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See a review that no longer suits your cool, or misspelled something? Or do you just have different thoughts about the review after you posted it, and think you'd like to remove it fully? With Yelp, there's a way to edit it and remove these problematic reviews.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Editing a Review

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  1. If it's so much that complete removal is needed, a separate button that is located on all reviews will be needed.
  2. Maybe it's something simple, or maybe it's too complex to describe in a few words, or maybe things just changed and you've seen a new experience first hand, determine this reason. Write a Review Update on Yelp can help you make some changes to updated reviews/changed reviews in your experience.
  3. Visit the Yelp web page .
  4. From this page, you'll see your reviews.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the white button(with red lettering) that says "More", if the review is not found on this page.
    • As you roll through page after page, the more visualized buttons will turn into "More" hyperlink (non-visualized links). Click "Next" to advance to the next page. If you need to back up a page, at the top and bottom of each part of the page, you'll also find a hyperlink marked "Previous". Click this button to go to the previous listing of reviews you've written.
  6. As of 2017, you can only edit reviews within a 24-hour window after the review was posted, and if you are out of that time, too bad; remove the review and start over, if you have a new experience that's reviewable on Yelp.
    • If you need to review a new experience because your recent encounter changed it (either good or bad), write a fresh new review update instead. Editing reviews is for making more minor changes or continuing on the experience that you might have missed from the same experience.
  7. Fix all the things that need to be fixed.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Removing a Review

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  1. If it's so much that complete removal is needed, a separate button that is located on all reviews will be needed.
  2. Maybe it's something simple, or maybe it's too complex to describe in a few words, or maybe things just changed and you've seen a new experience first hand, determine this reason. Write a Review Update on Yelp can help you make some changes to updated reviews/changed reviews in your experience.
  3. Visit the Yelp web page .
  4. From this page, you'll see your reviews.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the white button(with red lettering) that says "More", if the review is not found on this page.
    • As you roll through page after page, the more visualized buttons will turn into "More" hyperlink (non-visualized links). Click "Next" to advance to the next page. If you need to back up a page, at the top and bottom of each part of the page, you'll also find a hyperlink marked "Previous". Click this button to go to the previous listing of reviews you've written.
  6. You're choices are "I was threatened with legal action or sued.", "I was threatened with legal action or sued.", "I signed a contract with the business that requires me to remove this review.", "I changed my opinion of this business after a new interaction." or "Other".
    • Click the Continue button on their mobile platform page to advance to the next step.
  7. Write a brief summary of why you are removing it in the box marked "Can you provide additional information about your situation." You'll find this box underneath the five removal choices. You'll need to write more than just "removing the review," to indicate why you are removing your review.
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I remove someone else's review on Yelp?
    Community Answer
    In the top right hand corner of the review, you can choose to "Share Review" or "Report Review." Click "Report Review" and explain to the Yelp team why you are reporting it. They will decide if it should be removed or not.
  • Question
    How do I change my city?
    Community Answer
    You have to be on a desktop. You can't change it on the mobile app. Go to "About Me" then "Add a Location", then choose that location as your primary.
  • Question
    How can I edit the caption on a check-in photo?
    David Zeoli
    Community Answer
    Click on the photo, on the bottom you'll see three dots. Click on them and you'll have the option to "Edit Caption" or "Delete Photo."
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      • First time writers of written words in the business community section, please be sure to read the Talk page guidelines before submitting any talk page messages to the site.
      • Every action you try to take on Yelp (messaging, creating a review, etc.) has an "out" feature, in case you intentionally do NOT want to send the message (before actually sending/publishing the message. To cancel sending a review/message, click the hyperlink (non-button) called "Cancel" near the "Send"/"Publish"/etc. button.
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      • On occasion, you'll walk across a business that are no longer in business (and are marked as "CLOSED" by Yelp moderators right on the top-level location page.) On this page, you'll find no other reviews. A major rule as a Yelp member, is not to re-review these closed businesses.

      Things You'll Need

      • Internet access
      • Yelp account
      • At least one business review that's already been published on Yelp
      • Computer mouse

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