What Is My Enneagram Type?

Take this quiz to find out.

The Enneagram Test: a quiz that includes a kaleidoscope of 9 different personalities and worldviews—including our greatest goals and deepest fears. Sounds pretty neat, right?

We think so, too. In fact, we’ve made our own shorthand version of the test to help you get a glimpse of your possible Enneagram Type. If you’re ready to dive into all the possibilities, hit “Start Quiz.”

A drawn figure stands in the middle of the 9-pointed Enneagram symbol.

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Questions Overview

1. If your best friend could describe you in 1 word, what would it be?
  1. Empathetic.
  2. Individualistic.
  3. Intellectual.
  4. I'm not sure.
2. You’re getting ready for a job interview. What strength do you think you’d have that might get you the job?
  1. Making a great impression with my natural charisma.
  2. Being super prepared for the interviewer’s questions.
  3. Acting confident and assertive throughout the interview.
  4. I'm not sure.
3. You’re planning a beach trip with your friends. Which statement sounds most like you?
  1. I'm the friend who makes sure all our plans go smoothly (because I hate when things go awry).
  2. I'm just focused on soaking in as many amazing sites, sounds, and fun times as possible.
  3. To me, it’s important to go with the flow of what the group wants.
  4. I’m not sure.
4. Which fear do you find most relatable?
  1. I’m scared of not knowing who I am.
  2. I’m scared of being abandoned.
  3. I have a perpetual case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) for all the lives I’m not living.
  4. I'm not sure.
5. Which compliment would absolutely make your day?
  1. “I appreciate how much work you put into getting the details just right.”
  2. “I so admire how willing you are to put others first.”
  3. “I think you’re really going places in life.”
  4. I’m not sure.
6. Imagine that you could redo any moment in your life. What would you do?
  1. I would sign up for a class/club about a topic that really interests me.
  2. I would stand up to a teacher or boss who was rude to me.
  3. I would de-escalate a big fight between my friends or loved ones.
  4. I'm not sure.
7. You’re planning a surprise birthday bash for your friend. How do you prepare?
  1. I iron out every last detail at least 2 months in advance.
  2. I start planning things a few weeks before.
  3. I start preparing the week before their birthday.
  4. I’m not sure.
8. Your friend is struggling with a really tough break-up. How do you support them?
  1. I head over to their place immediately (or spend hours on the phone with them if they live far away).
  2. I shoot them a long, sweet text offering my support and telling them how much I love them.
  3. I’ll say something nice the next time I happen to see them.
  4. I’m not sure.
9. You just scored an 85% on a big test. How are you feeling?
  1. Unhappy. I won’t be satisfied until I get the highest grade in my class!
  2. Satisfied. It’s not my best performance, but not my worst.
  3. I don't care. I passed—that’s all that I care about.
  4. I'm not sure.
10. Are you a creative person at heart?
  1. Absolutely! I feel like I’m super creative.
  2. Kind of? I’m creative sometimes, at least.
  3. Not especially—I wouldn’t use that word to describe myself.
  4. I’m not sure.
11. Do you prefer to work by yourself, or do you work better in a group?
  1. By myself, definitely.
  2. I like working by myself, but I’m fine in a group setting, too.
  3. In a group, 100%.
  4. I'm not sure.
12. You have a friend you’re losing touch with. What’s your next move?
  1. I’m going to do everything I can to get in touch and rebuild the relationship. I’m loyal to a fault.
  2. I’ll send a couple of messages to try and reconnect.
  3. I’ll let the friendship fade—it probably wasn’t meant to be, anyway.
  4. I'm not sure.
13. When you visit a new city, what’s your top priority?
  1. Experiencing as many new things as I possibly can.
  2. Seeing a few sights while also getting some downtime.
  3. Staying put and having a relaxing time.
  4. I’m not sure.
14. Do you consider yourself more of a leader or a follower?
  1. A leader, definitely. I’m comfortable taking charge.
  2. I’m pretty flexible, but I prefer to be in a leadership position.
  3. A follower—I don’t like taking the lead.
  4. I’m not sure.
15. You’re dealing with a frustrating problem at school or work. What’s your default reaction?
  1. I ignore it (or pretend it isn’t as bad as it actually is).
  2. I make a plan to address the problem in the (distant) future.
  3. I plan to face the problem head-on.
  4. I'm not sure.

