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This wikiHow teaches you how to find the phone number that’s associated with your Android phone. You can check your phone number using your Contacts list, or using the Settings menu. These menus may vary depending on which phone model you have.

Things You Should Know

  • Open your Contacts app and click Me , My info , or your name.
  • Go to> About phone or About Device . > Status or Phone identity > SIM Status .
  • In either method, your phone number will appear on under the “My phone number” or "Mobile" headings.
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using Contacts

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  1. It generally has an icon that resembles an old phone receiver. Tap the app icon
  2. It's the third tab at the bottom of the screen.
  3. It is generally at the top of the page. Depending on what phone model you have, it will either say Me or My Info . [1]
  4. It will be listed below "Phone number" or "Mobile". [2]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using the Settings Menu

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  1. It’s the gear icon most commonly found in the app drawer. If you don’t see a gear, look for a wrench. [3]
  2. It's near the bottom of the Settings menu. If you are using a Samsung Galaxy, it will be listed near the top of this page. For all other Android phone models, continue to the next step. [4]
    • If you don't see this option on the root Settings menu, tap System . You should find it there.
  3. On some phone models, you phone number may be listed at the top of this page. If it is not, continue to the next step.
  4. Your phone number should appear on this screen under “My phone number.” [5]
    • If the phone number says "Unknown," you can find your phone number in the Contacts app.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Why does my Android have a no SIM status?
    Community Answer
    This means you need to put a SIM card into your phone. Check with your phone provider for more details.
  • Question
    How can I find my own cell phone number?
    Community Answer
    Go to the phone app and to contacts. Search your name on the search button and click it when you find it. Go to the details and look at the number.
  • Question
    My ex took my phone for two months then returned it without a sim. He hacked my phone and it's currently still hacked. I've just put a new sim on, but it's not registering on my phone.
    Community Answer
    First get a restraining order or call the cops. Then take your phone to a service shop and ask for it to be registered. Your ex may have sold your data to someone who wants it to pretend to be you and make purchases. if you have a backup phone, you should change your password. If you don't, you should let your bank know.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open the Phone app.
      2. Tap Contacts .
      3. Tap Me , My info , or your name.
      4. Check your phone number below "Phone number" or "Mobile.".

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