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How this Spanish slang is used (and why it's not an insult)
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If you’re a Mexican food connoisseur, you probably know a gordita is a delicious fried cornmeal pancake filled with meat, cheese, or veggies—but did you know "gordita" is also an term of endearment? It’s Spanish slang for a cute, chubby girl and is used affectionately among loved ones. In this article, we’ll explore what "gordita" means in more depth, plus how it's used and what to think if someone refers to you as "gordita."

“Gordita” Quick Definition

“Gordita” is Spanish for “little” and “fat” and is a term of endearment for a chubby girl or loved one. “Gordita” may occasionally be used as an insult (like “fatso”), but it’s often meant affectionately (as in “gordita bonita,” or “chubby darling”). In many Spanish-speaking cultures, “fat” is not an offensive taboo.

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“Gordita” Meaning

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  1. The word comes from the feminine adjective “gorda” (or "fat") with the suffix “-ita” (used to make the subject smaller or cuter). The word may be used pejoratively (that is, as an insult) or, much more commonly, as a term of endearment. [1]
    • While something like “Ahhh, gordita, como estas?” (“Ahhh, fatty, how are you?”) might come across as insulting to an English speaker, to many Spanish speakers, this question is affectionate and illustrates the speaker’s concern for the subject’s well-being and health. [2]
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What does "little gordita" mean from a guy?

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  1. Though it literally means "little chubby one" in Spanish, it's a lot like calling someone "honey" or "sweetheart" in English. It's an especially popular pet name men give their girlfriends in many Spanish-speaking cultures. So, if a guy calls you "little gordita," rest assured it's a good thing!
    • "Welcome home, little gordita! How was your day?"
    • "I love you, my little gordita."
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How is “gordita” used?

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  1. “Gordita” is an affectionate way to describe how cute you find your girlfriend if she’s little and chubby, or a term of endearment to call your daughter to show you care about her. However, since “fat” is sometimes considered to be an insult, be sure the person you're calling "gordita" knows your intentions are to show your affection and appreciation and that she’s OK with it.
    • “¡Venga, gordita! No te pongas triste.” (“Come on, darling! Don't be sad.” [3]
  2. “Gordita” isn’t just reserved for romantic terms of endearment—it’s also a sweet way to refer to a chubby baby or little girl, a cute, fat pet, or any other tiny, chubby, and cute thing or person. For instance, call a particularly chubby baby “gordita” to indicate how cute her little cheeks are, or call your kitten “gordita” to show how sweet you find her round face.
    • “Diga hola a mi pequeña amiga gordita y peluda, Penélope.” (“Say hello to my little fat furry friend, Penelope.”) [4]
  3. While “fat” is not nearly as taboo in Spanish language cultures as it is for English-speakers, some people may use “gordita” as an insult akin to “fatso” or “fatty.” The perfect way to respond? “No soy una gordita. Simplemente estoy rellenita de amor.” (That is, “I'm not a fatty. I'm just all full of love.”) [5]
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Is “gordita” an affectionate term?

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  1. If your boyfriend calls you “gordita,” for instance, it’s a term of endearment, especially if used in the context of how much he loves you or how pretty you are. For instance, he may call you “gordita bonita” (“chubby darling”). [6]
    • Tip: While the term is often used affectionately, if you don’t wish to be called “gordita,” be direct about how the word makes you feel: “I don’t like it when you comment on my weight, even when it’s well-intentioned. Please don’t comment on my weight or body anymore.”
  2. While English speakers may assume "fatty" is a rude comment, it's typically affectionate, but that doesn't mean it's never intended as an insult. "Gordita" may occasionally be used as a condescending way to suggest someone is eating too much or has gained too much weight.
    • To get a sense of whether the person speaking is trying to insult you, consider your relationship with them and their character: are they the type of person to hurl insults? Is your relationship tumultuous, or built on respect?
    • Tip: If you suspect someone is using "gordita" as an insult, consider dealing with it in the moment with gentle humor, like, "You would know!" or trying to let the comment roll off your back with, "And darn proud of it!" [7]
    • Later, if it bothers you still or if the person continues to do it, consider taking them aside to let them know how their words make you feel, and set boundaries about its usage: "I don't like it when you call me that, and if you keep doing it, I'll just have to spend less time with you."
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Other Common Spanish Slang

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  1. If "gordita" is new to your word bank, don't stop there! Check out these other common Spanish slang words and phrases to add to your everday vocab:
    • Fresa/fresita : literally translate to strawberry, but in slang, refers to the offspring of posh and privileged upper classes
    • Toxica : used to refer to a toxic person
    • Guay: "amazing," "cool"; also used to indicate agreement [8]
    • Vale: "okay," "alright"
    • Cutre: used to describe something tacky or of poor quality
    • Currar: work
    • ¿Qué pasa?: "What's up?"
    • Tía/tío: literally refers to an aunt or uncle, but in slang, it refers to a friend (similar to “dude” or “buddy”)
    • Majo: used to refer to a kind, friendly, or good-looking person
    • Hombre: literally translates to "man," but in slang, it's a term of endearment for a friend or family member

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