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4 easy ways to protect your personal information
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Destroying paperwork that contains sensitive content, like bank statements, credit card statements, pay stubs, or receipts can make sure your personal information doesn't fall into the wrong hands. It can even protect you from identity theft. In this article, we’ll teach you all the best ways to destroy confidential documents, including shredding, burning, and pulping. Plus, we'll explain how to destroy digital documents, as well.

Best Ways to Dispose of Private Materials

  • Shred documents in a crosscut shredder, place the scraps into bags, and put them in the trash.
  • If it is legal to do so, burn the documents in a fire pit and spread the ashes.
  • Soak papers in water and bleach to create a pulp. Let the pulp dry, then dispose of it.
  • Overwrite, degauss (demagnetize), or physically destroy hard drives to dispose of digital documents.
Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Shredding Sensitive Documents

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  1. Crosscut shredders produce thinner strips of paper than basic strip-cut shredders, which prevents would-be thieves from reconstructing complete pages from the strips. For best results, use a shredder that creates strips less than or equal to 1/32 of an inch (.07 cm) with a ½ inch (1.27 cm) crosscut and begin sending all of your documents through the device’s mouth. If you have more documents than the machine can hold at one time, empty the shreds of paper before continuing. [1]
    • Paper shredders can be purchased at office supply stores and are classified into 6 security levels based on the thinness of the cut. 1 is the widest cut; 6 is the thinnest and approved for Top Secret government documents. Anything less than a 4 (1/16 x ⅝ in, or 0.15 x 1.58 cm) is not recommended for sensitive documents.
    • Most offices have paper shredders or record destruction services. If you work at an office, check with your manager to see if you can bring in your own documents for destruction.
    • Do not put your hand or fingers in direct contact with the shredder’s mouth. Hold the documents by the end so that there is distance between you and the mouth. Once the shredder has the paper within its grip, release the documents.
    • Traditional shredders that cut paper into strips won’t keep someone from putting it back together. Hand ripping isn’t a good idea either, especially on small documents—it takes 2 centimeters to find out a person’s Social Security number.
  2. After reducing the documents to small, unrecognizable pieces, take one further security measure by separating the strips. Take a portion of each document and place them in separate bags. This way, any would-be thieves cannot find matching information within the same bag; they will have to sort through everything. [2]
    • Make sure the bags are properly tied or closed to ensure the paper doesn’t fly away.
  3. If garbage is picked up from your house or business on a Tuesday, don’t put the shreds out on a Wednesday and wait a week for it to be collected. Leave as little time as possible between putting the garbage out and when it is collected. Ideally, keep the sensitive information inside until the day of collection and bring it down just before the city employees arrive. [3]
  4. If you have a large number of documents to shred that would take too long to destroy yourself, consider sending them to a shredding service. Trustworthy businesses like FedEx and UPS often offer document destruction services. If you choose to destroy your documents through a different company, do your research beforehand to make sure they’re legitimate. [4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Burning Sensitive Documents

