Am I Empathetic?

Take this quiz to find out!

Empathy. It’s the ability to understand and connect with how others are feeling, and it’s one of the most powerful forces on the planet. When you practice empathy, you do your part in making the world a kinder, more accepting place—and we think that’s pretty amazing!

Where do your empathetic instincts fall in the grand scheme of things, though? Hit “Start Quiz” and respond to the following statements to get the inside scoop.

A person's hand is clasped between another person's two hands, as they sit across a table from one another.

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Questions Overview

1. It’s super easy for me to relate to a friend when they’re going through a rough patch, even if I don’t share their experiences.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
2. When my friends are sad, it makes me sad. I might spend my whole day thinking about them and their pain.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
3. Uh oh! My friends are having a really bad fight, but I can see where both of them are coming from.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
4. When I’m really upset with someone, I take a second to think about how they’re feeling. That helps calm me down.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
5. When I’m able to make my friend’s day a little better, it’s the best feeling in the world. It makes me so happy.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
6. People confide in me a lot. I think it’s because they know I’m accepting—and I usually know what to say when someone’s upset.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
7. When my food order takes a long time, I don’t get mad. I always remember that service work is stressful and they might be busy.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
8. I feel happy listening to my friends and loved ones talk about their favorite hobbies and passions. Seeing their joy makes me happy!
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
9. I feel horrible when I’m late to hang out with a friend. I always feel so guilty for wasting their time.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
10. When someone seems upset, I feel like I notice how they’re feeling before other people do.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
11. I love reading novels. The best part is exploring the characters’ headspaces and getting lost in their experiences.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.
12. Witnessing sad things happen on the news puts me in a terrible mood. I wish the world could be a better place.
  1. I totally agree with this.
  2. I kind of agree with this.
  3. I don’t really agree with this.
  4. I’m not sure.

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Your friends are incredibly blessed to have such a kind-hearted, understanding, and supportive person in their corner\u2014as are your loved one, co-workers, and anyone else lucky enough to cross your path. You\u2019re a total rock star!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Empathize"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-an-Empathetic-Friend"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Empathize","id":689005,"url":"https:\/\/\/Empathize","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/64\/Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg.png","alt":"How to Empathize"},{"title":"How to Be an Empathetic Friend","id":1124245,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-an-Empathetic-Friend","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/48\/Be-an-Empathetic-Friend-Step-12.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-an-Empathetic-Friend-Step-12.jpg","alt":"How to Be an Empathetic Friend"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re a pretty empathetic person.","meaning":"You\u2019ve definitely got some empathetic instincts, that\u2019s for sure! It sounds like you\u2019re good at understanding other people\u2019s concerns and experiences (even if you haven\u2019t gone through them yourself). Kudos to you for being such a compassionate soul! You work hard to treat others well, and your loved ones definitely benefit from it.

How can I be even more empathetic?<\/b>
It sounds like you\u2019re already on the right track\u2014but either way, we\u2019ve got you covered. Some easy and simple ways to sprinkle even more empathy in your day-to-day life include:

All About Empathy

What is empathy?
Empathy is the ability to understand what another person is feeling and experiencing, even if you’ve never gone through that exact scenario yourself. Think of empathy as “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes”—or, viewing a situation from a new angle rather than a singular perspective.

How can I be even more empathetic?

  • Actively listen when you’re chatting with someone. Active listening is all about being present and invested in a conversation, and making it clear to your conversational partner that you’re listening. Practicing positive body language and asking follow-up questions are great ways to practice active listening.
  • Put yourself in the position of someone who’s suffering. When you hear about something bad happening on the news, focus on the individuals involved rather than the total sum of the catastrophe. What must a person feel like in that situation? What exactly are they going through?
  • Find similarities between yourself and others. Identify someone who comes from a different walk of life from you. Instead of focusing on what sets you apart, zero-in on everything you have in common.
  • Pay more attention to the world around you. Make an intentional effort to hone in on other people’s attitudes and reactions on a day-to-day basis. Practice mindfulness as you observe the world around you without getting overly affected by what you notice.
  • Read works of fiction. Believe it or not, enjoying fictional universes can help you practice empathy as you dive into and explore the circumstances of other people (however theoretical they may be).
  • Practice empathy even when you don’t feel like it. Do your best to actively listen to and understand the people in your orbit, even if it’s difficult. Putting in the effort is what counts, even if empathetic skills don’t come naturally to you at first!