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Getting better grades can seem like a daunting task. It might take some effort, but there are steps you can take to meet your full potential. Start by believing in yourself and developing an optimistic attitude . Take notes in class and study a little every day instead of cramming. If you need extra help, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher or try to find a tutor. Stay organized, keep track of your due dates, and avoid putting things off until the last minute. Maintaining your health is essential to academic success , so eat nutritious meals, get plenty of sleep, exercise daily, and put away any technology that could cause you to procrastinate.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Making the Most of Class Time

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  1. Encourage yourself . It’s easy to get down on yourself if you’re not doing so great in school. However, the first step to getting better grades is to be optimistic. Acknowledge that there’s some room for improvement, but tell yourself you have the power to achieve better grades. [1]
    • Instead of thinking to yourself, “I’m a failure and I’m just not a good student,” tell yourself, “With a little effort, I can and will do better!”
    • You could also try saying your name and "you" instead of "I." Say to yourself, "Sam, you can do this! If you stay focused on your work, you can achieve your goals!" Pumping yourself up like this can be a more powerful motivator. [2]
  2. Pay attention and participate in class . Do your assigned reading, and if anything confused you, come up with questions you could ask during class. When your teacher asks a question, raise your hand to offer an answer. [3]
    • Asking and answering questions instead of dozing off will show your teacher that you care about school. You'll improve your participation grade, and they might be more responsive if you ask for extra help.
    • If you're naturally shy, it might be tough to participate in class. Take a breath, relax, and do your best not to worry about what other people think. If it helps you stay on track, try writing down questions you could ask in class in advance.
  3. Take clear notes by hand. Try to take notes as thoroughly and legibly as possible. While you want to be thorough, summarize the lecture instead of copying it verbatim. Use abbreviations and key words instead of full sentences so you can keep up with your teacher. Skip lines so it's easier to read your notes later, and try to keep information organized with section headings and bullet points. [4]
    • For instance, if your history teacher was talking about the House of Lancaster, then moves on to the House of York, start a new section in your notes. Use stars, Roman numerals, or any outline system that works for you.
    • Handwriting notes instead of typing will help you absorb information better.
    • After class or during a free period, compare notes with a friend to make sure you didn’t miss any key details.
  4. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. If a particular lesson makes your head spin, ask your teacher to help you break down the information after class. [5]
    • You could also see if your school offers a peer tutoring program. If all else fails, try talking to your parents about getting a private tutor.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Focusing on Your Homework

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  1. Remove all distractions while studying . Find a quiet spot away from your household’s hustle and bustle to study or do homework. Put your phone in a drawer or otherwise out of sight so you won’t be tempted to check it. [6]
    • Some people focus better when they listen to music. If it helps you sink into your studies, try putting on some classical or instrumental tunes.
  2. Your brain can only stay focused for so long. Take 15 minutes to get up, stretch, go to the bathroom, get a snack, or another activity that gives your brain a rest. [7]
    • Try to schedule regular breaks between assignments or sections instead of just getting up in the middle of doing a homework problem.
  3. Keep your notebook handy when you do your assigned reading. Make a rough outline of the textbook chapter by writing the section heading, summarizing the main ideas, and defining key concepts. You'll be better prepared for class, and you'll appreciate your notes when it's time to study for the big test. [8]
    • Highlighting or underlining as you read isn't a very effective technique. It's one thing to only highlight a section's thesis, or its one major argument. However, coloring a bunch of text throughout the section won't help you retain information. Instead, try flash cards. Studies prove that flash cards are more effective than any other technique of memorizing.
  4. A study group can help you and your friends stay focused and motivate each other. Further, everyone learns and picks up information differently. Someone might get a concept that’s giving you trouble, and you might be able to help another student with a tough topic. [9]
    • Ask 3 or 4 classmates to set up a group study time after school, on the weekends, or during a free period.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Staying Organized

