Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Filing a Police Report

  1. While the harassment is happening, you can report the situation as an emergency. You should also call 911 if you feel you or your loved ones are in immediate danger because of threats the harasser is making. [2]
    • If you have any doubts, or if you fear for your safety, don't hesitate to call 911 immediately. An officer will be sent to your location. Do whatever is necessary to protect yourself and try to move to a safer place where the harasser can't get to you. For example, you might lock yourself in a bathroom.
  2. If the incident has already occurred and you don't feel you're in any danger, you can still report the incident to police. Gather as much information as possible. If you can't provide enough information, police will be unlikely to investigate. [3]
    • If the harassment was written, save copies of the harassing messages. Resist the urge to delete harassing text messages, as you may be unable to get records of them if you do.
    • You may also be able to take photographs, for example if your harasser did something to your home or your car. If your harasser left any items, put them in a bag. Police may be able to pull fingerprints or other evidence from them.
  3. If the harassing incident has already happened and you don't believe you are in immediate danger, you shouldn't call 911. Look up the non-emergency number for your local police department, or go to the police station in person. [4]
    • If you go to the police station in person, bring any evidence you have along with you. If you call, simply let the dispatcher know what evidence you have. They will provide instructions on how to keep it and where to take it to turn it over to police.
    • Some larger police precincts also have online forms you can fill out to file a police report. Do a general internet search for police with the name of your city to find their website.
  4. Whether reporting over the phone or in person, a uniformed police officer will ultimately take the information you've provided and compile it into a written report. Remain calm while speaking with the officer, and try to stick to the facts.
    • The officer will understand if you're scared or have been traumatized. Focus on providing a clear and accurate account of what the harasser said or did.
    • If the harasser is known to you, provide as much information as you know about their identity, including their name and where they live or work. If the person was a stranger, give the officer an accurate description of the person and the location where the harassment occurred.
  5. If you file your report in person at the police station, you may be able to get a copy of the written report immediately. If you file your report online or over the phone, follow up to find out what you need to do to get a copy.
    • Keep the police report in a safe place along with your copies of any evidence you gathered about the harassment.
    • Your police report will have a case number you can use if you are harassed again and want to update the report, or if you learn any new information.
  6. Depending on the amount of information you've provided, you may receive a call from a police officer or a prosecutor. You may also be called to testify if charges are filed against the person who harassed you. [5]
    • It is up to the prosecutor whether to file charges. If the prosecutor declines to file criminal charges against your harasser, talk to an attorney. You may be able to file a civil lawsuit.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Requesting an Order of Protection

  1. In Missouri, you can only get an order of protection if the person harassing you is a family or household member, or a former intimate partner. [6]
    • You typically can't get an order of protection if the person is a stranger to you, or merely a friend or colleague. However, if you have been the victim of stalking or sexual assault, the judge may enter an order of protection for you.
    • An order of protection is only available if you are an adult over the age of 17 seeking protection from another adult.
  2. Even if you don't feel you are in immediate danger, a personal safety plan ensures that you can protect yourself if the situation escalates. If you have children or other family members who you care for, make plans for them as well. [7]
    • Your safety plan should identify people who can help you in the event of an emergency, and actions you should take if your personal safety is threatened.
    • Gather important documents and information, such as birth certificates, medical records, and Social Security cards, and keep them in a safe place you can access easily. You'll need to take these with you if you have to leave in a hurry.
  3. If the person harassing you is a household member or former partner, you can get help from domestic violence shelters and organizations. In Missouri, start with the nearest service provider for the Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCADSV). [8]
  4. You don't necessarily have to present evidence when you file your initial petition for an order of protection. However, you will need to provide details about the harassment and why you're seeking an order of protection against the person. [9]
    • You'll also need the person's full legal name and an address. If you don't have an exact address of where they live, you at least need to know where they can be found so they can be served with the petition. For example, you may not know your ex-spouse's home address, but you do know where they work.
  5. Forms to request an order of protection are available at the clerk's office. The clerk can help you complete the forms and answer any questions you may have about them. [10]
    • No filing fees are ever charged to request an order of protection, and you don't need to hire an attorney.
  6. A petition for an order of protection is presented to a judge immediately after you file it. The judge may want to see you or ask you some questions. They will then issue an ex parte order of protection. [11]
    • Ex parte simply means the order has been issued without the harasser present. You still must serve your harasser, who is legally entitled to appear in court and tell their side of the story.
    • Your ex parte order is temporary. It is typically only valid until the date of the hearing. If you don't show up for the hearing, you'll have to start the process all over again.
  7. A copy of your petition and your ex parte order will be given to local law enforcement. An officer will deliver these documents to the person who harassed you. If they want to fight against the order of protection, they must appear in court on the hearing date. [12]
    • Your ex parte order may be extended if the person cannot be served. This gives law enforcement additional time to track them down and deliver the documents.
  8. On the date listed on your ex parte order, the judge will hold a hearing in open court before issuing a full order of protection. This hearing gives the person who harassed you an opportunity to talk to the judge and explain their behavior. [13]
    • If you believe you will feel frightened or intimidated being in the same room with your harasser, you can bring along friends or family members for support. You may also be able to bring witnesses to testify on your behalf.
    • Your harasser will not be allowed to talk to you at the hearing, and you won't have to talk to them. You will communicate through the judge, who will ask you questions about the harassment.
  9. When the judge issues you order, it will be valid for one year from the date of your hearing. It may also include a provision that it will be automatically renewed. If it doesn't include this provision, you'll have to file a motion with the court to renew it before it expires. The judge may renew the order twice. Renewals may last anywhere from 6 months to a year. [14]
    • Law enforcement will arrest the harasser if they violate your order of protection. While the existence of the order is entered into the statewide law enforcement computer network, you should also keep a copy on your person to show the officer who responds.
    • You may also want to file copies in security offices of places you frequent, such as work or school.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Reporting Online Harassment

  1. Generally, if the person harassing you online is unknown to you or doesn't live nearby, local police will be unable to help you. Only report the harassment to local police if you know who the person is and you feel you are physically in danger.
    • Even if the person lives far away from you, if you believe they are in the area or they've threatened to come to your local area you should still contact local police.
  2. The FBI maintains a website that collects complaints and information about crimes, including harassment, that occur over the internet. The website also has information and resources to assist you in ending the harassment and protecting yourself.
    • You can find IC3 on the internet at . From the home page, you can file a complaint directly, or navigate through alerts, tips, and information.
  3. Not all complaints submitted to IC3 result in an investigation or in charges being filed. The more detailed information you provide about the harassment, the more likely law enforcement will follow up on it.
    • Since the FBI doesn't collect evidence through the IC3, you should save all of your original documents in a secure location. If an investigator calls you to follow up, they may want these documents.
  4. On the IC3 website, click the red button to begin filling out the complaint form. It helps to gather all the information you have about the harassment before you get started, so you can reference it if necessary. [15]
    • Provide as much identification information about the person harassing you as you can, including their name and address, and any email addresses or screen names they use online.
    • You should also include details about the harassment, such as the dates and times you received harassing messages online and what those messages said.
  5. If the person directly threatens your personal safety, or the safety of loved ones, you can submit your complaint directly to a local FBI field office rather than using IC3. [16]
  6. After your report is filed, you may be contacted by FBI officers who are investigating the harassment. They may have questions for you, or need you to testify if charges are brought against the person harassing you.
    • If the harassment continues, or if you learn additional information that you think would benefit the investigation, contact the investigating officer directly. You can call the field office and provide them with your complaint or report number.

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