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Learn how to know when you've met your soulmate
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Many people dream of the day they’ll finally meet the one, but how do you know when that day comes? When you meet your soulmate, there will be many signs they’re the person you’re meant to be with, like feeling an instant connection, sharing beliefs and values, and trusting each other completely. In this article, you’ll learn 35 of the best early signs you’ve met the one with insight and advice from relationship experts.


You can be yourself around them.

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  1. You never feel like you have to hide from them. They make you feel safe, and you know they won’t judge you for your quirks or odd behaviors. You can display all of your emotions—whether you’re hurt, angry, or in a silly mood—and your partner will accept you as you are. They may even share some of your “embarrassing” interests! [2]
    • When you find your life partner , they’re eventually going to learn all your quirks anyway. Be confident and let your personality shine through. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not just to impress someone.

They push you to be your best.

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  1. Your partner won’t let you give up. They’ll always encourage you, even when you want to run and hide. You may feel frustrated by their pushy behavior at first, but you’ll soon realize they have your best interest at heart and know you’re capable of much more than you give yourself credit for. [3]
    • If you ever feel like your partner is being too harsh, let them know. Don’t accuse them of being mean, but tell them how their words or actions make you feel. Your soulmate shouldn’t want to hurt you on purpose.
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They comfort you during hard times.

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  1. You’ll know they’re the one when they become your rock. While they know you’re strong and capable of handling tough situations on your own, they won’t make you. They’ll be right there by your side, helping you in any way that they can. You’ll always have a shoulder to cry on. [4]
    • One of the best ways to be a supportive partner is to check in on them regularly. Even if they say they’re doing fine and can handle a tough situation on their own, ask how they are and if there’s anything you can do to help. Even if they refuse, they know they can rely on you.

You share life goals and values.

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  1. You agree on things that matter, like personal morals. You and your partner might not agree on every single detail in life, but you’ll know they’re the one when they see the world the same way you do. You won’t have to worry about arguing about politics, religion, or how many kids to have. You’ll be on the same page and know you can make important decisions without much conflict. [6]
    • If you do disagree on something important to you, discuss it. Listen carefully to what your partner has to say and ask them questions to better understand their perspective. They should do the same for you, and together you can reach an understanding of the situation.
    • Relationship expert Lauren Sanders believes shared values are one of the key factors to a successful relationship. She says, “You’ll be able to tell you and your partner have good compatibility by several factors such as communication styles that are in sync with each other. You will also share common interests, values, and life goals. You’ll have a lot of the same beliefs about life in general, such as religious beliefs.”

They introduce you to new things.

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  1. You’re excited to try their favorite hobby or cuisine. These could be things you’ve always wanted to try but never had the chance to, or they could be things you were firmly against at one point. Seeing how much your partner loves them makes you want to love them, too. Even if you end up hating it, you put in the effort to do something important to your partner and they’re sure to appreciate it. [7]
    • For example, if your partner’s favorite food is sushi, but you’ve never understood the appeal of raw fish, try it anyway. You might be surprised to find out it's your new go-to meal!
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You can work through conflict.

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  1. You know you and your partner are a team. It’s your job to work together to solve problems rather than taking out your frustration on each other. Talk through your problems and you’ll likely come out of your first fight feeling stronger and closer than ever. [8]
    • When handling a conflict , remember to use “I feel” statements to avoid placing blame on your partner.
    • When it’s their turn to talk, practice active listening by eliminating any distractions like the TV or your phone, and make eye contact to let them know you’re paying attention to what they have to say.

You’re sexually compatible.

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  1. You’ll know they’re the one when they do everything right in the bedroom. While physical attraction and intimacy aren’t the only important parts of a relationship, being sexually compatible can help you build an emotional bond. Your partner knows just what to do to give you pleasure and vice versa. Plus, you’re willing to talk about your sexual needs and try new things to keep your physical relationship new and exciting. [9]
    • Don’t be afraid to spice things up. If you and your partner both consent, why not try roleplaying or something else adventurous? Communication is key, so don’t be shy to tell your partner what you want.
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The relationship feels effortless.

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  1. When you’re with your soulmate, everything feels easy. You’ll never think of spending time with your partner as a chore—even if you are doing chores. If you normally hate talking on the phone, you’ll find you’ve spent hours talking to them in no time at all. Everything just feels right when you’re with them. [10]
    • Remember, just because the relationship feels effortless doesn’t mean you don’t need to put in the effort. To show your partner love , remember to check in on them and surprise them now and then with small gifts or help with errands.

You enjoy doing mundane things together.