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  1. Keep your notes, assignments, and workspace organized . Set yourself up for success by using one notebook or binder per class. When you sit down to work at home, choose a spot where you can stay focused and organized , like a big table or desk, instead of a sofa or bed. [10]
  2. Use a planner to organize your time . Write down due dates and test days as soon as they’re assigned. In addition to school work, you might have important dates related to clubs, sports, or other activities. Use your planner to help you keep track of all academic and extracurricular responsibilities. [11]
    • If you have a big game the day after a term paper is due, you can break up the assignment into smaller chunks. Work on outlines and drafts in the weeks prior to the due date. If you don’t use a planner and lose track of time, trying to prepare for the game and finish your paper in the same week might get overwhelming.
  3. Cramming increases stress and makes it more difficult for your brain to absorb information. Instead of cramming the night before a big test, study one chapter early in the week then, the next day, review it and study the next. Add and review each piece gradually to build up the entire test unit. [12]
    • Suppose you have 3 tests on Friday. Cramming on Thursday night would set yourself up for failure. Instead, break up the test material into sections, and give yourself plenty of time during the week to study one section at a time. [13]
  4. Like cramming, procrastination only leads to stress. Even if you have a few days to complete an assignment, finish it as soon as possible to keep your workload in check. [14]
    • For instance, your teacher might assign something on Tuesday that’s not due until Friday. Putting it off until the night before will give you a homework-free night on Wednesday. However, you also have a test on Friday, so doubling up your workload Thursday night isn’t worth it.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Taking Care of Yourself

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  1. . Your brain needs lots of energy to stay at peak performance. Make sure it gets the fuel it needs by eating your daily required servings of proteins, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and grains. [15]
    • Breakfast is especially important, so have a bowl of fortified cereal or a cup of Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts before school.
  2. It’s tempting to stay up all night texting your best friend or crush, but a lack of sleep is terrible for your grades. Try to stick to a normal sleep schedule, go to bed early, and aim for 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. [16]
    • If necessary, you could catch some extra shuteye on the weekends, but do your best to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  3. Physical activity can help students improve their grades. If you don’t play a sport or have gym class every day, set aside 30 minutes after school for a walk, jog, or bike ride.
    • Walking and running also help spur creativity. If you’re trying to come up with a good essay topic, mull it over while you go for a walk.
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  • Question
    How can I get better grades without studying too much?
    Community Answer
    Pay attention in class and take notes. When you write something down it helps you remember it. Go over your notes three times a week for 10-15 minutes, and right before you go to bed on the night before a test.
  • Question
    How do I get better grades if I'm a very lazy person?
    Community Answer
    Make a timetable for your studies/homework after school and stick to it. Study every day. Give yourself rewards for getting things done. As you see your grades improving, you'll be inspired to keep at it.
  • Question
    I can't seem to care about my grades. Do you have any advice?
    Community Answer
    Think about how much better you would feel about yourself if you got good grades. You'd feel pride and a sense of accomplishment, and that's a nice feeling. Also, think about how great it would make your parents feel. They might even see how responsible you're being about your grades and expand some of your privileges. Or maybe you have a teacher or a classmate you want to prove something to, someone who doesn't respect you or doesn't know how smart you are. That can be great motivation as well.
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      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Don't cheat! It may be tempting, but it's never worth it. I cheated once and I got a high grade, but the next time I had an exam on that same material, I couldn't remember it (because I never actually learned it). I ended up getting a low score.
      • Don't ever say you're not smart. If you do that, you'll doubt yourself, which can prevent you from getting good grades. Believe in yourself and just do your best!
      • Chew gum while studying, then chew the same flavor gum while taking the test/exam. It sounds strange, but it helps me remember what I studied!
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To get better grades in high school, make the most of your class time by paying attention, taking good notes, and participating in class discussions. Be sure to stay on top of your homework assignments so you're always ready for the next day, and create a study schedule so you can prepare for upcoming tests and quizzes without cramming at the last minute. If you're still having trouble, consider starting a study group or enlisting the help of a tutor! For tips on making the most of your study time, read on!

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