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The key to finding a caterpillar is to learn about the different types of plants in your local area on which female butterflies like to lay their eggs. Once you’re able to identify certain “host plants,” you can then search the leaves and flowers of such plants for caterpillars that are native to your region. You might even want to plant some host plants at home to invite caterpillars and butterflies into your own backyard.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Searching for Caterpillars

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  1. Knowing this will help you figure out which host plants to look for when seeking the caterpillars that emerge from the eggs that butterflies lay on the plant leaves.
    • To learn more about the types of butterflies and caterpillars that reside in your area, either visit your state’s official website, go to a forestry and wildlife conservation website or office, or borrow some butterfly books from your local library.
    • There are about 20,000 different species of butterflies in the world, and about 725 different species in North America. If you live in the U.S. it’s likely that there are about 100 butterfly species near you — even more if you live closer to Mexico.
  2. Once you know which butterflies are native to your area, learn how to identify their host plants. You can look up images and descriptions of the plants online or in a book, or even download a mobile app. Here are some common host plants: [1]
    • Milkweed thrives in dryer climates across the U.S. and is a common host for Monarch butterflies.
    • Spicebush thrives in moist woods and marshes, and commonly hosts the Spicebush Swallowtail.
    • Paw-Paw trees grow in moist places across Ohio and most of the Eastern U.S., and commonly host the Zebra Swallowtail. [2]
    • Parsley, dill and fennel can grow in the wild but you’re more likely to find them planted in a butterfly aficionado’s garden. These herbs commonly attract the Black Swallowtail.
    • Walnut and Sweet Gum trees host the Luna Moth. Several types of walnut trees grow across the U.S. They thrive in deep, fertile soils that are protected from cold air and water-logging. [3] Sweet Gum trees thrive in deep, moist bottomland and full sun. [4]
    • Black Cherry trees host the Cecropia Moth, the Viceroy, and the Red-Spotted Purple butterfly. They grow across North America on various types of soils, but thrive in cool, moist and temperate locations.
  3. Caterpillars look different from one another based on what species of butterfly they come from/will turn into. For example, they can be brightly coloured, hairy, spotted, skinny or fat.
    • You can narrow down which type of caterpillar you’ve found by considering the host plant. For example, if you find a caterpillar on a Milkweed leaf, it’s likely a Monarch.
    • The next step in figuring out which type of caterpillar you’ve found is to consider its appearance. As an example, Monarch caterpillars are striped yellow-green, white, and black, and look kind of thick and chubby.
    • It’s a good idea to consult a book or website if you’re unsure of which type of caterpillar you’re looking at. Some websites even help you figure out which caterpillar you’ve found using checkboxes. [5]
  4. It’s possible to find caterpillars between early spring and early fall each year; different butterfly species lay eggs at different times. The key is to find out what types of butterflies are native to your area, then look up when they are most likely to lay eggs.
    • Monarch butterfly eggs are laid and hatched in March and April; it takes the caterpillar about 2 weeks to be fully grown, after which it will attach itself to a stem or leaf and begin its metamorphosis into a butterfly. [6]
    • Cecropia and Polyphemus moths lay eggs in late May and June. Their eggs hatch within 1 to 2 weeks, and then the caterpillars spend the summer eating and growing, making their cocoons in August or September. They spend the winter in cocoons and emerge in late May or June as butterflies to lay eggs and start the cycle once more. [7]
    • As a general rule, June is a good time of year for finding caterpillars.
    • If you can't wait until they’re in season, it’s possible to buy caterpillars from some companies so that you can raise them into butterflies yourself. [8]
  5. This could be a nearby field, forest, woods, your backyard or garden, or even a local nursery.
  6. These will generally be on the bottom sides of the leaves/flowers of the host plants.
    • As an example, a Monarch looks like a creamy yellow oblong dot — kind of like the head of those colored tailoring pins.
    • If there are butterflies around, you might even see a butterfly lay an egg. If a butterfly lands on a leaf and lingers, it’s possible she’s laying an egg, so go and check the underside of the leaf once she’s gone.
  7. In most cases, caterpillars will be hiding and chewing from the bottom side of leaves.
  8. Sometimes caterpillars will hang themselves off the sides of leaves and branches or hang by silken threads, especially if they feel at risk for danger.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Handling Caterpillars

