Yep, I have a phobia!
I'm deathly afraid of spiders! My brother says I'm being overdramatic but I'm really really afraid of them. This quiz says it's likely I have a phobia and I think it's right. Do you have a phobia?
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I am terrifyed of being alone or forgotten and this test proved it to my friends
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that could be something else though, like seperation anxiety, or trauma from past experiances!!!
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yeah. I would die if I was forgotten by my closer friends but some I wouldn't care if they did.
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I'm horrified of the idea of something like the "alternates" from Mandela Catalogue basically that has sunken in eyes and a hollow black gaping hole for a mouth being somewhere dark and watching me in my home especially in my room especially at night and when it's quiet just out of sight. One time I was falling asleep and just as I was passing out I felt something tap me on the back with about the force of knocking on a door, I was terrified and looked around but saw nothing, so I tried to sleep again and IT HAPPENED AGAIN. So I backed up all the way against the wall (left side of my bed) and made sure that nothing could be tapping me like that, and said to myself that if it happened again then I could freak tf out, but it didn't happen again. I can't look at black windows or downstairs, I freak out get this sense of impending doom and terror and run elsewhere, I get intrusive flashes of what the creatures might look like standing there or looking at me from the darkness, and it terrifies me. It makes me feel uneasy and terrified in my own home, and I hate it. When I first watched some minimal content about that series, I couldn't sleep for days, I would be laying there with my eyes darting around my room until I passed out from exhaustion. Now I feel just anxious but I try really hard to just sleep and not think about it. I was always afraid of the dark but now I'm specifically terrified of this.
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NOW I HAVE A NEW PHOBIA!!! THANKS ALOT!! (i am sorry that u had to go through that)
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Woah. That's quite the confession. I think there may be a ghost in your room. Those paranormal feelings usually can be signs that there is a spirit of someone in the room, so I would check. I'm not quite sure how to check, but little joke here, find the Ghostbusters, they'll help.
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Terrified of heights! Once I had a panic attack at Urban Air when I was about to go on, so I unhooked myself and ran under the jungle gym. 🙃
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I'm deadly afraid of heights and my brother and my dad think its nothing. When I find anything like rollar coaster at any amusement park, I'll definitely run away unless it is kids one. But my dad said it is not scary, whenever I do not play anyting that is related to height. I think it's likely have phobia and it might be right.
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nope, I really hate worms especially on rainy days since there are freaking a million of them on the floor outside. And since tdy was raining, I saw a million worms and I was terrified of them I couldn't even walk without staring at the floor the whole time but it says its unlikely that i have a phobia
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nope, I really hate worms especially on rainy days since there are freaking a million of them on the floor outside. And since tdy was raining, I saw a million worms and I was terrified of them I couldn't even walk without staring at the floor the whole time but it says its unlikely that i have a phobia
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Yeah i am horrified about spiders as well! I will literally freeze in pure terror if i see one, even if its little
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Needles, pain, getting hot by a basketball/volleyball, anything else to do with pain, bugs (except for worms and caterpillars)
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I am absolutely terrified of spiders, even the tiny ones that take you ages to see, I scream and run away, even if I am doing something important. I honestly am scared to death.
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I have a HUGE fear of heights,when I went to a church camp I couldn't even do something
called the blob, where you jump from a tower onto a huge plastic bag of air to send the person flying into the water. then you get on the end and reapete the prosses.
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called the blob, where you jump from a tower onto a huge plastic bag of air to send the person flying into the water. then you get on the end and reapete the prosses.
I have the same fear! God, my parents take me on planes all the time and I basically die of fear every time.
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I'm am horrified of death. I don't like the thought of it what so ever, like what happens afterwards. Is it just pitch black or is it just like others may believe. Is there a God, goddess, or some higher power, is he'll real, etc. I'm scared of it completely.
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It says that it is very likely that I have a phobia, but I think it is just intense stress and anxiety. I have no way of finding out, though, so I don't really dwell on it.
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I got the answer saying it is very likely that I have a phobia, even though it is usually just stuff that is creepy that I see on TV that scares me.
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I'm afraid of being alone. when I was playing a game with my friends, I hid in a tree, and no one could find me. I kept having panic attacks
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I hate tight spaces. One time, at a water park, there was a slide that was a very tight tube you went down headfirst. It really freaked me out.
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its kind of weird but I have a hugeeee fear of sharp objects but specifically for knives and sharp Scissors. Whenever I even think about it or see it disturbing thoughts come into my head of what could happen if I touch them. I makes me so nauseous and panicked. Am I the only one or?
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I'm deathly afraid of needles especially shots from the doctor, I even passed out once!
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I don’t have this phobia, but do not face this fear because I don’t think anyone wants to see someone barf.
