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The best 30th birthday wishes to celebrate all your loved ones
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Turning 30 is a major occasion that’s both exciting and bittersweet, and if you know someone who’s entering this new decade, sending them a birthday wish is one of the best ways to show your love and support. In this article, we’re providing the ultimate list of birthday messages you can copy and paste to celebrate someone's 30th birthday. Whether you’re sending it to your friend or family member, here’s everything you need to make them feel good about their next chapter in life!

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Best 30th Birthday Wishes

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  1. Sending a short and snappy message is one of the best ways to spread cheer, especially on a momentous occasion like a 30th birthday. Whether you write a card or send a quick text, let your loved one know you’re thinking of them and wish them well for the upcoming decade.
    • Welcome to Club 30, girlie!
    • May your 30s be extra dirty.
    • Damn, girl…30 looks good on you!
    • Happy 30th birthday to an absolute legend!
    • Happy birthday! You’re thirty, flirty, and thriving!!!
    • Happy birthday, bestie! You don’t look a day over 29!!
    • You’re not getting older, you’re leveling up! Happy 30th birthday!
    • Incredible friends like you deserve incredible birthdays. Happy 30th!
    • Three decades behind you, but the best is yet to come. Happy birthday!
    • Thirty years ago, an icon was born. Happy birthday to the most poppin’ person I know!
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  1. Crack a joke about getting older to make them laugh out loud. Want to give the ultimate gift of laughter? Throw in a witty joke or one-liner about aging to celebrate your friend, family member, or colleague. It’s the perfect way to lighten the mood and lift their spirits, especially if they seem a little sad about entering a new decade. [1]
    • The countdown to your mid-life crisis has officially begun…Happy 30th birthday!
    • Life before 30 is for making mistakes, and life after 30 is to repent for all of them.
    • You’re not actually 30…You’re 18 with 12 years of experience. Happy birthday, bud!
    • Welcome to Club 30! The hangovers might last longer, but the memories are even better.
    • Don’t let your age get you down…because it might be hard to get back up. Happy 30th birthday, love!
    • You’re approximately eleven thousand, one-hundred and seventy-five and a half days old. Turning 30 doesn’t sound so bad anymore, right?
    • You’re never too old to blow out candles on a birthday cake, but we might need to keep a fire extinguisher handy this year. Happy 30th birthday, old man!
    • You know you’re old when the time you go to bed is the time you used to go out…Happy birthday to my semi-retired rave buddy! Hope we’re still fist-pumping it up when we’re 80.
    • Remember when you wished people would see you as old enough? Well, congratulations….That day has arrived! Happy 30th birthday to my older, wiser, and still smokin’ hot bestie!
    • Welcome to the thirties club! Tomorrow, we’re baking cookies, knitting sweaters, and listening to the Bee Gees…SIKE! We’re going out to celebrate your big day, so throw on your spiciest outfit and prepare for shots, shots, and more shots!!!
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  1. If you want to make the other person feel moved, explain why they’re so special to you. Mention qualities you admire about them to make your wish more sincere, or get specific about how they’ve inspired you over the years. A sweet and personal message will make their 30th even more memorable!
    • Happy 30th birthday to my ride or die. I will always be here for you, even when you don’t need me to be. Wishing you another year of good health, happiness, and success!
    • Let’s take a moment for this monumental occasion…your 30th birthday! You’re the definition of beauty on the inside and out, and I’m so lucky to know you. I love you more than words can describe!
    • Happy 30th to the sweetest soul on the planet! I must have done something right in another life to be your friend, and I’m so grateful that I met you. Here’s to even more incredible memories together!
    • I’ve said it one time and I’ll say it again: I have the greatest brother in the entire world. You light up every room you walk into, and every one of your friends is so lucky to know you. Keep being your amazing self, and enjoy your big day. Happy 30th!
    • Happy birthday to my closest friend since middle school! It’s been so cool to watch you transform from an awkward teen into the confident and gorgeous person you are today. I can’t wait to see you take on your 30s because I know you’re going to be even more beautiful than ever!
    • Happy 30th birthday to my incredible colleague. If everyone had 1/1000th of the positivity you have, the world would be a much better place. You always find the silver lining in any situation, and I am in awe of your optimism and strength. You really inspire me to become a better human.
    • Words can’t express how lucky I feel to be your sister. You inspire me to step outside of my comfort zone and not take life too seriously, and I can’t thank you enough for all the times you’ve helped me out. I truly treasure our relationship, and I can’t wait to celebrate your special day in style!
