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Plus, find out what separates white magic from black magic
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Are you interested in dipping your toe (or wand) into the lighter side of the mystical realm? White magic, a term that refers to a type of magic used solely for good, is the perfect way to tap into any supernatural powers. After all, why add more doom and gloom to the world when you can become a white witch that uses their powers for healing, prosperity, love, and kindness? If this idea charms you, we’ve got the magical guide to help you get started on your mystical journey toward witchcraft. Read below for precise steps on everything you need to know to do white magic: from setting up an altar, to sample spells, to the history of white magic throughout the ages.

How to Do a White Magic Spell

  1. Arrange deity statues (like the Mother Goddess) or symbols on your altar.
  2. Place a representation of each of the four elements on each side of the altar.
  3. Choose a spell and focus on what you want the outcome to be.
  4. Add more objects to your altar that relate to the goal of your spell.
  5. Make a circle around your altar with chalk or twigs and stand inside it.
  6. Focus on each individual object, meditating and praying on each one.
  7. Perform the incantation or ritual associated with your chosen spell.
Section 1 of 4:

How to Perform White Magic Spells & Rituals

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  1. Common altar choices include coffee tables, nightstands, shelves, or large storage chests. However, your altar can be any raised and flat surface that’s wide enough to hold your Book of Shadows (the book you use to hold your spells) and chosen ritual items. Some practitioners prefer to use a round altar, as it’s easier to move around when inside a ritual circle. Others prefer square or rectangular altars for practical reasons, like ease of storage. [1]
    • For white magic especially, you may want to choose an altar made of wood to be more in tune with nature. [2] You may even choose to use a particular type of wood associated with particular types of spells—for instance, the maple tree and its wood is seen as a symbol of protection around the world. [3]
    • Some Wiccans consider any collection of personally meaningful items to be a "natural altar" suitable for use in rituals. For instance, your nightstand, work desk, or mantelpiece may be a “natural altar.” [4]
  2. Pick a spot for your altar that’s generally quiet and is in an area where you can concentrate. Some traditions hold that the altar must be placed toward either the North or East, depending on your specific beliefs and school of thought. The East represents the direction of the rising sun, bringing a lively energy into your practice, while northward-facing articles are associated with the Earth, bringing a grounding energy to your ritual. [5]
    • When doing white magic, you may choose to place your altar in a spot with a lot of natural light.
    • Alternatively, you could place your altar in a spot that is symbolically positive or associated with creation, such as your kitchen or studio.
  3. Choose symbolic items to represent the gods you feel most connected to—they can represent the Horned God, the Mother Goddess, and/or a personal choice of deities pulled from a particular pantheon. [6] Place the symbols side-by-side and in a central spot on your altar.
    • Some white magic practitioners choose different colored candles to represent their deities. Others purchase statues in their deities’ likenesses, while others pick certain items meaningful to their deities.
    • For instance, the Wiccan Mother Goddess may be represented by an apple, a double spiral, a snake, or the moon. [7] The Goddess is also often symbolized by the color black, so a black candle may work well to represent her. [8]
  4. Choose four items that represent the four elements: Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Then, arrange the items around the altar according to the cardinal direction (N, E, S, W) that corresponds to each element (as indicated below). When performing white magic, it may enhance your ritual to use white or light-colored versions of these items (e.g., white wine instead of red wine or gray feathers instead of black ones). [9]
    • Earth: Placed on the North side of your altar. Represented by a pentacle, stones, salt, food, or plants. Place a yellow or green candle on its periphery.
    • Fire: Placed on the South side of your altar. Represented by oil, ritual knives, or a candle snuffer. Place a red candle on its periphery.
    • Air: Placed on the East side of your altar. Represented by incense, feathers, a bell, or your wand. Place a yellow or blue candle on its periphery.
    • Water: Placed on the West side of your altar. Represented by a bowl of water, seashells, a chalice or glass of wine, or a cauldron. Place a blue or green candle on its periphery.
  5. Decide what type of spell you want to cast and have a clear goal in mind when performing it—what do you want the precise outcome of your spell to be? When setting your intention, keep in mind that white magic is generally positive and for the good of others. White magic seeks to promote feelings of healing, growth, happiness, and peace. [10]
    • Many believe that a major aspect of white magic is that it can’t (and shouldn’t) subvert the will of another person. You should not, for instance, cast a love spell on a particular person to force them to love you.
    • Instead, a white magic love spell would aim to attract an unknown person with certain desired qualities to either you or the person who asked you to perform the spell.
    • Most pagans, neopagans, and Wiccans also believe in the Rule of Three or Three-Fold Law. This tenet states that you’ll experience three times the good (or harm) that you do through magic in return. Kind of like magical karma! [11]
  6. Choose specific items that correlate with the spell you’ve decided to cast. More important than the specifics of the item is their meaning to you, the caster. Draw from your culture or your coven’s traditions and symbols. Specific herbs and figurines are popular choices. You may add as many items as you want as long as they don’t overcrowd your altar. [12]
    • Continuing with the example of a white magic love spell, you might place representations of the qualities you want in a lover. If you want someone passionate, add a dash of black pepper or spice. If you want an intelligent match, place a statue of an owl on the altar, since owls are a historic symbol of wisdom. [13] A happy or stable partner could be represented by a jar of saffron.
    • Most practitioners of white magic agree that the spell caster's will and belief, rather than the specifics of the ritual, are the most important aspects of a spell. Being confident and free of doubt in your magic is the best way to reach your spellcasting goal.
  7. Create a circle around your altar with chalk, string, stones, twigs, salt, or any other object you can fashion into a round shape. Stand in the center of the circle and face toward your altar. If you are casting with other people, join hands and face into the center of the circle together. [14]
  8. Use the objects on the altar to clear your mind and focus on your goal. Point at each symbolic object with a wand or ceremonial knife and think about how each item relates to the spell you are casting. Pray to your chosen deities for guidance and assistance. [15]
    • Some white magic practitioners argue that specific tools, words, and ingredients are unnecessary and are simply methods of channeling one's focus. If you believe that you can properly focus your energies without added tools, feel free to skip the wand or ceremonial knife.
  9. Learn new spells and rituals through research from authentic sources or directly from another practitioner. You may even craft your own spell to write in your Book of Shadows. Whatever spell you choose, try to memorize everything it entails before beginning your casting —but, if necessary, you can read the incantation directly from your book. [16]
    • If you’re just starting out with white magic, begin with very basic spells and work your way up to more advanced ones. It will take time to build your confidence and knowledge in spellcasting and rituals.
    • For white magic, do not perform any actions that are either violent or symbolize violence. Similarly, do not speak negatively or use hateful words.
    • Specific rituals and incantations are not always necessary for a spell, but many practitioners use them.
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Section 2 of 4:

