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Learn how demons attack Christians & how to protect yourself
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According to the Bible, the devil often uses demons to try to tempt Christians to turn to sin and away from God. This is called demonic oppression, and it often manifests as unending difficulties that cause an individual to question their relationship with God. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about demonic oppression, what the Bible says about it, signs and causes, and how to overcome it. Plus, learn the difference between demonic oppression and demonic possession.

Demonic Oppression Meaning

Demonic oppression refers to when a demon influences a Christian’s thoughts and actions to get them to sin and turn away from God. Signs of demonic oppression include feeling depressed or extremely anxious, having nightmares or being unable to rest, and experiencing unending financial, marital, and life difficulties.

Section 1 of 7:

What is demonic oppression?

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  1. In this attack, the demon seeks to influence a person’s thoughts, emotions, and actions and turn them away from God. Most Christians do not believe Christians can be possessed by demons, as they’re already possessed by God, oppression is how demons seek control. The goal is to make the person feel trapped and helpless. [1]
    • When dealing with demonic oppression, Christians may turn to sin and fail to serve God to the best of their ability. Overtime, the oppression can increase and give the demon a very strong influence over the Christian’s actions, thoughts, and spirituality.
    • Demonic oppression often manifests as marital problems, unexplained illnesses or injuries, and financial problems. When it seems like everything is going wrong, people become more vulnerable to temptation and could begin to doubt their relationship with Christ.
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Section 2 of 7:

What the Bible Says About Demonic Oppression

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  1. According to the Bible, the devil seeks to devour Christians and uses demonic forces to tempt them to sin and get them to turn away from God. If the Christian allows the demons to succeed, it’s demonic oppression. [2]
    • “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)
    • “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:11)
  2. While it is possible for Christians to be tempted and oppressed by demonic spirits, the Bible also recognizes that God is far more powerful than the devil and his demons. If a Christian turns to God completely and does not continue to sin, they can overcome oppression. [3]
    • “We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the one who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one cannot harm him.” (1 John 5:18)
    • “The One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)
    • “And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, ‘What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.’” (Mark 1:27)
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Signs of Demonic Oppression

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  1. Two of Satan’s biggest weapons are fear and intimidation, and these feelings are often indicators of demonic oppression. If you feel fearful or anxious for no reason and these feelings are stronger than they should be, demons could be attacking your mind and your thoughts. [4]
    • Those who experience fear as a result of demonic oppression may often isolate themselves and avoid interactions with other people because of how strong their anxiety is.
    • These fears often seem irrational to others, but to the person experiencing them, they’re very real.
    • Remember, you don’t have to keep your fears to yourself. Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or church leader. They may be able to offer advice.
  2. Demons may choose to attack in your sleep in an attempt to cause fatigue. When you’re tired, you often become more vulnerable. You may experience strange, recurring nightmares or lie awake at night because of fear and worry. When this happens, the demons could be trying to wear you down so they can influence you more easily. [5]
  3. While depression is a clinical diagnosis that can be treated with medication, in spiritual warfare, it can also be a sign of demonic oppression. If you’re suddenly very sad or depressed seemingly out of nowhere, and you don’t seem to respond to medication, demons could be trying to mentally paralyze you so they can influence you more easily. [6]
    • Before assuming your depression is caused by demons, talk to a doctor about getting a diagnosis. If your symptoms persist for a long period of time even with medication, you might consider demonic oppression as a possible cause.
  4. When dealing with demonic oppression, your relationships with your spouse, friends, family, or even coworkers may be strained. You may be arguing way more than normal or you feel annoyed at any little thing someone does. By causing problems in your relationships, demons may seek to isolate you so you’re more easily influenced. [7]
    • If you notice yourself turning away from your loved ones, tell them what’s going on. They can help you focus on your relationship with God and overcome oppression.
  5. Demons can sometimes cause physical ailments when attacking someone. In the Gospels, those afflicted by demons are sometimes blind and/or mute. If you experience a sudden illness or injury with little explanation, or you’re repeatedly getting sick, it could be a sign of demonic oppression. [8]
    • “Then a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and He healed him, so that the mute man spoke and saw.” (Matthew 12:22)
  6. One way demons can tempt you to turn away from God is to cause your life to continuously go wrong. Perhaps your car broke down, then your dishwasher broke, then your dog had to go to the emergency vet. Multiple things will go wrong all at once to make you feel frustrated. You may even question why God would let all this happen. These are all signs a demon is trying to influence your mind. [9]
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Section 4 of 7:

How to Overcome Demonic Oppression

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  1. In many cases, demonic oppression occurs because an individual has been living in sin without seeking forgiveness or because they were cursed by an outsider. Stop and consider if there’s anything you have done, either consciously or subconsciously, that may have invited demons into your life and close those doors so it does not happen again. [10]
  2. In order to overcome demonic oppression, you must restore your relationship with God, who has the power to break the demon’s influence. In order to restore this fellowship is to pray to God and ask for forgiveness. Remember that God is always on your side and He will help you overcome your battles. [11]
  3. As you study the Bible , notice all the tools God has provided for you to fight back against oppression. Focus on Scriptures that talk about the armor of God, the power of God, and the Holy Spirit within you. These Scriptures will remind you that God is with you and you do not have to be overcome by demonic oppression. [12]
    • For example, “But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” (1 John 4:4)
  4. When you accept Christ into your life and dedicate your life to Him, the Holy Spirit enters your heart . The Spirit of God is greater than any demon, and to fight oppression, you must know this to be true. Study God’s Word and apply it to your life to grow stronger and more confident in who you are in Christ. [13]
  5. While Christ provides the authority and power to overcome oppression, God provided Christians with authority over the devil and his demons through their position in Christ. Know that you are stronger than the demons attempting to influence you, and through Christ, you can overcome them. [14]
    • “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:4-6)
    • “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)
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Section 5 of 7:

Causes of Demonic Oppression

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  1. When someone consciously or subconsciously decides to live against God, they open themselves up to demonic influence. This can be anything from involvement in false religion, drug use, giving in to lust, or any other sins the individual has not repented for. [15]
    • One of the best ways to prevent demonic oppression is to confess your sins and pray for forgiveness. Turn to God wholeheartedly and do your best to avoid temptation and live according to His Word.
  2. Sometimes, people turn to occult practices to seek freedom from painful experiences, but many Christians believe this is sinful and can open an individual to demonic oppression. This includes activities like using a Ouija board, reading tarot cards, and practicing astrology. [16]
    • While not all Christians believe these things to be evil or sinful, the Bible states that divination comes from demons and should be avoided.
    • To avoid demonic oppression, remove yourself from any situation involving divination or the occult. If you’re not sure if a certain activity is sinful or considered divination, speak to a church leader to get advice.
  3. If someone wants to harm an individual spiritually, they may curse that individual or their family. While the curse may not live inside someone, it can draw demons toward them and weaken their relationship with God. [17]
    • If you think you’ve been cursed with demonic oppression, have faith in God and His authority over demons. Pray regularly and continue living according to His Word. Trust that the Holy Spirit is in your heart and will prevent demonic influence.
    • It may help to pray for the person who cursed you, as well, so they can see the light and begin a relationship with God.
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Section 6 of 7:

Demonic Oppression vs. Possession

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  1. The demon controls the person’s thoughts, actions, and words, as the person is unable to stop it. This is different from oppression, in which the demon can influence thoughts and actions but cannot control them completely. [18]
    • When someone truly believes in and gives their life to Christ, the Holy Spirit enters their heart and “possesses” them. Most Christians do not believe it is possible to be possessed by a demon when the Holy Spirit resides in you, as God is more powerful than the demons. [19]
    • This does not mean that demonic possession is always impossible, however. Demons may target those who have not accepted the Spirit of God into their hearts.
    • According to the Bible, those who are possessed may experience both mental and physical symptoms, such as an inability to speak, blindness, and seizures. However, it’s important to remember that these symptoms could be caused by medical issues, as well, and anyone experiencing them should consult a doctor. [20]
  2. While both oppression and possession are demonic attacks, demons do not take complete control over someone during demonic oppression. The person’s thoughts and actions are still their own, though they’re often manipulated by the demon. [21]
    • While many Christians do not believe true Christians can be possessed, they can be oppressed, as demons can create issues that cause the person to doubt their faith.
    • With both demonic oppression and demonic possession, the demon’s goal is to get the person to turn away from God.
    • People experiencing oppression often do not have the same physical symptoms as someone who is possessed. Instead, their symptoms may be more emotional (like experiencing fear and anxiety) or they may experience a lot of bad luck all at once.
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Section 7 of 7:

Example Prayer Against Demonic Oppression

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  1. Heavenly Father,

    I am afraid I am facing oppression from the enemy, but though my life may be afflicted, I know through Your Word that where there is the Spirit of the Lord, there is liberty. While You were on Earth, You healed the sick and freed the demon oppressed.

    You are Lord of the Earth and the Heavens, and through You and Your death, we have authority, as well. I hereby exercise my authority and bind the forces of darkness that trouble me. Let the peace of God fill my life and heart. I belong to You, and there is no room for the devil in my life.

    Thank you for deliverance in Jesus’s name. Amen. [22]

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      • Even if you suspect demonic oppression is causing mental health issues, see your doctor to get an official diagnosis and see if medication will help.
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