    • Happy 30th birthday! I think you’ve really figured out this adult thing because you’re the most confident and put-together person I know. Please share your secrets with the rest of us!! Seriously, I'm so motivated by you, and I hope this decade is filled with lots of love, laughter, and valuable life lessons.
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  1. Turning 30 is a major milestone that can spark various feelings, depending on who you ask. Some people have regrets about how they spent their 20s, while others are eager to start their next chapter in life. [2] Whatever the case may be, aim to make the birthday boy/girl feel valued and supported, and reassure them that the best is yet to come!
    • They say your 30s are the time to work smart, use your time wisely, and focus on doing the things you love. I hope that’s true and this new decade brings you peace and prosperity!
    • Didn’t you hear? Your 30s are the perfect time to let go of the things that no longer serve you, so don’t be afraid to “be selfish” and make yourself a priority! It’s your time to shine, and I can’t wait to watch you live your best life!!
    • Even if things don’t go your way, don’t be afraid to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. Life is too short to play it safe, and I know you can achieve greatness. Here’s to another year of life-changing adventures, grounding experiences, and unexpected surprises!
    • Regardless of what the haters say, know that you can accomplish anything. Don’t be afraid to chase your wildest dreams, and always shoot for the stars! You’re the most talented person I’ve ever met, and I know you’re going to unlock even more of your potential in your 30s.
    • Happy 30th birthday! Remember that you can tackle anything life throws your way, and I’ll be right here to support you. You’re smart, humble, and hardworking, and your attitude is going to get you to where you want to be in life. When that day comes, remember I told you so!!
    • The world isn’t ready for your brilliant ideas, but keep pushing forward! You’re an absolute legend in the making, and I know your work is going to be everywhere one day. I can’t wait to see what you get up to in this new decade, so here’s to producing even more creative and jaw-dropping pieces! Happy 30th birthday!!
    • Happy 30th birthday to the strongest person I know. Whenever you’re feeling down, remember that I believe in you! I’ve seen you rise above countless challenges over the past few years, so I’m confident you can overcome anything. Hopefully, your 30s will be a breeze, but if not, I’m ready to knock out anything that gets in your way!
    • No matter what your brain tells you at 3 AM, know that you’re exactly where you need to be. It’s never “too late” to learn something new, pursue a different path, or move to foreign country…Life might not always go according to plan, but you have all the tools to create your dream reality. Here’s to another year around the sun, and happy 30th!!
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  1. A lot can happen in a single year, let alone 30 years, so take the opportunity to celebrate everything they’ve achieved. Highlight specific milestones throughout their life, such as graduating school, getting married, or landing their dream job. If you haven’t known them that long or aren’t super close, remind them that you’re rooting for them, or that they should be proud of making it this far!
    • Happy 30th birthday! You’re absolutely killing it, and I know things are only going to get better in this new decade. Cheers to more love, life, and laughter!!
    • I haven’t known you for too long, but working with you has been an absolute pleasure. I’m so in awe of your work ethic and positivity, and I’ll always be here to cheer you on! Wishing you the most amazing start to your 30s!!
    • Happy birthday to my biggest inspiration! Landing your dream job and getting engaged is an amazing way to kickstart your 30s, and I can’t wait to watch you keep up this momentum throughout the next decade. The best is yet to come!
    • I’m so proud to call you my brother. You’ve accomplished so much in your career at an early age, while still remaining the same person you were when we were kids. Thanks for being such an inspiration to the rest of us, and here’s to your 30s!
    • Saying goodbye to your 20s can be bittersweet, but entering your 30s with newfound confidence makes it worth it. I’m so excited to see how our company grows, and I hope your 30s are full of even more fun adventures and eye-opening experiences.
    • Wow, it’s truly a year to remember! You’re turning 30, getting married, and starting your life in a new city. I’m so happy that you’re hitting all the milestones you’ve always dreamed of, and I hope this new personal year is filled with even more exciting experiences!
    • Looking back over the past few years, it makes my heart happy to see you achieve everything you’ve worked so hard for. I know you’re going to accomplish even greater things in your 30s, and I’ll be right by your side to celebrate! Wishing you the best decade yet!!
    • Happy birthday! It seems like it was just yesterday when we were graduating high school, and now you’re starting a family and entering your 30s. What a trip! I can’t wait to watch you grow into an amazing mother, and I’m wishing you all the best in this new chapter of your life!
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Birthday Quotes

