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In the world of dolls and fashion, Monster High is really becoming the new “it” scene. Teeming with unique characters with different personalities, these girly ghouls might look a bit intimidating to draw. Don’t shriek, you’ll find it easy once you follow these steps.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:


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    • Draw a vertical line in the middle of the head to align the center of her face.
    • You can draw on a different angle for her pose. Add two L-shaped lines for her jaw guide.
    • Draw 2 short parallel lines for her cheeks.
    • Because Draculaura’s ears aren’t round, draw a pointed rectangle instead of a round line for her ears.
    • For her hair, draw 2 big S-shaped curvy lines. This would be your guide for her pony tails.
    • For her body draw a rounded trapezoid with a rectangular trapezoid connected to the top.
    • For the limbs and legs, just draw some lines. It all comes to the artist’s preference.
    • For the hands, just draw rounded ovals. If you want to show some fingers, draw simple lines for your guide.
    • On the center of the face, draw her small nose and exaggeratingly large lips. Make sure to make the lower lip big and the upper lip thin.
    • Add two semi-circles for her eyes. Make the eyes skew a little from the center.
    • Add a long dangling oval from her ear.
    • To giver her more figure, add an oval around her chest. Draculaura usually wears a skirt with the frills on the bottom end, so add a long hexagon to guide you for her skirt.
    • Add cuffs using trapezoids that open towards her hands. You can use a simple rectangle for her boots.
    • Add two circles inside her eyes for her iris.
    • Add a big semi-circle for her bangs.
    • For her neck just draw a rectangle to connect the body to her head. She usually wears a V-neck blouse so add a big V on her chest, just above the oval.
    • By now, you should have her basic skeleton.
    • Put in mind the overlapping lines and parts that should be hidden.
    • For her limbs and legs, just add some width from the bone. It doesn’t matter if your legs look weird. The drawing style for Monster High defies logic and proportional rules.
    • Don’t forget to add her mouth, eyelashes and some clothing and jewelry details. She also has her signature heart on her left cheek.
    • The lineart might not look perfect and crisp but it should look neat when the pencil is erased.
    • You can add details like the buttons, her eye lens, stitch lines.
    • In this stage, add her hair extensions as well.
    • Try to add more if needed. Don’t be afraid to add more lines than what is necessary. You can add lots of trinkets on her clothes. Try adding some flowers or lace.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Lagoona Blue

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    • Draw a vertical line in the middle of the head so you know the center of the face.
    • You can draw on a different angle for her pose. Add two L-shaped lines for her jaw guide.
    • For her body draw a rounded trapezoid with a rectangular trapezoid connected to the top.
    • For the limbs and legs, just draw some lines. It all comes to the artist’s preference.
    • For her neck just draw a rectangle to connect the body to her head.
    • Draw 2 short parallel lines for her cheeks.
    • For the hands, just draw rounded ovals.
    • On the center of the face, draw her small nose and exaggeratingly large lips. Make sure to make the lower lip big and the upper lip thin.
    • Add two almond-shaped figures for her eyes. Make the eyes skew a little from the center.
    • On the top part of her head, draw a horizontal line for her bandana. Also, add a 4-petaled flower on the end of the bandana band.
    • If you want to show some fingers, draw simple lines for your guide.
    • For her bangs, draw some curvy and wavy lines.
    • Basically, Lagoona’s hair looks like waves so you might want to keep that in mind when drawing her hair. Aside from that, it’s just simple lines and curves.
    • For her fins, add triangles on her legs, her wrist and beside her bandana.
    • Add two circles inside her eyes for her iris.
    • For She usually wears a vest blouse so add a vest to her body as well.
    • By now, you should have her basic skeleton.
    • Put in mind the overlapping lines and parts that should be hidden.
    • For her limbs and legs, just add some width from the bone. It doesn’t matter if your legs look weird. The drawing style for Monster High defies logic and proportional rules.
    • Don’t forget to add her board shorts and webbed fingers.
    • The lineart might not look perfect and crisp but it should look neat when the pencil is erased.
    • You can add details like scales, jewelry and different accessories. Don’t forget to add some eyelashes and the inside lens (which is just 2 small circles overlapping a big one).
    • Try to add more if needed. Don’t be afraid to add more lines than what is necessary. You can add lots of trinkets on her clothes. Try adding some flowers or pearls.
  1. and remember Lagoona has some freckles.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Frankie Stein

