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Follow these steps to repair your relationship with your Sagittarius man
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If you’ve had a fight with a Sagittarius man, you’re probably scrambling to apologize and make amends. Luckily, those born under the sun sign of Sagittarius are known to be rather forgiving and easygoing. Regardless, they will still appreciate a conversation to remedy the situation if their feelings were hurt, which is where we come in. Keep reading for a comprehensive guide on how to fix things with your better Sagittarius half, including expert advice from astrologist, Angel Eyedealism, and clinical psychologist, Gera Anderson.

How to Get a Sagittarius Man Back

Bring up the subject directly and be honest about what happened. Apologize to him sincerely and take responsibility without making excuses. Try to show him that you won't make the same mistake again and follow through with your actions.

Section 1 of 5:

Apologizing to Him

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  1. This sign is known for being direct and to the point when it comes to their communication style. They'll be receptive to an open and straightforward conversation about what happened. Pick a time for you two to talk in private and ask if they would be open to having a discussion about what has upset them. [1]
    • If you're able to meet in person, say something like, "I'd really like to talk about what happened. Would now be a good time to talk?"
    • If you're not able to meet in person, you might text them, "Are you free to talk? I feel really bad about what happened and think we should have a conversation."
  2. Sagittarius men are known for being pretty blunt. They won't be interested in endless apologies or a conversation that keeps going in circles. Instead, be upfront and choose the words that will have the most impact. To help you with this, plan out what you have to say in advance or write out your apology before you say it in person. [2]
    • You might try drafting your words in a journal or on some scratch paper. If you're having the conversation over text, draft your texts in the Notes app.
    • Everyone is different. It's possible the Sagittarius guy you've hurt will want to have a longer discussion about what happened and why he was hurt.
      • If that's the case, be there for him and stay in the conversation until you can hopefully reach a solution.
  3. Do this even if it's awkward or painful. A Sagittarius man is considered one of the most honest and trustworthy signs out there. To gain his forgiveness, you'll need to show him that you're both of those things yourself. If you betrayed his trust or made a mistake that's caused him to feel hurt, don't try to hide it. [3]
    • Instead, state exactly what you did in a calm, respectful manner. A Sagittarius will be open to hearing you out and will likely respect you for your candor.
    • Maybe you lied to him about making plans with an ex. Say something like, "I completely understand why you're upset. I was dishonest with you about my plans with Mandy, and I broke your trust."
  4. Owning up to your actions will go a long way with the always virtuous Sagittarius man. If you messed up and hurt his feelings, tell him explicitly that it was your fault. This may be hard to do, but Sagittarius men admire people who live with integrity. Show him that you're one of those people by reflecting upon your mistakes and holding yourself accountable. [4]
    • Maybe you forgot to pick him up from work like you said you would. You might say, "There are no excuses. I completely forgot and I feel terrible about how you must have felt waiting at work for so long."
  5. A Sagittarius man will appreciate a genuine apology. As pretty forgiving and easygoing people, saying you're sorry can really go a long way to make amends with a Sagittarius. [5] Just make sure that your apology is sincere by acknowledging his feelings, expressing your remorse, and speaking from the heart.
    • If he's upset that you've been ditching him to make other plans lately, you might say, "I'm truly sorry I haven't been making you a priority. I really regret taking you for granted and want you to know how much I love spending time with you."
    • Anderson offers advice on crafting a good, honest apology. 
      • She says, “If you regret your actions, apologize for your actions. If you do not regret your actions, apologize that your actions made the other people feel that way, for that was not your intent.”
  6. If you do this, it might make your Sagittarius man walk away for good. Sagittarius men are forgiving, but they value honesty and integrity above all else. Never blame them for something in order to feel less guilty about what happened. [6]
    • Similarly, don't make excuses if you made a mistake. A Sagittarius will feel disrespected by this kind of behavior and will likely close the door on any chance of forgiveness.
    • Avoid saying things like, "I only did this because you were making me angry" or "I'm sorry you feel that way, but it really wasn't my fault."
      • A Sagittarius will interpret those kinds of statements as ways to shift the blame and avoid taking responsibility for your actions.
    • Even if you really messed up, admitting your mistake directly will give you a much better chance at gaining a Sagittarius's forgiveness.
      • As the risk-takers of the Zodiac, they likely understand what it's like to make a mistake and will have empathy for your experience. [7]
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Section 2 of 5:

Moving Forward After You Apologize

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  1. A Sagittarius won't be afraid to let you know how you hurt them. If you messed up and feel bad about it, it might be hard to hear what he has to say about it. To really earn his forgiveness, you'll need to do this no matter how hard it may be. Give him the chance to respond, nod along and listen attentively as he speaks, and avoid getting defensive. [8]
    • Put your phone away when you're talking to each other. If you're unsure about something he said, ask follow-up questions. [9]
      • You might also try rephrasing what he said in your own words to check that you understood him correctly.
  2. A Sagittarius man may need to figure out his feelings by himself first. Those with this sun sign are very independent and they need a lot of space to thrive. In conflict, that might look like taking some time to themselves before a situation is resolved. [10]
    • If this Sagittarius guy needs some time to process before he can forgive you, respect that.
      • Don't push him to forgive you before he's ready, as that could make him feel overwhelmed or stressed by the situation.
    • At the end of your conversation, you might say, "I totally understand if you need some time before you can forgive me. Just know I'm always here to talk about it."
    • If he tells you explicitly that he needs space, say something like, "I completely understand. Let me know whenever you're ready to talk again."
    • Eyedealism shares how much Sagittariuses value space and freedom and warns against coming off too demanding or controlling, as that’s likely to push them away even more.
  3. Sagittarius men have a strong sense of justice, which means they won't stick around to be disrespected more than once. [11] After you've apologized, make it clear that you will change your actions going forward. That can really help you win back a Sagittarius guy's trust.
    • Perhaps you said something that really offended him. To gain his forgiveness, you might say, "I realize now that I need to think before I speak. Going forward, I'll always be mindful of how my words affect people."
  4. After your conversation, stay true to your commitment to change. A Sagittarius man will want to be around someone who lives with integrity just as he does, so you'll need to keep your word. Live out your promise to change and be mindful of how your actions affect the Sagittarius guy you care about. [12]
    • Let's say you promised you would be more reliable. When you make plans in the future, write down your commitments with this Sagittarius guy in your calendar so you won't forget about them or be late.

    Gera Anderson, PsyD

    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Dr. Gera Anderson is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with more than five years of experience. She specializes in integrated behavioral health, neuropsychological assessment, and pain management, and has worked in community mental health settings, correctional facilities, psychiatric hospitals, and schools. Dr. Anderson received an MEd from The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and a PsyD in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University.
    Gera Anderson, PsyD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist

    Listen patiently to the person’s reasoning for why they feel they have been betrayed by you. Accept any responsibility for your part in the betrayal. Tell them what you are going to do to rectify the situation, how you will provide restitution, and how your actions will change should the situation arise in the future.

  5. 5
    Don’t try to get a response by making him jealous. If apologizing to him has yet to yield any results, and you’re thinking about parading around someone new to make him jealous— don’t. A Sagittarius man will take this one of two ways, and neither of them are good: he’ll either assume you’ve moved on immediately and won’t care to chase you, or he’ll know you’re doing it to get a rise out of him or otherwise elicit a response.
    • It’s a lose-lose situation, so don’t play games with this fire sign. You could get burned for good.
  6. A Sagittarius likes to forge bold, new paths in life. If they've forgiven you and want to move forward with your relationship , look towards a positive future with them. Bring up new conversation topics, make adventurous plans, and keep treating them like you would want to be treated. Do your best to avoid lingering on the past. Mistakes happen, and if this Sagittarius has forgiven you, they likely really mean it. [13]
    • Eyedealism believes Sagittariuses to be pretty flakey by nature, so if they forgive you and try to make it work— you should consider yourself very lucky. 
      • He says, “If they come closer, and engage in intimacy and stick around, that's a big thing for Sagittarius men.”
  7. You can't make someone forgive you, especially a Sagittarius. People with this sign are independent thinkers and are particularly strong-willed. If this Sagittarius man says he's not ready to forgive you, it's best to respect his space and accept that. Rather than pressuring him to change his mind, take a step back and focus on learning from your mistakes. [14]
    • Acknowledge that you messed up to yourself, but work towards forgiving yourself. That way, you can move on and treat people better in the future.
    • You might consider telling this Sagittarius guy that the door is always open if he ever changes his mind. [15]
      • Say something like, "I totally understand and respect your feelings. If you ever change your mind, I'm always here."
    • Eyedealism notes that Sagittariuses are among the least committal of all signs, right after Gemini , so them choosing to end a relationship would not be out of the norm and should therefore not be taken personally.
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Section 3 of 5:

Sagittarius Man Personality Traits

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  1. 1
    Optimistic The Sagittarius man is an eternal optimistic, always looking for the bright side of things and searching for silver linings even under less than ideal circumstances. They have a positive outlook on life and have sunnies dispositions to match. It takes a lot to anger or upset a Sagittarius man, but considering their fiery natures— tread carefully if you do. [16]
  2. 2
    Adventurous The archers and travelers of the Zodiac, Sagittarius men love to roam and explore, usually down to go on an adventure at the drop of a hat. They love everything from trying new cuisines, to hopping on a plane to an unknown destination, to going on a 10-day hiking expedition through the mountains. Nothing is too wild for this fire sign! [17]
  3. 3
    Independent Often represented by a centaur, men born under this sun sign are independent and need their freedom. They don’t react well when others tell them what to do and hate feeling trapped in any way, leading to their non-committal attitudes. Their independence can be a virtue as well as a fault, but no matter what, they always want to be in control of their own choices.
  4. 4
    Philosophical Sagittarius men are associated with being the scholars and lifelong learners of the zodiac. They love to think profoundly about the world around them, pondering big eyes about the nature of life, death, and everything in between. They’re very clever and love an intellectual challenge. [18]
  5. 5
    Fun-loving Don’t ruin a Sagittarius man’s good time, because this fire sign loves to crack jokes and enjoy fun night out with those he loves and trusts. They love to make people life and are usually the life of the party, telling riveting tales of their travels or sharing how the most recent book they read totally changed their perspective on something. There’s never a dull moment with a Sag man! [19]
  6. 6
    Open minded Sagittarius men are defined by the curiosity with which they view the world. They are tolerant and inquisitive, embracing different cultures, customs, and people, with ease, generosity, and a good sense of humor. They’re not likely to judge and are very empathetic towards others. [20]
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Section 4 of 5:

Sagittarius Men in Relationships

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  1. 1
    He’s honest and up front. Sag men don’t like to mince words as they believe it to be a waste of time. These fiery signs value direct communication and won’t tolerate partners who try to brush things under the rug. If you’re in a relationship with a Sagittarius man and conflict arises, your best bet is to be honest about your feelings. He’ll appreciate it more than he lets on. [21]
  2. 2
    Emotional manipulation won’t work with him. Those born under this sign prioritize their freedom above all else, so trying to coax him into doing something via emotional manipulation won’t get you anywhere. The Sag man can be a bit stubborn when cornered, very likely to bristle against those who try to sway him. Be patient and let him reach a decision of his own accord. [22]
  3. 3
    He’s attracted to confidence and independence. The Sagittarius man is a free spirit, and he needs someone to match his energy. A relationship based on insecurity or codependence with a Sag man is doomed to fail, as he needs time and space to himself in order to explore his interests and truly thrive. [23]
    • An ideal partnership with a Sagittarius fella consists of independent hobbies and ideas, so that when the two lovebirds come back together, they can learn and grow from one another.
  4. 4
    He has a dismissive-avoidant attachment style. It’s no secret that the Sag man has commitment issues, evident in his dismissive-avoidant attachment style. Proposed as one of the main 4 attachment styles of attachment theory, dismissive-avoidant folk tend to distance themselves emotionally from others in an effort to preserve their independence and self-reliance. [24]
    • This can be difficult to deal with in relationships, so if you notice these qualities in your Sag man, couples therapy might be a good way to work out your differences.

    Casey Lee

    Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
    Casey Lee is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Founder of Rooted Hearts Counseling LLC. With over a decade of experience, he specializes in facilitating growth and healing through co-creating safe and secure connections with couples. Casey holds an MA in Clinical Counseling from Columbia International University and is certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) which he uses with all his couples. He is also a Level 2 Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapist (AEDP) Therapist and a Level 1 trained Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Therapist. Casey is a member of the International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy, the National Board of Certified Counselors, and an affiliate member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
    Casey Lee
    Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

    People with this attachment style often feel like they need space to feel safe and regulate themselves. They use avoidance as a strategy to protect the relationship, afraid that things will escalate and get worse unless they pull away emotionally. Try to give plenty of space, slow down, and affirm them.

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Section 5 of 5:

Final Thoughts

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  1. Be honest, take accountability, and patiently wait for him to come around. When it comes to earning the forgiveness of a Sagittarius man, lead with honest emotion, expressing your remorse and promising to handle things differently in the future. Don’t make excuses or place blame on him, and instead, allow him the time and space to cool down.
    • Remember, you don’t want to scare a Sag man away by being too forceful or demanding an answer straight away. Be patient, and when he does respond, accept whatever he says gracefully.
    • If he forgives you, try to move forward and make exciting plans for your future together. You can plan a trip, take up a fun new hobby together, or throw a themed party.
    • If he doesn’t forgive you, respect his choice and take a step back to focus on yourself. You can let him know that the door is always open should he change his mind later on.

Learn How to Date a Sagittarius Man with this Expert Series

Sagittarius men are natural extroverts, and it can be hard to tell if one is interested or if he's just being nice. We've put together this expert series to help you attract and date the Sagittarius man of your dreams.

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