If you want to get out of an awkward situation, or simply pull a prank, you can get a fake phone call on your android. You can do this with a free fake call app.
Search for a fake call app like Fake Call Me from the Play Store app on your Android phone.
- Any fake call app should work.
Hit the "install" button to install the Fake Call app on your Android. hit "Open" to open the app when ready.Advertisement
Click "Agree" to the service agreement after reading it over carefully.
Hit the menu button in the Call Me app and select "Settings" to change the ringtone and vibrate settings for your fake calls.
Type in the "Caller" and "Number" info at the top of the screen. Select the delay you want under "When to call." hit "Call Me" to have the fake call come in after the number of delayed seconds you chose.
Community Q&A
QuestionHow do I make a call to the other person using the fake call app?Kevin BCommunity AnswerGo to the Google play store and search "fake call prank."
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- Make sure you change the name away from default, or else it will say "The President" in the caller ID.Thanks
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