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    • This is for her upper skull.
    • Make sure that you are using a pencil for the draft sketch so you can erase it afterwards to make it neat.
    • Draw a vertical line in the middle of the head so you know the center of the face.
    • You can draw on a different angle for her pose. Add an L-shaped line for her jaw guide.
    • For her torso, draw an inverted triangle.
    • For her cheeks, just connect the head with the L-shaped line.
    • Draw a circle at the pointed end of the triangle for her hips.
    • For her neck just draw a rectangle to connect the body to her head.
    • For the limbs and legs, just draw some lines. It all comes to the artist’s preference.
    • To complete her neck, draw 2 huge bolts at each side.
    • For the hands, just draw rounded ovals.
    • Also, don’t forget to add her legs.
    • By now, you should have her basic skeleton.
    • Basically, Frankie’s hair is straight but tends to meet up at the ends, you might want to keep that in mind when drawing her hair. Aside from that, it’s just simple lines and curves.
    • For her bangs, draw some curvy and wavy lines.
    • Add some sleeve puffs and her necktie.
    • Frankie likes wearing gothic dresses so let’s add some ruffles for her skirt.
    • On the center of the face, draw her small nose and large lips. Make sure to make the lower lip big and the upper lip thin.
    • Add two almond-shaped figures for her eyes. Make the eyes skew a little from the center.
    • Put in mind the overlapping lines and parts that should be hidden.
    • For her limbs and legs, just add some width from the bone. It doesn’t matter if your legs look weird. The drawing style for Monster High defies logic and proportional rules.
    • The lineart might not look perfect and crisp but it should look neat when the pencil is erased.
    • You can add details like jewelry and different accessories. Don’t forget to add some eyelashes and the inside lens (which is just 2 small circles overlapping a big one).
    • Also, never forget her body stitches. She’s got one on her face, neck, two on her right arm, and one on the other. For her legs, she’s got one set of stitches each leg.
    • Try to add more if needed. Don’t be afraid to add more lines than what is necessary. You can add lots of trinkets on her clothes.
    • When coloring her, notice that she has different-colored eyes.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Cleo de Nile

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    • This is for her upper skull.
    • Make sure that you are using a pencil for the draft sketch so you can erase it afterwards to make it neat.
    • Draw a vertical line in the middle of the head so you know the center of the face.
    • You can draw on a different angle for her pose. Add an L-shaped line for her jaw guide.
    • For her torso, draw an inverted triangle.
    • For her cheeks, just connect the head with the L-shaped line.
    • Draw a circle at the pointed end of the triangle for her hips.
    • For her neck just draw a rectangle to connect the body to her head.
    • For the limbs and legs, just draw some lines. It all comes to the artist’s preference.
    • For the hands, just draw rounded ovals.
    • Also, don’t forget to add her legs.
    • For her bangs, just draw a semi-circle and add some wavy lines to add some more hair to her side.
    • By now, you should have her basic skeleton.
    • Basically, Cleo’s hair is straight and big.
    • On the center of the face, draw her small nose and large lips. Make sure to make the lower lip big and the upper lip thin.
    • Add two almond-shaped figures for her eyes. Make the eyes skew a little from the center.
    • Put in mind the overlapping lines and parts that should be hidden.
    • For her limbs and legs, just add some width from the bone. It doesn’t matter if your legs look weird. The drawing style for Monster High defies logic and proportional rules.
    • The lineart might not look perfect and crisp but it should look neat when the pencil is erased.
    • You can add details like jewelry and different accessories. Don’t forget to add some eyelashes and the inside lens(which is just 2 small circles overlapping a big one)
    • Try to add more if needed. Don’t be afraid to add more lines than what is necessary. You can add lots of trinkets on her clothes.
    • Because Cleo is a mummy, don’t forget to add some bandages to her limbs and arms.
    • Cleo also has a jewelry stud/birthmark on her face.
    • When coloring her, notice her eyes are light blue. but in the picture above she has yellow eyes.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Clawdeen Wolf

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    • This is for her upper skull.
    • Make sure that you are using a pencil for the draft sketch so you can erase it afterwards to make it neat.
    • Draw a vertical line in the middle of the head so you know the center of the face.
    • You can draw on a different angle for her pose. Add an L-shaped line for her jaw guide.
    • For her torso, draw an inverted triangle.
    • For her cheeks, just connect the head with the L-shaped line.
    • Draw a circle at the pointed end of the triangle for her hips.
    • For her neck just draw a rectangle to connect the body to her head.
    • For the limbs and legs, just draw some lines. It all comes to the artist’s preference.
    • For the hands, just draw rounded ovals.
    • Also, don’t forget to add her legs.
    • For her bangs, just draw 2 big S-shaped waves.
    • By now, you should have her basic skeleton.
    • Clawdeen’s hair is wavy and big. Her hair is similar to Lagoona’s but hers is chunkier.
    • On the center of the face, draw her small nose and large lips. Make sure to make the lower lip big and the upper lip thin.
    • Add two almond-shaped figures for her eyes. Make the eyes skew a little from the center.
    • Add two lemon-shaped figure above her bangs for her ears.
    • Draw some wavy lines for her fur coat and skirt frills.
    • Put in mind the overlapping lines and parts that should be hidden.
    • For her limbs and legs, just add some width from the bone. It doesn’t matter if your legs look weird. The drawing style for Monster High defies logic and proportional rules.
    • The lineart might not look perfect and crisp but it should look neat when the pencil is erased.
    • You can add details like jewelry and different accessories. Don’t forget to add some eyelashes and the inside lens (which is just 2 small circles overlapping a big one).
    • Try to add more if needed. Don’t be afraid to add more lines than what is necessary. You can add lots of trinkets on her clothes.
    • Don’t forget to add her fangs.
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  • Question
    Who is Clawdeen's mom?
    Community Answer
    Harriet Wolf is Clawdeen's mother.
  • Question
    Why are they colored in completly random colors?
    Community Answer
    That was just the artist's idea. You can color them any way you want to.
  • Question
    Who is Clawdeen's boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    Clawdeen doesn't have a boyfriend.
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