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  • Your biggest goal:<\/b> To make a positive difference in the world<\/li>
  • Your biggest fear:<\/b> Of becoming a bad person<\/li>
  • Your biggest lesson:<\/b> It\u2019s okay if things don\u2019t turn out perfect sometimes! We can learn the most valuable lessons in the process rather than in the results.<\/li>
  • Famous Type 1s:<\/b> Michelle Obama, Nelson Mandela, Meryl Streep<\/li>
  • Fictional Type 1s:<\/b> Captain America, Hermione Granger, Leslie Knope<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-1"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Enneagram 1: Traits, Growth Areas, Compatibility & More","id":14222332,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-1","image":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/e4\/Enneagram-1-Step-24-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-1-Step-24-Version-2.jpg","alt":"Enneagram 1: Traits, Growth Areas, Compatibility & More"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an Enneagram Type 2 (The Giver).","meaning":"You most definitely give off Type 2 energy. We bet that you\u2019re helpful, kind, and empathetic to the core, and that your top priority is making the people in your life feel loved and supported. You feel happiest when you\u2019re making other people feel appreciated (which is one of many reasons why your pals love you so much).
    • Your biggest goal:<\/b> To feel cherished and appreciated<\/li>
    • Your biggest fear:<\/b> Of being unappreciated and unloved<\/li>
    • Your biggest lesson:<\/b> You are worthy of love just by being you! There is no list of things you have to complete in order to earn and be worthy of someone else\u2019s love and appreciation.<\/li>
    • Famous Type 2s:<\/b> Dolly Parton, Maya Angelou, Jimmy Carter<\/li>
    • Fictional Type 2s:<\/b> Samwise Gamgee, Princess Peach, Peeta Mellark<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"},{"title":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types","id":14242774,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cb\/Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg","alt":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an Enneagram Type 3 (The Performer).","meaning":"Your answers definitely seem to vibe with Type 3. We bet that you\u2019re an ambitious go-getter to your core, and that you\u2019re more than ready to achieve your goals and dreams. Making a good impression is probably high on your priority list\u2014but that shouldn\u2019t be hard, given how charismatic, friendly, and warm you naturally are!
      • Your biggest goal:<\/b> To feel like you\u2019ve made important contributions to the world<\/li>
      • Your biggest fear:<\/b> Of having no value<\/li>
      • Your biggest lesson:<\/b> You don\u2019t need to do<\/i> anything to be an important and valued member of society. You have an immense impact on your friends and loved ones by existing and just being you!<\/li>
      • Famous Type 3s:<\/b> Muhammed Ali, Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga<\/li>
      • Fictional Type 3s:<\/b> Margaery Tyrell, Gaston, Naruto<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-3"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Everything You Need to Know about Enneagram Type 3","id":14217745,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-3","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/49\/Enneagram-3-Step-23.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-3-Step-23.jpg","alt":"Everything You Need to Know about Enneagram Type 3"},{"title":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types","id":14242774,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cb\/Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg","alt":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an Enneagram Type 4 (The Romantic).","meaning":"Based on your answers, you absolutely give off Type 4 vibes. You\u2019re super proud of who you are and what makes you unique\u2014as you should be! We bet you feel especially fulfilled when you\u2019re thinking outside the box, and when you\u2019re in a beautiful environment (e.g., a sprawling park, an art museum, a library, etc.).
        • Your biggest goal:<\/b> To understand who you really are and what you\u2019re capable of<\/li>
        • Your biggest fear:<\/b> Of having no sense of self<\/li>
        • Your biggest lesson:<\/b> There\u2019s no rush to learn more about yourself. Understanding who you are and what makes you tick is a lifelong journey\u2014not something you have to complete in a sprint!<\/li>
        • Famous Type 4s:<\/b> Sufjan Stevens, Donald Glover, Bob Dylan<\/li>