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I'm claustrophobic (fear of small spaces) and I get scarred/nervous when ever I'm in a small space with lots of people of with loud noises. I even get scared when I'm in a big room but there lots of chaus of loud noises, and it's not the loud noises it's more like I'm being traumatized by voices in my head. The worst thing is i don't know how scared I really am unless i can feel my heartbeat, if I'm really not scared but something is scary for other people i will feel my heartbeat and think if it's beating fast "should i really do this or should i not and rethink my decision
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I have mimophobia, which is the fear of mimes. I mean, THEY SEE THINGS WHICH AREN'T THERE!! Am I the only one or?
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I understand what that is like. It's a horrible fear to have no matter wo you are. I'm sorry
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I'm scared of spiders. I've seen huge ones which scare me to death and I've seen small ones which aren't that bad.
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I have a fear of spiders, holes, loud noises I'm low-key traumatized right now cuz I searched up holes by accident now I'm afraid i'll have a nightmare. Oh Allah save me
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I have tripopphobia IDK if I spelled that right but it is the fear of tint holes, So scary.
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Omg these are crazy phobias I have hemophobia the fear of blood am I the only one who has this fear??????
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Bro I have so much fear of spiders, and I hate being around them. Some of my friends are interested in spiders, and/ or really like them. I hate spiders and if I see a spider I have literally jumped onto my crush... literally, my best friend showed me a picture of a orange tarantula, and I screamed and literally jumped into his arms... and did not let go until she got rid of the spider stuff. My first reaction to a spider is I scream and run. I run hard.
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I am terrified of that triangle headed eel thing. You will see when you image search "rare sea creatures" Give it a try :p
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omg my little brother loves those things, 'cause he is as obsessed with animals and death as much as I am obsessed with books, and I can and will read four 700 page books a week (yeah I'm a crazy bookworm). btw they are called frilled sharks but they aren't sharks XD
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I'm also afraid of spiders! But probably not as much as you because the quiz only said it's "likely" I have a phobia, not "very likely"
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Did you/one of your relatives have an interaction with blood or injury that was major and dangerous? This is one of the most basic ways that you’d be afraid of blood.
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i honestly have a HUGE fear of tornadoes, like even typing the word scares me, i literally can predict if a tornado is going to happen and also every time it storms i freak out thinking a tornado is going to happen.
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I have a phobia of clowns except for the dancing ones at the Universal circus their cool others I'm not going year so I obviously got you have a phobia
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one of my friends has a phobia of mascots, they really shake her. once, we were doing an all-school assembly for the starting of winter break, and our school mascot walked down the aisles giving people high-fives, and she totally freaked and asked me if we could switch spots because she sits near the aisle.
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I’m scared of giant prehistoric sharks. Not modern ones, prehistoric ones. Yes, I know they’re extinct 😖 when people ask my phobias, I just say thalassophobia, which is fear of the ocean, bc that’s basically true as well. I’m not scared of sunny, beach type oceans, but if you look up thalassophobia and go to the photos section, I’m scared of what pops open. That’s right. Deep, dark, empty oceans 🥲
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Omg im also like scared of it and wouldn’t go bathing there i guess? But i don’t have a phobia (again, it’s just a guess (tho i’m not screaming if i look at a picture or think about it)
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I'm super scared of wasps.... their stripes are so scary! But that's not why I'm scared of them
When I was younger I was reading, and one landed on my head, and I felt something on my head and reached up- I think you can guess what happened after. It wasn't that bad, I'm being dramatic but it was scary.
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When I was younger I was reading, and one landed on my head, and I felt something on my head and reached up- I think you can guess what happened after. It wasn't that bad, I'm being dramatic but it was scary.
I have Thalassophobia the fear of deep waters. Its quite scary I fear of going off a boat and being in really deep waters. Like a cruise ship for example, I have a really big fear of falling off the rails somehow and falling in the waters without a life jacket on. Its quite a fear for me to be scared of.
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I have mysophobia, which is the fear for dirty things or germs 😅 but, I mean, oh well, it matches me...
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Me too!! I swam in the ocean last year and once I got to the point where the water got cold and I couldn't see the bottom, I turned around and swam back really quick. 🥲
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I have claustrophobia I hate small spaces and sometimes I have nightmares about them
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I hate tight spaces. One time, at a water park, there was a slide that was a very tight tube you went down headfirst. It really freaked me out.
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I was extremely afraid of bloody scenes in horror movies (now also a bit). I used to lose my sense if I face any bloody situation before. But now, it's limited to a little lightheadedness. But in this quiz, it told "It's unlikely you have a phobia". While I still bear a slight or almost negligible Haemophobia (Fear of blood).
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