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Plus, what the phrase means when playing Monopoly
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Have you heard someone use the phrase “do not pass go” in person or on social media and wondered what it meant? Of so, this is the article for you. “Do not pass go” is a phrase from the classic board game Monopoly that has evolved into a slang term that means to do something immediately. It can also mean a huge failure. This article covers the meanings, usage, and origin of this humorous slang phrase.

“Do Not Pass Go” Meaning Explained

Originally from the board game Monopoly , the slang phrase “Do not pass go” means to do something immediately without delay or distractions. Some people use the phrase to indicate someone is failing at something or unlucky.

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“Do Not Pass Go” Slang Meaning & Usage

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  1. The phrase references the rules and gameplay of the board game “Monopoly.” People use it to order a person to do something right away without any detours or delays. There’s also the implication that the person is being punished. They got caught, and there’s no way to wiggle out of their punishment.
    • Example: “That’s it. Go to your room. Do not pass go. You’re big in trouble.”
    • Example: “If the teacher finds out you copied that paper, you’re going to get detention. Do not pass go.”
  2. Some people use “do not pass go” to humorously call out a failure so bad there’s no way to appeal or bluff your way out of the consequences. Not only did you lose, but you lost so badly that it’s embarrassing. It refers to Monopoly gameplay in that going to jail immediately ends your turn without any benefit.
    • Example: “Jacob tried to bake a cake that was so bad even the dog wouldn’t eat it. Now, he’s not allowed in the kitchen. Do not pass go, man.”
    • Example: “Did you hear Quinn got kicked out of the library for talking too loudly? The librarian didn’t even give her a warning. Just kicked her out. Do not pass go.”
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Other Versions of “Do Not Pass Go”

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  1. The original quote from the “Go to Jail” Community Chest card in Monopoly is “Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.” The “Go to Jail” Chance card is the same, except it starts with “Go directly to jail.” [1] People often shorten the phrase to “Do not pass “Go,” do not collect $200.” Sometimes, people substitute other things for “jail” or “$200” to connect the phrase to a specific situation, so it's funnier.
    • Example: “Dude, you’re so busted. Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.”
    • Example: “Go to bed. Go directly to bed. Do not check your phone. Do not get a snack.”
    • Example: “Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not eat any freshly baked cookies.”
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“Do Not Pass Go” Origin

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  1. The phrase appeared on one Community Chest card and one Chance card. [2] Both cards mean the player who drew it must put their game piece on the “Jail” space without passing “Go.”
    • The Community Chest card features an image of a policeman brandishing a billy club and holding Mr. Monopoly (or Rich Uncle Pennybags), the game’s mascot, by the collar.
    • The Chance card features a policeman carrying a billy club and dragging Mr. Monopoly away by his feet.
  2. When you go to the “Jail” space, you’re not allowed to draw the $200 salary you would typically receive every time you make a complete trip around the board and pass the “Go” space. Once you get to the “Jail” space, your turn is over. You’re not permitted to make any plays, including using a “Get Out of Jail Free” card. [3]
    • You also can’t collect the $200 even if you passed “Go” before drawing the “Go to Jail” card.
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“Do Not Pass Go” in Pop Culture

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  1. Because of the long-term popularity of Monopoly , many people are familiar with the phrase. As a result, it’s been used in a wide variety of books, TV shows, and movies. [4] For example:
    • Do Not Pass Go is also the titled of a middle-grade book by Kirkpatrick Hill that was published in 2007. The title references the Monopoly card because the main character’s father is in jail. [5]
    • On an episode of the TV show Supernatural , a character says, “Go to Hell. Go directly to Hell. Do not pass go; do not collect 200 dollars.”
    • In Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls , Ace knocks a man out to capture him and then says, “Do not pass go! Do not collect $200!”
    • In Free Willy 3: The Rescue , a character says, “The penalty for "borrowing" a boat that doesn't belong to you. It's called piracy. Do not pass Go. Do not collect 200 dollars.” [6]
  2. The phrase is also commonly used on TikTok to humorously refer to someone behaving badly and getting caught. For example:
    • In November 2024, user @elleherself posted a video of a frustrating call with automated customer service with the caption, “Customer service phone robots should go straight to jail pls. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. . .”
    • In November 2024, user @claimslife1 posted a video with the caption, “Straight to jail sir - do not pass go and do not collect $200”
    • In December of 2023, user @d3si_luv posted a video about a humorous dating tip with the caption, “Im sorry sir but let me gone and head out. Do not pass go do not collect $100”
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