        • Fictional Type 4s:<\/b> Luna Lovegood, Loki, Jay Gatsby<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-4"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Everything You Need to Know About Enneagram Type 4","id":14186543,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-4","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/2a\/Enneagram-4-Step-26.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-4-Step-26.jpg","alt":"Everything You Need to Know About Enneagram Type 4"},{"title":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types","id":14242774,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cb\/Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg","alt":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an Enneagram Type 5 (The Observer).","meaning":"You\u2019re giving off total Type 5 energy, that\u2019s for sure. We bet you\u2019ve got some serious smarts hidden away in that head of yours\u2014it\u2019s why you\u2019re so sharp, and why your thinking skills are off the charts. You don\u2019t always love group projects, but that\u2019s just because you work so well on your own.
          • Your biggest goal:<\/b> To be self-sufficient and independent<\/li>
          • Your biggest fear:<\/b> Of feeling incompetent and dependent on others<\/li>
          • Your biggest lesson:<\/b> It can be great to take a more independent path in life, but don\u2019t let that stop you from leaning on others for help sometimes! Asking for assistance isn\u2019t a sign of weakness\u2014it\u2019s a sign of courage, strength, and capability.<\/li>
          • Famous Type 5s:<\/b> Aristotle, Cillian Murphy, Albert Einstein<\/li>
          • Fictional Type 5s:<\/b> Sherlock Holmes, Elrond, Hannibal Lecter<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"},{"title":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types","id":14242774,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cb\/Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg","alt":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an Enneagram Type 6 (The Skeptic).","meaning":"Based on your results, you definitely seem like a Type 6 at heart. We bet you\u2019re as reliable and loyal as they come\u2014your friends know they can hit you up for just about anything, whether it\u2019s some friendly advice or a lift to school\/work. It\u2019s easy for you to put your best foot forward when you feel supported and secure, so you\u2019re great at planning ahead for potential problems.
            • Your biggest goal:<\/b> To have a secure network of friends and loved ones<\/li>
            • Your biggest fear:<\/b> Of being totally adrift and alone in life<\/li>
            • Your biggest lesson:<\/b> Trust in your own self-worth and the inherent value you offer just by being you. In time, you will find people who love you for you, and who will stay by your side \u2018til the very end.<\/li>
            • Famous Type 6s:<\/b> Tom Hanks, Kylian Mbapp\u00e9, Marilyn Monroe<\/li>
            • Fictional Type 6s:<\/b> Mulan, Zuko, Wolverine<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-6"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Everything You Need to Know About Enneagram Type 6","id":14230337,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-6","image":"\/images\/thumb\/a\/aa\/Enneagram-6-Step-29.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-6-Step-29.jpg","alt":"Everything You Need to Know About Enneagram Type 6"},{"title":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types","id":14242774,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cb\/Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg","alt":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an Enneagram Type 7 (The Enthusiast).","meaning":"You give us major Type 7 vibes, that\u2019s for sure. We bet you\u2019re a total ray of sunshine and enthusiasm. You light up the room wherever you go, and you\u2019re always down for a new adventure with your pals. If plans change, it\u2019s no sweat\u2014as long as there\u2019s a new adventure on the horizon, you\u2019re content.
              • Your biggest goal:<\/b> To live life to the fullest and happiest<\/li>
              • Your biggest fear:<\/b> Of feeling empty and hurt, or like something important is missing in your life<\/li>
              • Your biggest lesson:<\/b> Life comes with its fair share of ups and downs, but trust that the good times will outweigh the bad ones. The rough patches in life will allow you to appreciate the positive aspects of life even more.<\/li>
              • Famous Type 7s:<\/b> Miley Cyrus, John F. Kennedy, Lil Nas X<\/li>
              • Fictional Type 7s:<\/b> Peter Pan, Eleanor Shellstrop, Jack Sparrow<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-7"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Enneagram 7: The 'Enthusiast' Personality Type","id":14220868,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-7","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/c0\/Enneagram-7-Step-16.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-7-Step-16.jpg","alt":"Enneagram 7: The 'Enthusiast' Personality Type"},{"title":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types","id":14242774,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cb\/Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg","alt":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an Enneagram Type 8 (The Protector).","meaning":"You sound like a Type 8, through and through. You\u2019re comfortable with who you are and where you stand, and you aren\u2019t afraid to take the lead if the situation calls for it. A fierce protector to your core, you\u2019re eager to rally around and defend your friends\u2014it\u2019s no wonder you\u2019re so well-loved!