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  1. In most cases, it is illegal to openly burn trash in residential areas and cities, and in some cases, you need a permit to do so. Check your city-specific regulations by searching your state’s name and “open burn regulations.” If burning paper isn’t allowed in your area, use a different method to dispose of your documents to avoid legal trouble. [5]
    • Even if it is legal in your area, burning documents releases harmful chemicals into the air, which contributes to air pollution and adds carbon emissions to the environment. Fires can also easily get out of control and injure people and damage property. Take this into consideration before burning your documents.
  2. Standard fire pits are ideal for burning documents because they stand off the ground and have top covers. This allows for better airflow, which helps your documents burn more completely and prevents fragments from escaping the fire. Start the fire with kindling (small pieces of wood) and paper (like the documents you’re burning). Once the kindling is lit, add progressively larger pieces of wood until you have a stable burn. [6]
    • For your safety, make sure there is no flammable shrubbery, paper, or material of any kind around the fire’s perimeter. Pour sand around the perimeter to prevent the fire from spreading, and place stones around the pit.
    • If you have trouble getting the fire started, use lighter fluid. Be careful not to drop the bottle in the fire or spray too much at once, as this could create a large explosion or burst of flame that could injure you. Stand away from the flame while spraying to avoid singeing your face, chest, and arms.
    • If you don’t have an outdoor fire pit, another excellent option is professional burn cages. These are metal cages that function as outdoor incinerators.
    • It isn’t recommended to use steel drum barrels for your fire, as they produce harmful toxins. It is also illegal to use them in some states, like Illinois. [7]
    • It may also be safer to burn individual pieces inside of a cast-iron bathtub. Make sure that there is nothing in the bottom, like plastic foot grips. This way, if the fire manages to get out of control, the tub has a ready supply of water.
  3. If you dump all the documents in at once, small pieces of information could fall to the side and not burn properly. Hold individual pieces with tongs and watch them to ensure they burn completely. Once the fire burns for a while and develops a stable heart (center of hot embers), add more documents at once and allow them to burn, protected by the wood.
    • Proper ventilation is extremely important while burning to avoid smoke inhalation and ensure a full and proper burn. Limit the amount of paper you insert at once and keep the fire pit’s grate open to allow for ventilation.
    • Watch carefully to make sure no document fragments are blown from the fire. Even small amounts of information could be the exact piece others are looking for.
    • Burn the confidential documents along with other pieces of scrap paper. This way, if anything doesn’t burn completely, the scrap paper will confuse anyone who tries to read your information.
  4. Once the fire is out, sift through the ashes and look for any unburned paper. If you find any pieces with legible text, burn them until they’re properly destroyed. Once all the ashes have cooled to a safe temperature, shovel them into a bag that will not rip. Scatter the ashes evenly throughout your yard, if you have one. [8]
    • It is also possible to use a small amount of ash in composting units, if you didn’t use lighter fluid to make the fire. [9] Ashes spread around garden plants discourage slugs and snails, and it’s also beneficial to pour them around the bases of hardwood trees.
    • The easiest way to spot unburned paper is to look for a white sheen. However, some pieces can be gray and still have legible text.
    • If you need to reburn pieces, gather all the confidential debris and store it in a safe, closed compartment until you have the fire burning again. Use protective fire gloves or long metal tongs to place the fragments in the fire’s center.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Pulping Sensitive Documents

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  1. Pulping involves breaking down individual sheets of paper with water and bleach. [10] Choose a container tall and wide enough to easily contain all of the documents and liquids you are pulping . The material needs to be strong enough that it won’t deteriorate or lose its form when in contact with bleach and water. Since you’ll be using roughly 22 L (5.8 gal) of water to dissolve the documents, choose a trash can that is greater than or equal to 30 L (7.9 gal) to give you enough room to properly churn the documents. Plastic trash cans work well and can withstand the effects of diluted bleach.
    • Large plastic trash cans are available at home improvement and construction stores, as well as general commodity stores like Walmart and Target and online retailers.
    • Remove the documents from any envelopes or packaging before placing them in the trash can.
  2. Choose a bleach with 8.25% concentration. Bleach is commonly used to recycle paper, as it breaks the paper down and destroys the colorants of the ink to guarantee a more complete destruction of private information. Though bleach is stronger and more chemically harmful, water also helps break down the paper so you’ll be able to create a pulp. [11]
    • Bleach is a hazardous chemical that can cause serious illness if not used safely. Avoid contact with your skin and eyes, and do not ingest bleach. Do not mix bleach with any chemicals—such as ammonia or toilet bowl cleaners—as this can produce toxic, potentially deadly fumes. Only mix bleach with water.
    • Wear long sleeves, pants, closed-toed shoes, and an eye cover when working with bleach.
    • If you accidentally swallow any of the solution, immediately drink a small glass of water or milk and call poison control at 1-800-222-1222. [12]
  3. All of the documents need to be submerged so that they are completely saturated and can be broken down, so use a broomstick or paint turbine mixer to push them down. If you must use your hands, wear long rubber gloves to protect your skin; do not use your bare hands. Let them soak for 24 hours to make them easier to pulp. [13]
    • If the documents need to be destroyed more quickly, use a different method.
    • If you have too many documents to soak in the liquid, work in smaller batches or use a larger container. If you choose a larger container, make sure to increase the proportions of water and bleach to match.
    • For example, a 30 L (7.9 gal) plastic bin would hold 22 L (5.8 gal) of liquid. If you increase the size to a 90 L (23.7 gal) bin, use 6 L (1.58 gal) of bleach and 57 L (15 gal) of water.
  4. After waiting 24 hours, the documents should be soft and discolored. Use an electric mixer to blend the paper until it becomes a soft, uniform mash. While wearing rubber or nitrile gloves, sift through the pulp to look for any large clumps. If there are pieces where you can still identify the information, break them apart by hand and continue mixing. [14]
    • Broomsticks, canes, staves, and other long-handled tools also work well to blend the pulp. Anything that can reach deep into the container to churn and break apart the paper will succeed.
  5. Putting the wet pulp directly into bags may lead to leakage and could be rejected by the garbage collectors. Instead, lay out a large plastic tarp and pour the pulp evenly over the surface. Once it’s dried completely, place the pulp in garbage bags and leave it out with the regular trash. Anyone who tries to dig through your garbage—such as identity thieves—will be hard-pressed to learn anything from your pulped documents. [15]
    • Pulp can also be composted or used as mulch for your yard. If you go this route, however, it is advised not to use bleach during the pulping process.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Destroying Digital Documents