Beginner White Magic Spells to Try

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  1. 1
    Healing Spell To improve the health of yourself or someone else, set up your altar with green altar decorations on a Sunday evening during Pisces season (February 18 to March 19). Place the following items onto your altar: a quartz crystal , a sprig of lavender, a white altar candle , a green taper candle , and a bolline or burin tool. Then, add three drops of sandalwood essential oil to a small bottle filled with almond oil . Infuse the bottle with power by rolling it between the palms of your hands. [17]
    • Light the white candle and meditate on it. Envision how much this spell may improve the life of you or the person whom you’re casting it for once they are healed.
    • Carve the number “3” into the green candle and anoint it with the oil you’ve prepared.
    • Move the oil towards you if you’re casting the spell for yourself, and move it away from you if you’re casting it for someone else. Visualize that you’re imbuing the candle with glowing health.
    • Next, light the candle and recite the following incantation: Sure and quickly healing flow, / Please make _____’s illness go. / Powers that be I request, / You let it be, and for the best. / And let it be done, that it harm no one. End your ritual after this incantation.
    • Keep in mind that there’s no proof or scientific evidence to show that this spell can improve a person’s health—visit a medical doctor for any serious illness or ailment.
  2. 2
    Countering Spell Protect yourself from someone else’s negative magic or energy by placing the following onto your altar: two small spoonfuls of almond oil in a bottle, a vial of rosemary essential oil , a sheet of white paper, a black ink pen, a white altar candle , a purple taper candle , and a fireproof bowl . Add three drops of rosemary essential oil to the almond oil and roll the bottle between your palms to mix. While rolling the bottle, focus on the purpose and desired outcome of your spell. [18]
    • Then, light the white candle. Look into its flame and visualize whoever you believe is acting negatively toward you becoming smaller and smaller.
    • Anoint the purple candle with the prepared oil. Draw the oil away from you as if you are banishing something that’s been brought toward you.
    • On the white piece of paper, write “All blocks are gone” and fold the sheet three times. Then, light the purple candle and carefully hold the paper to the flame until it lights.
    • Immediately place the lit piece of paper into a fireproof bowl and look into the flames. Repeat the following three times, adding “And let it be done, that it harms no one” after the last recitation: As this paper burns away, / Elements please hear me pray. / Turn back the ill will sent to me, / And send it on its way. Let the flames dim naturally before ending the ritual.
    • Keep in mind that there’s no proof or scientific evidence to show that this protective spell will ward off negative energies. This spell also requires rigorous fire safety and should only be performed by adult witches.
  3. 3
    Prosperity Spell Begin your money spell by setting up your altar as normal. Place the following items onto your altar: a spoonful of carrier oil in a small bottle, a vial of rose essential oil , a wealth-bringing crystal ( ruby or tiger’s eye ), a piece of jewelry, a gold or silver item, a white altar candle , a gold taper candle , a bolline or burin knife , and any ornament that’s precious to you. [19]
    • Add three drops of the rose essential oil into the bottle of carrier oil, then roll the bottle between your palms until the oils are fully mixed. Throughout this process, visualize the oil being empowered with good fortune.
    • Use your knife to inscribe the number “9” onto the gold candle and place it in its holder. Warm a bit of the prepared oil between your hands while visualizing that you’re charging your hands with the oil’s energy.
    • Then, take the gold candle and anoint it with the oil, drawing the oil from the center and towards yourself. Visualize that you’re empowering the candle with the ability to bring prosperity to you.
    • Roll the candle between your palms for 1-2 minutes, then return it to its holder and light it. Focus on the flame and recite: As the flowers do bloom in spring, / Gods and elements to me wealth bring. / By your powers, banish strife, / And bring enrichment to my life. / And let it be done, that it harm no one.