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  1. You never feel bored with them. You don’t have to plan fancy dates or vacations to have fun with each other. You’re satisfied spending an evening at home on the couch, and boring chores like grocery shopping or washing the dishes are suddenly fun when you’re with them. It’s easy for you to imagine spending the rest of your life doing these things with your partner. [11]
    • This doesn’t mean you should never plan a date , however. Make your partner feel special by taking them out for a night on the town. It doesn’t have to be elaborate—take them to the restaurant they’ve been dying to try or to watch a movie they’ve been eagerly anticipating.
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  1. Just being with them calms you down. After meeting your partner, you suddenly understand what people mean when they say home isn’t a place, it’s a person. They’re where you want to go after a long, stressful day at work, and they’re the first person you want to share good news with. Just being near them makes you feel better. [12]

You have strong communication.

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  1. You tell each other when something is bothering you. You both know that the best way to avoid conflict is to address the situation directly before it gets out of hand. You let your partner know what they’re doing right and what you appreciate about them, as well. You both know it's important to address the bad and compliment the good. [13]
    • When communicating with your partner , pay attention to your body language. Don’t cross your arms and remember to look your partner in the eye. This lets them know you’re open to hearing what they have to say.
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You respect each other completely.

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  1. Mutual respect creates a strong foundation for a relationship. You and your partner respect each other by being honest, asking about each other’s day, and valuing each other’s time. You let each other know if plans change and don’t get upset when there’s something your partner can’t control. It’s important to build each other up rather than tearing each other down. [14]
    • To show your partner you respect them , remember to acknowledge them for their contributions to the relationship. Thank them for cooking dinner or taking out the trash, and leave them little notes to remind them you appreciate them.

You both want to be your best selves

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  1. While you should never pretend to be someone you’re not for your partner, you may find that you’re more willing to work on some of your weaknesses or negative traits. For example, if you’re constantly late, you might make an effort to be on time to show your partner you value their time. If you communicate well, your partner will likely do the same for you. [15]
    • Don’t try to force your partner to change. If one of their behaviors bothers you, calmly tell them why you don’t like it. Because they respect you, they’ll want to change any negative behaviors on their own. If it’s something they can’t change, you two can try to reach a compromise.
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You accept each other’s flaws.

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  1. You no longer expect perfection. When you’re single, you may have a list of qualities you expect your ideal partner to have. When you find the one, however, some of these expectations may seem silly. As long as you’re both trying your best to be a good partner, you’re willing to accept each other’s quirks and weaknesses. [16]
    • Sometimes, you accept your soulmate because of their flaws. Traits that may have bothered you in past relationships are suddenly cute and endearing. This is usually a sign you truly care about your partner.
    • Relationship expert Jennifer McVey says you’ll know you’ve found the one when you’re comfortable with each other. She says, “There’s no wanting or wishing for more, or wishing that person was different. They like everything about you that you don’t.”

You’re emotionally intimate.

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  1. Your soulmate is someone you can be vulnerable with. Even if you’ve struggled with emotional vulnerability in the past, you’ll find you can tell your partner anything. You may lie awake hours into the night talking about your fears, anxieties, and your goals and dreams. When you’re with the one, you’ll value these moments more than the physical ones. [17]
    • A great time to get to know your partner is while you’re cuddling, as you’ll have their full attention. Ask them things like what their love language is, their dream career, and what their relationship with their family is like. Knowing these things helps you build a healthy foundation for your relationship.
    • If you struggle to be vulnerable yourself, start by telling your partner just that. If they know it’s difficult for you to open up, it will mean even more to them when you do tell them something emotional. Start gradually, and soon you’ll be able to tell them anything.
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Your attraction goes beyond the physical.

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  1. You’re more interested in your partner’s mind than their body. Of course, you’ll be physically attracted to your soulmate, but you’ll know they’re the one for you when you can spend hours listening to them talk about their favorite things. You love the way they think, see, and interact with the world. [18]

Your love feels unconditional.

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  1. Nothing can make you see your soulmate in a negative light. Even if you and your partner aren’t married, you’ll love them for better or for worse. When they’re at their lowest, you’re there to build them back up. No person or situation can come between you, and you’re willing to do anything to protect them. [19]
    • Unconditional love doesn’t mean ignoring red flags and toxic behaviors. Rather, it means you have more patience and understanding for your partner, and you’re willing to accept them for who they are.
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You can’t wait to see them again.

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  1. You think about them constantly. As soon as you’re away from them, you count down the minutes until you’ll see them again. When you’re apart, every little thing reminds you of them and you have to refrain from texting them every time they’re on your mind. It makes you feel giddy, like a middle school crush or a first love. [21]
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You talk about your future together.