                • Your biggest goal:<\/b> To call all the shots in your life<\/li>
                • Your biggest fear:<\/b> Of being manipulated or controlled by the people around you<\/li>
                • Your biggest lesson:<\/b> Some things in life will be out of your control\u2014and that\u2019s okay! Your time and energy are valuable, so make sure you\u2019re dedicating them to things that you can change.<\/li>
                • Famous Type 8s:<\/b> Queen Latifah, Frank Sinatra, P!nk<\/li>
                • Fictional Type 8s:<\/b> Katniss Everdeen, Princess Leia, Javert<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types","id":14242774,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cb\/Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg","alt":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You are an Enneagram Type 9 (The Mediator).","meaning":"Based on your results, you seem like a total Type 9 at heart. We bet you\u2019re a total pro at going with the flow, and that you\u2019re always working hard to keep conflict and tension at bay in your life. You\u2019re always quick to support and uplift the people in your life, and are happiest when the energy around you is chill and peaceful.
                  • Your biggest goal:<\/b> To find a sense of peace and harmony in your life<\/li>
                  • Your biggest fear:<\/b> Of losing what\u2019s important to you (e.g., friendships, peacefulness, etc.)<\/li>
                  • Your biggest lesson:<\/b> Conflict may be an inevitability in life, but it doesn\u2019t have to be a source of fear and stress. Instead, view conflict as an opportunity to express yourself in an open and respectful way.<\/li>
                  • Famous Type 9s:<\/b> Barack Obama, Marie Kondo, Audrey Hepburn<\/li>
                  • Fictional Type 9s:<\/b> Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Winnie the Pooh<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-9"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility"}],"link_data":[{"title":"Enneagram Type 9: Traits, Growth Areas, Compatibility, & More","id":14231894,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-9","image":"\/images\/thumb\/3\/39\/Enneagram-9-Step-24.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-9-Step-24.jpg","alt":"Enneagram Type 9: Traits, Growth Areas, Compatibility, & More"},{"title":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types","id":14242774,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cb\/Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg","alt":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"Whoops! You picked all neutral answers.","meaning":"We totally get it: soul-searching can be tough, and there isn\u2019t always an answer that \u201csticks out\u201d to you. But to give you an accurate result, it\u2019s really important that we get some specific responses. No worries\u2014it\u2019s totally fair if you need to step away and do a bit of self-reflection before you give this quiz another try. We\u2019re excited to see which result you get when you do!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality"}],"link_data":[{"title":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types","id":14242774,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Enneagram-Compatibility","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cb\/Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Enneagram-Compatibility-Step-13.jpg","alt":"The Most (And Least) Compatible Enneagram Types"},{"title":"How to Define Your Personality","id":1683361,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Define-Your-Personality","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6b\/Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Define-Your-Personality-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Define Your Personality"}],"minimum":0}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"True<\/picture>","alt":"What Is My True Color Personality Quiz"},{"title":"Type A B C D Personality Test","id":13714623,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Type-A-B-C-D-Personality-Test","image":"\"Type<\/picture>","alt":"Type A B C D Personality Test"},{"title":"What Type of Person Am I Quiz","id":13974160,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/What-Type-of-Person-Am-I","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Type of Person Am I Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"Nah, I\u2019m not really in the mood.","result":"We totally get that. Do any of these quizzes seem appealing?","next_quizzes":[{"title":"Do I Have Common Sense Quiz","id":14312708,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Common-Sense-Quiz","image":"\"Common<\/picture>","alt":"Do I Have Common Sense Quiz"},{"title":"What Human Emotion Am I Quiz","id":13428156,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/What-Human-Emotion-Am-I-Quiz","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Human Emotion Am I Quiz"},{"title":"Who Was I in a Past Life Quiz","id":13714519,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Past-Life-Regression-Test","image":"\"Past<\/picture>","alt":"Who Was I in a Past Life Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