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  1. Locate all the files on your hard drive containing sensitive data, then right-click to send them to the trash. Once they’ve all been deleted , empty the trash. If there is no risk that someone will use more advanced techniques to retrieve your data, this is a simple, acceptable method. However, it is fairly easy to recover “deleted” files, as there are a number of file recovery programs on the market. [16]
    • Do not use this method if there is a risk others will make an effort to recover the sensitive information or if the information could be used to cause you harm or distress.
    • Use a similar method to permanently delete emails. Select all the emails containing sensitive information and then click “delete” or “trash” depending on the program. Many online mail services—such as Gmail—will hold onto “deleted” files for 30 days before rendering them unrecoverable to users. [17] Once you’ve deleted the emails, go directly to the “Deleted Messages” and “Trash” sections to see if there are any recoverable versions of your email. If so, delete these too.
  2. All the information on your hard drive is represented in binary numbers: 1’s and 0’s. Overwriting programs, which are available online, go through and replace all the information on your hard drive with random strings of 1’s and 0’s. If you choose this method, note that it is semi-permanent and it may be impossible to recover the data in question. [18]
    • Most overwriting programs do multiple “passes” of your data. Three passes are considered standard by the U.S. government.
    • Back up any information you wish to preserve on an external hard drive.
    • There are also programs like Eraser that allow you to manually overwrite specific files.
  3. Degaussing refers to exposing magnet-based technology (e.g. hard drives) to a powerful magnetic field that destroys the data. Ideally, it will entirely remove the device’s magnetic charge and make it impossible to use. Purchasing your own degausser can cost up to $4000, but it is possible to rent one or pay for the professional services of IT companies like Securis. [19]
    • Although overwriting can potentially be reversed, the degaussing process causes permanent damage, and none of the data can be recovered. Be sure to back up anything you want to preserve onto an external hard drive or cloud storage.
    • Do not operate a degausser if you have a pacemaker, as it can cause damage to this important medical equipment.
  4. The most complete method available is physical destruction. Hammering, high heat, and drilling are all acceptable methods. Whatever method you choose, first remove the hard drive from any outer framework. If hammering, apply extreme force directly on top of the hard drive. If drilling, ensure that you punch several holes directly through the drive. If using heat (e.g. blow torch), completely melt through the hard drive. [20]
    • When using a blowtorch , wear heat resistant gloves , as well as a protective face shield. It is safest to work over dirt or sand to prevent fires or explosions.
    • While working with a hammer or drill, wear protective gloves and a face shield to protect yourself from flying debris.
    • It is also possible to shoot holes through the hard drive with a gun. Do not operate a firearm unless you are licensed to do so.
    • If you need to destroy private information on your phone, remove the memory and SIM cards and physically destroy them. Then, go to your device’s settings and select erase all/wipe memory/master reset to erase the phone’s information. [21]
  5. It’s possible you want to prevent others from knowing what websites you’ve been visiting. Many browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer have this option. Go through the “menu” option to locate your history and delete any incriminating history. [22]
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      • Destroy documents that include information like your Social Security number, tax information, credit card and banking information, Driver’s license or ID, insurance information, and medical information. [23]
      • The time frame in which you should dispose of private materials varies depending on the document. Dispose of tax documents after 3 to 7 years, and destroy outdated records as soon as updated versions are created. [24]
      • Sensitive documents include tax return forms, adoption paperwork, health documents, citizenship paperwork, immunization records, receipts for major purchases, and vehicle registration.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      The easiest way to destroy sensitive documents is to shred them in a paper shredder, preferably in a crosscut shredder which produces thinner strips of paper compared to a strip-cut shredder. Alternatively, burn your documents in an outdoor fire pit or a burn barrel, then check the ashes to make sure no legible bits of paper remain. You can also place the papers in a trashcan and soak them in a solution of water and bleach to turn them into a mushy pulp. Then, lay the pulp out in the sun and let it dry completely before throwing it away. To learn how to destroy digital documents, keep reading!

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