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  1. You’re not embarrassed to dream about your lives together. When you find the one, they’ll want the same things you do. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself talking about where you want to live, what kind of house you want to buy, and how many kids you plan to have. Your soulmate will be all in, and they’re excited to see what the future holds for the two of you. [22]
    • While it’s fun to imagine where you’ll be in the future, don’t forget to live in the present . Focus on where you currently are in your relationship and how you can continue to build and develop it. Pay attention to your current wants and needs rather than what you expect you’ll want years down the line. Remember, plans can change!

You don’t argue often.

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  1. When you find the one, you’ll usually be on the same page. When you do argue, it’ll be over something important because you two don’t fight over the little things. Because you’re on the same wavelength and generally want the same things out of life, heated arguments won’t usually be a problem. [23]
    • Having an argument with your partner every now and then is normal. The important thing is to not blow it out of proportion and communicate. Your goal is to solve the problem together, not prove that you’re right.
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You’ve developed rituals and routines.

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  1. You and your soulmate are constantly in sync. You easily fall into step with each other, and odds are, you’ve created routines without even realizing it. Maybe you always stop for ice cream after grocery shopping, or you watch your favorite show together every Wednesday night. Even if you’re someone who always craves something new, you look forward to these special moments.

You know you can depend on them.

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  1. Even if the situation is less than ideal, you know they’ll help you. For example, if your car breaks down 2 hours from home, your partner will come pick you up, no questions asked. You never feel helpless because your partner will always be there to support you. [24]
    • A great way to be dependable in a relationship is to delegate tasks between you and your partner. If one of you takes on too much, odds are, some things will fall through the cracks. As usual, open communication is key.
    • Relationship expert Lauren Sanders says good communication skills and patience are important factors to look for in a soulmate. She says your soulmate “will be genuinely concerned for your well-being. They’ll never leave you hanging and will always be there for you. They also don’t mind being inconvenienced to help you.”
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You both appreciate the little things.

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  1. You show your partner how much you care. The little things can go a long way in strengthening a healthy relationship, and when you meet the one, you’ll want to do them anyway! Try leaving love notes around the house or surprising your partner with their favorite coffee at work. Romance isn’t all about the grand gestures—it’s about making your partner feel seen and cared for. [25]
    • Another thing you can do to show affection is to touch your partner throughout the day. Hold their hand, give them a long hug, or play with their hair. It doesn’t have to lead to anything sexual!

You know when to give each other space.

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  1. Nonverbal communication lets you know how your partner feels. You know each other so well you can tell how your partner is feeling without having to ask. Alone time is extremely important in a healthy relationship, so you know when to let your partner decompress by themselves rather than trying to make them spend time with you. [26]
    • If you discover you and your partner have different needs, talk to them about it. One of the best ways to respect their need for space is to ask them how much time they need to themselves and how often you should check in on them. This lets them know you still care even when you aren’t together.
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You have shared hobbies.

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  1. Opposites attract, but it’s important to have things in common. Having shared interests helps strengthen your relationship because you have things to bond over and spend quality time together. While it’s not necessary for you and your partner to have everything in common, when you find your soulmate, you’ll probably discover you have more shared interests than you originally thought. [27]
    • If you don’t currently have many shared hobbies, try doing something outside both of your comfort zones. It’s a great way to bond, and you might just find a new interest!

You embrace your differences.

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  1. When you meet the one, you won’t try to change them. While you’ll both be willing to work on your weaknesses, know that you’re two different people with different backgrounds and interests. You won't try to force your partner to fit your expectations or make them see things your way. Odds are, you already have a lot in common, and having these differences make your relationship special and unique. Think of how boring it would be if you were exactly alike! [28]
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You have lives outside of each other.

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  1. While it’s normal to want to spend a lot of time with your partner, especially in the early days of your relationship, you’re secure enough to give each other space. You both have your own hobbies, your own friends, and your own thoughts and opinions. Your partner can go out for the weekend without you feeling like you need to text them constantly for updates. [29]
    • To maintain your independence in a relationship , set aside some time each week to do something without your partner. This can be a new hobby they’re not interested in or hanging out with your friends or family alone.
    • Having friends other than your partner also gives you additional emotional support, and they can be there for you when you and your partner are going through a difficult time.

Your family loves them.