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  1. Caterpillars are vulnerable to bacterial infections and can become sick simply through our touching them. For this reason it’s important to always wash your hands before touching caterpillars. [9]
  2. Handle caterpillars with the utmost care as they are fragile and can be easily killed. Be careful not to drop them, as even dropping them a small distance can kill them. [10]
  3. Caterpillars cling tightly to the surfaces on which they walk. If you try to pick up a walking caterpillar, you might tear off their prolegs. If you wish to move a caterpillar allow it to walk on to its new surface on its own. [11]
    • If you want it off your hand, lower your hand to a leaf and let the caterpillar walk on to the leaf on its own.
    • If you are keeping a caterpillar and want to change its host plant, put a new host plant into its container and give the caterpillar a few hours to move over to the new host plant before you remove the old one. [12]
  4. If a caterpillar looks spiky, fuzzy, or hairy, it’s possible it has a branching spine that will sting you if you try to pick the caterpillar up. Most stinging caterpillars are brightly colored. [13]
    • Common stinging caterpillars include the Buck Moth, the Io Moth, Slug-like caterpillars, the Puss Caterpillar, the Saddleback Caterpillar, the Euclea delphinii caterpillar, the Hag Moth, and the Stinging Rose caterpillar. [14]
  5. [15] If you are stung by a caterpillar, you can use adhesive tape to remove any broken spines from the sting area, and then try washing it with soap and water to remove the venom and reduce irritation.
    • You can also try putting ice and/or baking soda on the sting to help with pain and swelling.
    • Caterpillar stings are similar to bee stings in that they are generally not fatal, but severe reactions can occur. If you have a history of asthma or any allergies, or allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing or severe swelling occur, seek medical help immediately. [16]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Raising a Caterpillar into a Butterfly

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  1. Many people would prefer to leave caterpillars in their natural habitats, but if you feel comfortable taking one home, make sure you have a suitable container for it.
    • Suitable containers for caterpillars include aquariums or even one-gallon jars. The top of the living space should be breathable and securely fastened: cheesecloth or a thin-mesh screen will work well.
    • Do not simply poke holes into a jar lid, as this will not provide enough fresh air for the caterpillars. In addition, if they crawl on to the lid the sharp edges of the holes may cut the caterpillars open. [17]
  2. These need to be securely fastened and strong enough for the caterpillars to crawl on and pupate on. [18] When pupating, many caterpillars hang upside down and after some time emerge as butterflies.
    • Note that not all caterpillars hang upside down to pupate, however. Some moth caterpillars dig down into the soil to pupate. [19]
  3. Caterpillars will only certain types of plants, and this differs based on species. Your best bet is to feed your caterpillar the same type of plant that you found it on, but if this isn’t possible, find out what type of caterpillar you have and then feed it leaves from its ideal host plant. [20]
  4. If you can fit a live, potted plant in their cage, that’s ideal. If not, make sure you are within close range of their host plants so that you can retrieve fresh leaf clippings for your caterpillar every day.
    • Caterpillars won’t eat dead, dry, or old leaves, so it’s imperative to make fresh ones available to them each day. You can keep leaves in water to preserve them, but do not keep the water in the same container as the caterpillar as the caterpillar could fall into it and drown. [21]
    • Caterpillars get the hydration they need from eating plants, so there’s no need to keep water in their container.
  5. Make sure that the leaves you feed to your caterpillar don’t have any other insects on them. A spider could easily make its way into your caterpillar’s cage on the back of a leaf and then eat it. [22]
  6. Caterpillars like a humid environment. If the cage looks dry you can give it a few spritzes with filtered or distilled water, or even rain water collected from outside.
    • Just be sure not to over-water the container, otherwise it could start growing mould. [23]
  7. Caterpillars eat roughly 200 times their body weight each day, and produce a tonne of waste called “frass.” You must clean the frass out of the cage every day, otherwise your caterpillar's environment will be dirty, mouldy and unhealthy. [24]
    • For caterpillars that hang upside down to pupate, the easiest way to keep the cage clean is to line its bottom with paper towels and then remove and replace the paper towels with fresh ones each day.
  8. Some types of caterpillar pupate underground and require soil to do so. If this is the species of caterpillar you have, you’ll need to line your container with two inches of soil.
    • If you’re unsure of what species of caterpillar you have, you’re best off lining the container with soil just in case. [25]
  9. [26] Butterflies and moths begin as tiny eggs and then hatch into larvae (aka caterpillars). Caterpillars eat until they outgrow their skin, which usually happens about four times before the caterpillar reaches its final “instar”, or life stage between sheds.
    • In its final instar the caterpillar becomes a pupa (for butterflies this is also known as a chrysalis). In many moth species the pupa stage will involve a cocoon or the caterpillar burrowing down into soil to pupate.
    • After anywhere from a few days to a few months, a butterfly or moth will emerge from the pupa. Its goal is then to mate and reproduce before dying.
  10. The lifespan of a butterfly can be anywhere from a few days to nine months, depending on its environment and ability to avoid predators. The average lifespan estimate of butterflies is one month.
    • Once your caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it’s best to simply let it go.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Identifying Common Host Plants

