Can You Guess the Word?

Riddle your way through this quiz to see how massive your vocabulary is.

Are you up for a little word game? Love riddles? We’ve got just the quiz for you!

In this quiz, we’ll give you a number of tricky questions. The answer to each question holds a hidden letter, and all the letters come together to form a final vocab word. Open your phone’s notepad (or grab a pencil and paper), and click “Start quiz” to play!

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Questions Overview

1. This kind of person designs buildings and other structures. The first letter of this word is the first letter of the final answer.
  1. Got it! Next clue.
2. What would you call someone who has $1,000,000? The first letter of this word is the second letter of the final answer.
  1. Got it! Next clue.
3. When you make the winning move in chess you check____. The answer to this clue goes at the end of the final answer.
  1. Got it! Next clue.
4. How many lives does a cat have? The answer is the total number of letters in the final answer.
  1. Got it! Next clue.
5. What's a two-letter nickname for names like Alphonse, Alejandro, Albert, or Allan? These two letters go somewhere in the middle of the final answer.
  1. Got it! Next clue.
6. When you read a book, you turn the ____. The third letter of this word is the fifth letter of the final answer.
  1. Got it! Next clue.
The third letter of this word is the second and sixth letter of the final answer." data-image=""> 7. When you want a dog to sit and not move, you might say, "____." The third letter of this word is the second and sixth letter of the final answer.
  1. Got it! I think I have the word!
8. Now, which word did you find?
  1. Monastery: A place where religious people live and study.
  2. Amalgamate: To combine multiple things into one.
  3. Ambassador: Someone who speaks for something or someone.
  4. Microwave: An appliance that heats things up, or a certain kind of non-visible radiation.
  5. Atmosphere: The layer of gases around the earth, or a mood of a place.
  6. Magnificent: Great, exceptional, outstanding.

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amalgamated<\/i> all the answers to the clues into one single word. Way to go!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Expand-Your-Vocabulary"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Improve Your Grammar and Vocabulary","id":11630426,"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary","relUrl":"\/Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f8\/Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary-Step-17.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary-Step-17.jpg","alt":"How to Improve Your Grammar and Vocabulary"},{"title":"How to Expand Your Vocabulary","id":594414,"url":"https:\/\/\/Expand-Your-Vocabulary","relUrl":"\/Expand-Your-Vocabulary","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/79\/Expand-Your-Vocabulary-Step-14-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Expand-Your-Vocabulary-Step-14-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Expand Your Vocabulary"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":2,"text":"Not quite!","meaning":"Oops! That wasn\u2019t the correct answer. No worries, though, we made this game pretty hard, and we think you\u2019re up for the challenge! Why not play again and see if you get it this time?","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Expand-Your-Vocabulary"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Improve Your Grammar and Vocabulary","id":11630426,"url":"https:\/\/\/Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary","relUrl":"\/Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f8\/Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary-Step-17.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Improve-Your-Grammar-and-Vocabulary-Step-17.jpg","alt":"How to Improve Your Grammar and Vocabulary"},{"title":"How to Expand Your Vocabulary","id":594414,"url":"https:\/\/\/Expand-Your-Vocabulary","relUrl":"\/Expand-Your-Vocabulary","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/79\/Expand-Your-Vocabulary-Step-14-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Expand-Your-Vocabulary-Step-14-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Expand Your Vocabulary"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Animal Would Go On My House Crest Quiz"},{"title":"Soldier Poet King Quiz","id":13790255,"url":"https:\/\/\/Soldier-Poet-King-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Soldier-Poet-King-Quiz","image":"\"Soldier<\/picture>","alt":"Soldier Poet King Quiz"},{"title":"What Book Should I Read Quiz","id":13697090,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Book-Should-I-Read-Quiz","relUrl":"\/What-Book-Should-I-Read-Quiz","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Book Should I Read Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"Science","result":"Good answer! In that case, check out these cool quizzes:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"Can You Spot The False Climate Claims Quiz","id":14467288,"url":"https:\/\/\/Can-You-Spot-The-Fake-Facts","relUrl":"\/Can-You-Spot-The-Fake-Facts","image":"\"Can<\/picture>","alt":"Can You Spot The False Climate Claims Quiz"},{"title":"The Impossible Quiz","id":14606714,"url":"https:\/\/\/The-Impossible-Quiz","relUrl":"\/The-Impossible-Quiz","image":"\"The<\/picture>","alt":"The Impossible Quiz"},{"title":"Super Intelligence Quiz","id":14701811,"url":"https:\/\/\/Super-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Super-Quiz","image":"\"Super<\/picture>","alt":"Super Intelligence Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

More Valuable Vocab

Expanding your vocabulary is the gift that keeps on giving. Remember all those moments when you were searching for just the right word, the one that communicated everything you were thinking and feeling at the moment, but couldn’t find it? We’ve all been there, but people with larger vocabularies tend to have fewer of those moments. When you study vocab, you gain the words you need to say exactly what you want to say, without compromise, and nothing is more valuable. So here’s a little gift to you, in the form of a list of our favorite vocab words. You taking notes?

  • Admonish: to remind someone of their duty, to tell someone off
  • Ambivalent: having mixed feelings, or being unable to choose between two things
  • Bilk: to cheat, deceive, defraud, or evade payment
  • Canoodle: to cuddle, pet, or caress
  • Capricious: describes something or someone that is impulsive or unpredictable
  • Clement: describes mild weather, or an agreeable, merciful person
  • Ergatocracy: a government made up of workers
  • Extemporaneous: describes something performed or created without any sort of preparation, like a speech
  • Farrow: to birth or produce a litter of pigs
  • Flavescent: yellowish, or sickly
  • Levity: good nature, a lack of seriousness
  • Lickerish: excited or eager to eat something delicious
  • Logorrhea: excessive chattiness
  • Hallowed: describes something that’s considered holy, blessed, or respected
  • Intenerate: to soften or tenderize
  • Jeremiad: a long, angry, and cautionary rant or lamentation
  • Jounce: to bounce, or move jarringly up and down
  • Mackle: to blur, smudge, or double the impression of something
  • Palaver: frivolous, meaningless, or unimportant talk, like small talk
  • Resplendent: glimmering, gleaming, shining
  • Vapid: limp, dull, flat, without life