    • Let the flame burn down and bring your ritual to an end.
    • Keep in mind that there’s no proof or scientific evidence to show that this money spell brings about wealth or prosperity.
  4. 4
    True Love Spell To draw true love to you, set up your altar as normal on a Tuesday or Friday, then place the following items onto it: a piece of crystal ( rose quartz , jade , aventurine , or moonstone ), a dash of herbs (chamomile, sorrel, or bay), a bound bunch of flowers (gardenias, tansies, or roses), and any small item that holds romantic significance for you. Then, pour a few spoonfuls of sunflower oil or another carrier oil into a small vessel and place it on the altar. [20]
    • Add one drop of your chosen essential oil to the carrier oil: choose from rose absolute , bulgar , maroc , patchouli , jasmine , ylang-ylang , or geranium oils.
    • Kneel in front of the altar and light a white altar candle . Place it on the surface in front of you and meditate quietly with it. Once finished, take a pink taper candle and carve the symbol of Venus (♀️) into the top of it with a bolline or burin knife.
    • Place the pink candle back into a holder on the altar, then rub some of your prepared oil onto your hands. Use your hands to “dress” the candle , rubbing the oil onto it while drawing the energy of the oil toward you and visualizing the candle’s power to bring about your desires.
    • Once you’ve anointed the candle, continue visualizing while rubbing your hands together with the candle between your palms. After 1-2 minutes, dress a second pink taper candle in the same way, but carve the symbol of Mars (♂️) at the top.
    • Place both pink candles in their holders and recite this incantation: By the power of love so true, / Fill my heart and make it sing, / Rejoice and help me love anew. And let it be done, that it harm no one.
    • Watch for the pink candles to burn down. When the flames naturally die, you may end the ritual.
    • Keep in mind that there’s no proof or scientific evidence to show that this spell brings about true love.
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Section 3 of 4:

What is white magic?

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  1. 1
    White magic is magic used for good or selfless purposes. People who practice white magic are often referred to as healers, white witches, white wizards, or wise men and women. Throughout history, these individuals have practiced white magic through spells, charms, blessings, incantations, and rituals. [21]
    • White magic has a long history, potentially tracing back to the same paleolithic religions that Ancient Egyptian, Jewish, and early Christian traditions were founded on. [22]
    • White witches and wizards may also see their origins in “Cunning folk,” a term used to refer to the folk healers or so-called “wise folk” who practiced folk medicine and divination throughout the Middle Ages in Europe. [23]
    • White magic has also influenced and been tied to historic and modern religions like Paganism, Neo-Paganism, and Wicca.
    • However, white magic doesn’t belong to any specific religion or faith system. That being said, modern white magic is often connected to stereotypically feminine beliefs and deities, like the Mother Goddess, Triple Goddess, fae, nature spirits, and goddess worship.
  2. 2
    White magic is sometimes referred to as the opposite of black magic. Most practitioners of magic divide it into two main categories: white magic (sometimes called the “right-hand-path”) and black magic (sometimes called the “left-hand path”). However, these categories are generalizations and encompass many different practices and schools of magic, therefore the exact definition of each is often debated. [24]
    • The most commonly accepted differentiation between white and black magic is that white magic is associated with positivity and healing, while black magic brings about negativity and harm. [25]
    • Other believers hold that white magic is done for the good of others while black magic is done for the caster’s personal benefit. Another camp argues that black magic is any kind of magic where predominant social mores and taboos are broken.
    • Regardless, the actual practice of white magic varies significantly between belief systems, schools of thought, and even individual practitioners.
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Section 4 of 4:

How to Learn More About White Magic

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  1. Reach out to other white magic believers and practitioners. The best way to get involved with white magic is to learn from the most authoritative source—white witches and wizards that have spent years developing their knowledge on the topic! Browse white magic websites and online forums to find like-minded folks that you can get advice from. Many Wiccans and other Neopagans also post their personal spells online that you could read about and possibly incorporate into your own rituals.
    • If you’re interested in Wicca, consider joining a local coven and asking the other members for guidance. You may even ask to borrow or read from a Book of Shadows that belongs to the coven or one of its members. From there, you can copy spells into a blank notebook, making your own personal Book of Shadows . [26]
    • However, keep in mind that while Wicca and white magic have a lot of overlap, they’re not synonyms for one another. Not every Wiccan practitioner refers to their rituals as white magic. [27]
    • If you’re not quite ready to get actively involved in the white magic community, spend some time researching this supernatural subject from authoritative sources. Read books, browse websites, and do your own research to gain a comprehensive understanding of white magic and its practices.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can humans become immortal?
    Community Answer
    No. If a person became immortal, they would stop being human. There is a reason we are mortal, and this is why achieving immortality is so hard. Breaking a rule this sacred is not only extremely difficult, but also a thousand times more dangerous than casting an evil spell and expecting it to not come back. It might be possible, but so is torturing oneself for the rest of one's life, it doesn't mean it is desirable. If death frightens you, eternity should frighten you a lot more.
  • Question
    Can I use white magic for myself?
    Community Answer
    Magic is highly thought-based; therefore, if you focus and declare your intent enough, then you can use your white magic for anything, including yourself.
  • Question
    Can I make my own custom spell? And will it work?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Just like you can bake a cake without a recipe. For some people, guidelines are needed, for others they are a problem. However, if you don't want to ruin your spell (or your cake) you need to know what you're doing once you drop the cookbook. The main issues are safety (yours and others') and efficiency (know your gods and their symbols). Be especially careful if you invoke any kind of power, that you are not being played by something bigger than you. Always understand the full extent of consequences, be careful what you wish for. In my experience, a good custom spell is significantly more powerful than a bland template.
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      • Some people are interested in what the Bible has to say about white magic. The Bible doesn’t differentiate between white magic and black magic, but rather condemns anyone who casts spells, consults the dead, engages in divination, or participates in sorcery. [28] However, these passages only represent one school of thought, and many modern followers of the Bible even have differing opinions about the nuances of white magic.
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      1. https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/religion.occult.new_age/Magick/A%20Practical%20Guide%20to%20Witchcraft%20and%20Magic%20Spells.pdf
      2. https://www.bop.gov/foia/docs/wiccamanual.pdf
      3. https://explorewicca.com/wiccan-altar/
      4. https://acscolorado.org/unveiling-the-athenian-owl-coin-symbol-of-wisdom-and-strength/
      5. https://www.thenotsoinnocentsabroad.com/blog/how-to-cast-a-wicca-ritual-magic-circle
      6. https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/religion.occult.new_age/Magick/A%20Practical%20Guide%20to%20Witchcraft%20and%20Magic%20Spells.pdf
      7. http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/magicandspellwork/ht/Write_a_Spell.htm
      8. https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-ultimate-encyclopedia-of-spells-e12298338.html
      9. https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-ultimate-encyclopedia-of-spells-e12298338.html
      10. https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-ultimate-encyclopedia-of-spells-e12298338.html
      11. https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-ultimate-encyclopedia-of-spells-e12298338.html
      12. https://digitalcommons.wcupa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1132&context=anthrosoc_facpub
      13. https://books.google.com/books?id=WF2F5M9SPTgC&q=judaism#v=snippet&q=judaism&f=false
      14. https://guides.library.uab.edu/c.php?g=1048546&p=7609198
      15. http://blavatskytheosophy.com/the-whitewashing-of-black-magic
      16. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/black-magic
      17. http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/wiccaandpaganismbasics/ht/BOS.htm
      18. https://www.brandeis.edu/now/2021/september/wicca-berger-conversation.html
      19. https://www.biblica.com/bible/?osis=niv:Deuteronomy%2018:11%E2%80%9312

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      White magic is the opposite of black magic and is associated with positivity and healing. You can use white magic spells to bring love and positive energy to the world. Before you say a spell, set a clear intention, like healing your friend’s grief or bringing luck for a job interview. You can use objects relevant to your spell, like herbs and possessions of the person you’re doing the spell for, to make the spell stronger. When you’re ready to start, draw a circle around yourself with chalk, string, stones, or other objects. Try to clear your mind by meditating for a few minutes. Then, say your spell and perform any rituals you like to help manifest your intention. You can get these from a book, online, or make up your own. For more tips, including how to make an altar for your white magic spells, read on!

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