  • All About the Enneagram Test

    What is the Enneagram Test?
    The Enneagram Test is an in-depth personality questionnaire that has both spiritual and psychological influences. The American Journal of Psychiatry specifically defines the Enneagram system as “a personality theory describing 9 strategies by which the psyche develops a worldview and relates to self and others.” In other words, the Enneagram outlines 9 different core philosophies and mindsets that all people develop from a young age, and how each philosophy influences the way a person interacts and connects to the world around them.
    The word “Enneagram” is actually Greek in origin: “Ennea” means “nine,” and refers to the 9 Types encompassed in the system, while “gram” means “drawing,” and refers to the iconic 9-pointed visual design the Enneagram Test is known for.

    The 9 Enneagram Types

    • Type 1 - The Perfectionist: Type 1s set the bar really high for themselves, and are known for being responsible and reliable.
    • Type 2 - The Giver: Type 2s tend to put others first, and are known for their empathy and kindness.
    • Type 3 - The Performer: Type 3s are go-getters, and are known for their hard-working spirit and sense of drive.
    • Type 4 - The Romantic: Type 4s are soul-searching creatives who are known for their sense of passion and individuality.
    • Type 5 - The Observer: Type 5s are private intellectuals who are known for their great analytical skills and smarts.
    • Type 6 - The Skeptic: Type 6s are loyal friends who are known for their perceptive skill set and ability to plan ahead.
    • Type 7 - The Enthusiast: Type 7s are adventurous and fun-loving communicators who are known for their upbeat perspective on life.
    • Type 8 - The Protector: Type 8s are capable leaders who are known for speaking their minds and carving their own paths in life.
    • Type 9 - The Mediator: Type 9s are peace-loving individuals who are known for their harmonious nature and dislike of conflict.

    Body, Heart, & Head Types
    The Enneagram divides all 9 Types into 3 categories (or “ centers of intelligence ”): Body, Heart, and Head. Knowing which category your Type falls into can provide some valuable insights into who you are and how you act.

    • Body Types: These Enneagram Types are influenced by an instinct-based mindset that’s rooted in principles like feeling in control and taking constructive steps to solve a problem.
      • Body Enneagram Types: Types 8, 9, and 1
    • Heart Types: These Enneagram Types are influenced by a feeling-based mindset that’s rooted in being successful, feeling connected to others, and meeting the expectations they feel are assigned to them.
      • Heart Enneagram Types: Types 2, 3, and 4
    • Head Types: These Enneagram Types are influenced by a thinking-based mindset that’s rooted in collecting intel, planning ahead, and having multiple backup plans.
      • Head Enneagram Types: Types 5, 6, and 7

    What are Enneagram wings?
    Think of Enneagram “wings” as a subtype of each main Type; for instance, someone could be a Type 1w2, a Type 3w4, a Type 8w9, and so on. A person’s wing can only be a neighboring number of their main type—say, a Type 6 could be either a 6w5 or a 6w7, but not a 6w1 or a 6w2. Knowing your wing can help you better understand which adjacent Type influences your current worldview, but it’s not an essential to knowing and appreciating your primary Enneagram Type.

    • Note: This wikiHow quiz does not include Enneagram wings in the results.