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Fitting two twin beds into a small bedroom is tricky, and measuring the room and arranging the furniture can make it a haven for the people sharing it. You will need to know how to make a sketch of the entire room and record the dimensions in your drawing. After measuring the room, you’ll choose the twin beds and decide how best to arrange them in the room based on its shape and size.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Measuring and Sketching the Room

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  1. [1] As you sketch, add doors, windows, and the directions that they open, and all arches and coves. Having a sketch of the fixtures in the room will allow you to organize furniture based on how many doors there are and so on. You don’t want to put beds or a desk right in front of a closet door or the exit! [2]
    • Make note of how big the doorway is so you know how large of an item you can move into the space.
    • Mark where the air vents are in your room if you have any so you don’t cover them.
  2. This is so you can include the position of things such as windows, radiators, electrical outlets, air vents, and any other fixed objects that would be obstacles to placing twin beds in the room. You need to be able to work around those fixtures when placing beds and other furnishings. [3]
  3. [4] Measure between each fixed point in the room. So measure the distance from the doorframe archway to the corner of the room, the corner of the room to the window reveals, and so on. [5]
    • Pick a starting point and work clockwise from it, so you don’t leave anything out.
    • Don’t forget to measure the room’s height and all vertical distances until the whole room is mapped out onto your sketches. It’s helpful to know the height because you might be thinking about getting a bunk bed.
    • Measure the size and dimensions of all fixed objects, and record them on your sketches as you go.
  4. If there are dressers and a desk, measure the spaces between them and record that on your sketch. This prevents any complications when fitting the two beds into the room. [6]
    • A standard twin bed’s measurements are 39 by 74 inches (99 by 188 cm). This is the minimum size where a person using it can still be comfortable. [7]
    • The best size room to fit two twin beds is 10 by 10 feet (3.0 by 3.0 m). [8]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Selecting Two Twin Beds

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  1. With this design, kids can get the exact same amount of storage space and the same sized beds. Both beds are one unit and are fit together in the shape of an L to fit nicely into a corner. They allow each person to have a sense of ownership over their own space. [9]
    • Both beds have the same amount of space for storage underneath, and they make the most use of space in a small room.
    • This configuration may give you the most floor space since both beds are pushed against the wall.
  2. Also called a twin over twin bunk bed, these are just two twins stacked on top of each other, and they’ll save you a lot of room. But make sure you measure the height of the room before buying a bunk bed. [10]
    • Most twin over twin bunk beds are 68 by 42 by 80 inches (170 by 110 by 200 cm) in height, width and length.
    • Make sure your children are comfortable climbing in and out of a bunk bed.
  3. These elevate the beds a couple feet off the ground to create storage space underneath. You can put flat storage under bins the beds to store seasonal clothes that aren’t in use. This will free up space in the closet and dresser. [11]
  4. A loft raises the bed up high enough to create more space under the bed where you can fit a desk, reading nook or more storage space. You can put shelves under a loft bed to store books and collectibles or anything that makes a small room more cluttered. [12]
    • Set up a desk and chairs with computers to create a small study area under each bed. [13]
    • This setup works best for older children and teenagers.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Arranging the Furniture

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  1. Based on the size and shape of the room, you will need to place the beds to get the most out of your space. [14] Place beds parallel to each other in a square room. In a long room, place two beds lengthwise against the wall, because a long, narrow room fits the proportion of twin beds better than a square room. For a room that’s L-shaped, put beds on opposite ends of the L shape to maximize privacy for the inhabitants. [15]
    • In a square room, keep space between the beds for a desk, and enough space on opposite sides for nightside stands. Include one dresser or wardrobe on the other side of the room across from the beds. [16]
    • Put two beds lengthwise against the wall in a long room. Twin beds will fit better in a long and narrow room together because this shape fits their proportions better than a square bedroom does. Include a small table, chest of drawers, bookshelf, or wardrobe between the beds to create privacy for each inhabitant.
    • Put the two dressers next to each other against the longest wall of an L-shaped room. Place each desk against the wall parallel to each bed.
    • Make sure you have enough room to walk around, open doors, and make the bed.
  2. The more you utilize the beds as storage space, the less clutter there will be. Put a storage bench, baskets or crates at the foot of each bed to store toys, books, and seasonal clothes. [17]
    • A storage bench would take up about a foot of space at the end of each bed.
    • Some bed frames are designed with storage in mind, so buy one with compartments for keeping bins or baskets underneath. [18]
    • You can also consider headboard storage by utilizing bins or baskets to organize bedside necessities. Wall shelving above the bed also increases storage space. [19]
  3. As its name suggests, a desk nightstand serves as both a desk and a bedside table for storing items. Take advantage of its surface area to store bedside essentials and for studying. [20]
    • As a desk, it has room for a small lamp, a pen cup, and a laptop computer.
    • A desk nightstand may have a drawer or two to store phone rechargers and home office items.
  4. If there’s no room for a decently-sized dresser, you can get creative with one or two clothing racks. Using shelves or a storage bench along the wall also maximizes space for shoes, towels, and spare bedding. [21]
    • One way to make use of wall space is to install a shelf with a rack attached to it, so you can hang clothes on the rack while putting whatever else you need on the shelf.
    • A storage bench along the wall under the shelf and rack unit can hold folded clothes, more shoes, books, and toys.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    I would like a sleep sofa with a pop-up bed below it. Any suggestions?
    Katherine Tlapa
    Interior Designer
    Katherine Tlapa is an interior designer, currently working as a Design Specialist for Modsy, a design service based in San Francisco. She also runs her own DIY Home Design blog, My Eclectic Grace. She received her BFA in Interior Architecture from Ohio University in 2016.
    Interior Designer
    Expert Answer
    Many retailers sell sleeper sofas that will transform into a bed when you need one.
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      • Be safe, and always use a step ladder when measuring fixtures at high levels. Don’t stand on radiators or anything other than a ladder.

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        Apr 2, 2022

        "My twin and I are 13 years old and sick of bunk beds. We showed this article to our parents and they agreed to let ..." more
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