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  1. The Milkweed plant is host to the Monarch butterfly species, which is one of the most common butterfly species in North America.
    • Milkweed is a tall perennial with large, tough leaves that are usually long and oval-shaped. The plant usually grows in dryer locations and can be found in fields and along roadsides. Of the 75 types of milkweed that grow across the U.S., Monarchs favor 30. [27]
    • Milkweed seeds are often a defining feature. They are small, flat and reddish-brown, with silky hair sprouting out of one end. [28]
  2. Spicebush is a small dark-green shrub that features oval-shaped leaves and serves as the host plant for the Spicebush Swallowtail and the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly species.
    • The plant thrives beneath larger trees located in forests and woods, and grows shiny red berries.
  3. Paw-Paw trees are the host plants for Zebra Swallowtails, and can generally be found throughout the eastern region of North America near creeks, ravines, and steep hillsides.
    • The Paw-Paw has large foliage that appears tropical and bears large pale fruits of the same name. [29]
  4. The Black Swallowtail is attracted to herbal plants such as these, which can be helpful if you want to grow herbs at your home for the sake of finding caterpillars.
    • Dill, parsley, and fennel are known to grow wildly throughout North America, and can also be purchased at most garden nurseries.
  5. Walnut trees are the host plant to the Luna Moth, which is one of the largest moths in North America.
    • Walnut trees are usually found near ravines and streams, and grow in abundance throughout the state of California. [30]
    • Walnut trees can grow up to 70 feet (21.3 m) tall and tend to have branches that grow outward into a prominent, upright rounded shape.
  6. If you’re having trouble identifying host plants, consider downloading a mobile app to hep you. To choose a good plant-identifying mobile app, check the screenshots and user reviews.
    • Some plant-identifying apps are supported by universities and other research institutes, and kept up to date by experts in their fields. If possible, try downloading one of these apps before choosing a more commercial one.
  7. If you don’t have a tablet or smart phone, or would prefer not to bring electronic devices with you on nature walks, consider carrying a plant-identification book with you. You can buy this at most bookstores or even pick one up from your local library.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How hard is it to find caterpillars?
    Community Answer
    It's quite easy to find common caterpillars if you are in the right area. Places with many plants , trees, leaves and flowers will make ideal living grounds for all bugs. Check the time of year when the caterpillars you are looking for are around.
  • Question
    Where can I find a caterpillar in my own backyard?
    Community Answer
    Find out which butterflies are native to the area in which you live. You can do this by doing an online search of "butterflies native to [your location]". Once you know what butterflies are in your area, find out which host plants they like (e.g. Monarchs like Milkweed), and then check to see if your backyard has any of the host plants in it. If there are no host plants in your own backyard, you can always plant some, or if you live with your parents, you can ask your parents about planting some.
  • Question
    Where can I find caterpillars?
    Community Answer
    Look under leaves with holes in them and you may find one munching on a leaf. I try and look in my larger plants with big holes in but also they are very hard to find so don't be dissapointed if you can't find a caterpillar.
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      • If you experience difficulty with locating certain wild species of butterfly and moth host plants, try purchasing the plants from a nursery and plant them in your own yard or garden. In most cases, butterfly species that are native to your region will flock to the host plants and lay eggs. [31]
      • To increase the amount of butterfly and moth traffic in your yard or garden, try planting nectar plants in addition to host plants. Nectar plants are known to produce sweet liquids that butterflies commonly feed on. Examples of nectar plants are azaleas, sunflowers, black-eyed susans, lilacs, marigolds, and other types of plants that may thrive in your region. [32]
      • Many caterpillars blend in with their host plants. This is called camouflage and helps protect them from predators. For this reason you may have to look extra closely at the host plants to find any caterpillars that may be on them.
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      • Spending time in leafy outdoor areas increases your risk of being bitten by ticks. Some ticks carry and transmit the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease, a debilitating illness that can affect your brain and nervous system, muscles and joints, and your heart. [33] To reduce your risk of being bitten by ticks while searching for caterpillars, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts, and closed-toed shoes while outdoors. When you get home from your adventure, remove your clothes and wash them. [34] You can also run a sticky lint roller over your clothes to pick up any ticks that might have attached to your clothing.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To find a caterpillar, look for host plants that butterflies frequent, such as milkweed, paw-paw trees, and spicebush. You can search for pictures of these plants online, or even download a mobile app to help you find them. Additionally, make sure you’re searching for caterpillars between early spring and early fall, as this is when they typically emerge. Once you find a host plant, look for eggs on the underside of leaves and check branches for hanging caterpillars. To learn how to raise a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly, read on!

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