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This wikiHow article teaches you how to turn off your iPhone’s ability to use Switch Control as a way to navigate your iPhone using switches such as head movement or a wireless button if you had the setting previously enabled.

  1. This is the gray gear icon on your Home screen. If you don't see it, it may be found in a folder labeled “Utilities.”
    • If you aren’t in the main menu of Settings, you will need to get there by tapping the back arrow in the upper-left corner of your screen.
  2. This option displays all of your Accessibility settings.
  3. It’s in the third set of options. The on/off switch appears here.
  4. Tap the "Switch Control" toggle switch to turn it off (gray). This will disable your phone’s ability to use Switches as an alternative navigation function.
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  • Question
    Is there a way to stop the switch control from coming on, or what am I doing that makes it come back on?
    Community Answer
    Try triple clicking the home button and turning it off. If that doesn't work, go to Settings>General>Accessibility>Switch Control and turn it off.
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      • If the Accessibility Shortcut is being used for Switch Control, then you can triple-click the Home button (the external button at the bottom of your iPhone) to enable and disable Switch Control. You can change this by going to Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open Settings .
      2. Tap General .
      3. Tap Accessibility .
      4. Tap Switch Control .
      5. Disable Switch Control .

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