him. Your token of appreciation will make him feel really valued, and he’ll know you cherish him. [10]
    • “I just had to pick this up for you!”
    • “Thought of you when I went shopping! This was too perfect not to get!”
    • “You’re a gift in my life, so I needed to treat you! 💝 Check your inbox!”
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“We’re going on a vacation!”

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  1. If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, you can still make a bunch of new memories. Surprise him with a trip and shake up any routines in your lives. You can also just text about a vacation you both want to go on and just plan it for fun. Either way, he’ll know you’re invested in him and want to thrill him. [11]
    • “Where should we go over the holidays, babe?”
    • “Hey! Stock up on sweaters! I’ve got these skiing tickets. 😇❄️”
    • “Stock up on sunscreen because we’re going to Hawaii! ☀️”

“I made this just for you!”

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  1. Send him a text that shows off all your smarts and sweetness. You can craft a love letter on your phone or even take a screenshot of a handwritten poem. If you’re into music, you can record a song. Maybe you’re more into business. You can send him a performance chart about how great he is. However you express yourself, he’ll know you celebrate him. [12]
    • “You’ve still got me writing love letters! 📝”
    • “Recorded this song just for you! 🎸”
    • “Just learned how to make a performance chart! Here are all the ways you’re the best bf ever. 📈”
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“I’ve always got your back!”

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  1. Show your unconditional love and remind him that he can rely on you no matter what life sends his way. Celebrate the strengths you share as a couple and how you have bright times ahead of you. He’ll be sure of your love and adore you in return. [13]
    • “I’m your #1 fan! Always and forever. Cheesy but true. 😜”
    • “You can’t deny that we’re a power couple, babe. 💥”
    • “We’ve got such a bright future ahead of us. I’m so excited!”

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        Mar 27, 2024

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