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  1. You're not afraid to introduce your partner to your family. Your loved ones know what’s good for you, and they can usually tell early on if your relationship is going to last. If your partner fits right in with your family and loves spending time with your friends, it’s a strong sign they’re the one for you. [30]
    • While your family can provide good insight into your relationship, they’re not always right. Just because someone doesn’t like your partner doesn’t mean they’re the wrong person for you. Take your family’s advice into consideration, but ultimately, trust yourself to know if you want to pursue a relationship with someone.
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You enjoy being cheesy together.

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  1. You might find yourself doing cliche couples activities. In the past, you might have rolled your eyes at over-the-top Valentine’s Day gifts or scoffed at couples checking their astrological compatibility. Now that you’ve met your partner, however, you’re all for it! You probably have silly nicknames and talk to each other in baby voices, as well. And there’s nothing wrong with that! [31]
    • Relationship expert Stina Garbis says you can use astrological compatibility to discover if someone is your soulmate. “You can see who you would naturally get along with according to the signs and planets in your 7th and 8th house,” she says. “If your partner has your sign in the same place in the 7th or 8th house, it would be a great match.”

You’re both willing to make sacrifices.

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  1. You know when to put their needs before yours. No relationship is perfect, and there will be times when you can’t have everything you want. When you have to decide between something you want and something your partner needs, you won’t hesitate to choose them. You want them to be happy and healthy, and it’s worth sacrificing your own desires. [32]
    • This doesn’t mean you should never put yourself first. Not only would you suffer emotionally, but if your partner’s needs always come before your own, it may lead to you resenting them. Be sure you take time for self-care and to enjoy your hobbies.
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You value their opinion.

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  1. You go to them first when you need to make a decision. Whether it’s a big decision like changing career paths or a small decision like choosing which shirt to wear, you want to hear what your partner has to say. You know they have your best interest in mind and they won’t sugarcoat the truth when you need to hear it. If you disagree, you’ll talk it out until you feel assured you’ve made the right choice for yourself. [33]

Join the Discussion...

WikiCloudDancer332 posted on 06/24/24 2:40 PM
I don't think I've ever been in love before, but I know it's supposed to be the best feeling in the world. What does it feel like? How do you kno... Read More
Jessica George, MA, CHt posted on 06/25/24 9:45 AM
I believe with every fiber that it is a matter of biochemical response. When we "fall in love," there is something that happens inside of us that... Read More
WikiLionWhisperer670 posted on 06/25/24 11:51 AM
Wow, where do I even start. When you're in love, your partner is all you can think about. You wake up thinking about them, find yourself daydream... Read More

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      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about relationships and dating, check out our in-depth interview with Lauren Sanders .

      1. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rediscovering-love/202207/7-positive-signs-relationship-will-last
      2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/liking-the-child-you-love/202312/the-nine-signs-your-are-in-a-great-relationship
      3. https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/signs-you-are-meant-to-be-together/
      4. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/liking-the-child-you-love/202312/the-nine-signs-your-are-in-a-great-relationship
      5. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/liking-the-child-you-love/202312/the-nine-signs-your-are-in-a-great-relationship
      6. https://psychcentral.com/health/the-secrets-of-happy-couples#healthy-relationship-signs
      7. https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/signs-you-are-meant-to-be-together/
      8. https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/signs-you-are-meant-to-be-together/
      9. https://psychcentral.com/health/how-to-maintain-love-in-healthy-relationships#Encourage-intimacy
      10. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/how-to-know-if-someone-is-your-soulmate
      11. https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/signs-you-are-meant-to-be-together/
      12. https://www.glamour.com/story/falling-in-love-signs
      13. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rediscovering-love/202207/7-positive-signs-relationship-will-last
      14. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rediscovering-love/202207/7-positive-signs-relationship-will-last
      15. https://www.northwestern.edu/care/get-info/relationship-violence/healthy-and-unhealthy-relationships.html
      16. https://psychcentral.com/relationships/the-little-things-can-mean-everything-in-a-relationship#5-little-things-you-can-do-every-day
      17. https://psychcentral.com/health/the-secrets-of-happy-couples#happy-relationship-truths
      18. https://psychcentral.com/health/the-secrets-of-happy-couples#happy-relationship-truths
      19. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rediscovering-love/202207/7-positive-signs-relationship-will-last
      20. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/liking-the-child-you-love/202312/the-nine-signs-your-are-in-a-great-relationship
      21. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/meet-catch-and-keep/201312/should-you-meet-your-partners-family
      22. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-modern-heart/201905/4-reasons-why-baby-talk-is-good-couples
      23. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rediscovering-love/202207/7-positive-signs-relationship-will-last
      24. https://www.northwestern.edu/care/get-info/relationship-violence/healthy-and-unhealthy-relationships.html

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