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  1. Struggling to find the right sentiments? Get help from someone else to share your well wishes! Choose an author, celebrity, or any other public figure your friend admires, and write down a bit of their wisdom to make him feel inspired. Whether you opt for something funny, heartwarming, or motivational, a quote is a great way to make them feel cared for .
    • “After 30, a body has a mind of its own.” —Bette Midler
    • "Everything I know I learned after I was 30" —Georges Clemenceau
    • “We turn not older with years, but newer every day.” — Emily Dickinson
    • “Don’t just count your years, make your years count.” —George Meredith
    • “Inside every 30 year old is an 18-year-old asking what happened?” —Ann Landers
    • "The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." —Lucille Ball
    • "Time and tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty" —Robert Frost
    • "Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." —Jack Benny
    • "Each ten years of a man’s life has its own fortunes, its own hopes, its own desires.” —Goethe
    • “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” —Abraham Lincoln
    • “At 30 you finally start to catch up to those dreams you’ve been chasing for the last 10 plus years.” —Bonnidette Lantz
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For Your Sibling

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  1. Share your favorite memories with your sibling to make them smile . Take a trip down memory lane and remind your sibling of all the crazy, fun, and wonderful moments you’ve shared together. Most people reflect on their lives when entering a new decade, so bringing up fond memories is a great way to help them close out their 20s. By highlighting the best moments of their life so far, your sibling might feel more excited to start their next chapter! [3]
    • Happy birthday, sis! You’re the true definition of thirty, flirty, and thriving!
    • Happy 30th birthday, brother! You’re my first and longest friend, and I’m so grateful to have you in my life. I love you so much!!!
    • You might be turning 30, but don’t worry about getting old…I’ll always see you as the annoying kid who called 911 on accident! Happy birthday to the silliest and sweetest sister on the planet!
    • They say your 20s are the most fun time of your life, but your 30s are your happiest. If that’s the case, I hope this new decade is full of love, laughter, and even more epic adventures! Happy birthday, sis!
    • Even though we grew up fighting 99.9% of the time, I’m so grateful for all the memories we share together. Thank you for always sticking up for me and making me feel important. I love you forever, and happy 30th!
    • Happy birthday! Thank you for always keeping it real and showing me how to be a decent person in this world. You’re my biggest role model, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in your 30s. Knowing you, it will be legendary!
    • Happy 30th birthday! When did we get this old!? It seems like it was just yesterday when you were putting whoopee cushions under my seat and stealing my shin pads before practice. Time really flies!! I might not say it a lot, but I’m so lucky to be able to call you my brother.
    • To the coolest older brother in the world, thanks for sharing your impeccable taste in music, teaching me how to talk to girls, and being my biggest hype man. I don’t know what I’d do without you, and I hope your 30s bring you even closer to the person who you want to become (even though you’re already pretty darn awesome).
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For Your Child

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  1. Aging is a privilege that isn’t granted to everyone, so let your son or daughter know just how lucky you feel to have them around. Mention specific traits you love about your child, and share your gratitude for all the joy and happiness they’ve brought into your life. To add a personal touch, share your favorite memories of them or sprinkle some words of encouragement for their thirties.
    • Even though I’m the parent, you’re my biggest inspiration. Happy 30th birthday!
    • No matter how old you get, I’ll always love you like the young and wild-hearted boy you are. Happy 30th birthday, son!
    • You’re proof that being a mother is the biggest blessing in the world, and I’m eternally grateful that God chose me to be yours. Happy 30th birthday, dear!
    • The years might be flying by, but I still love you like I did when you were first born. You truly are the light of my life, and I love you so much. Happy 30th birthday!
    • Happy 30th birthday to my beautiful daughter. I’m so proud of everything you’ve achieved so far, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in this new decade.
    • As I look back on the past three decades, it warms my heart to see how you’ve grown into a kind, caring, and compassionate person. Here’s to many more birthday celebrations!
    • Happy 30th birthday to the greatest gift I’ve ever received. Even as you get older, I’ll always be here to support you, and I’m so excited to watch you grow into an even more confident and kind-hearted individual.
    • Happy 30th birthday to the most brilliant woman I’ve ever met—my daughter! I love you more than you will ever know, and I wish you all the happiness, positivity, and success in the world. Enjoy today, sweetheart!
    • It has been a privilege to watch you transform into a sharp young man. From teaching yourself to code to landing your dream job to starting a family with the love of your life, you have made me so proud to be your parent. Happy 30th birthday, son!
    • It seems like it was just yesterday when I taught you how to ride a bike, and now you’re married and about to have a child. Thank you for being the loveliest daughter in the world and making parenthood a heck of a lot easier. I hope your child does the same for you. I love you dearly, and happy 30th birthday!
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For Your Partner

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  1. To show love to your partner , craft a sincere message that comes straight from the heart. Let your partner know that you’re excited about spending the future together and that your feelings will never fade, even when you’re old and gray. If you want to turn up the heat, compliment their appearance to make them feel attractive and desired! [4]
    • Like fine wine, you’re getting better with time. Happy 30th birthday, baby!
    • Wishing my handsome husband an amazing birthday. 30 never looked so good!
    • You’re sexy, fine, and all mine! Happy 30th birthday to the hottest person on the planet!
    • Roses are red, violets are blue…There’s no one I’d rather do life with than you. Happy 30th birthday!
    • Happy 30th birthday to my partner in crime! Life isn’t perfect, but you’re pretty darn close. Here’s to 30 more years of incredible memories together!
    • Happy 30th birthday, babe! I know this decade is going to be the best one yet, and I’m so excited to see you thrive. Wishing you a year full of love, laughter, and success!
    • Cheers to a very special guy on a very special day. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I can’t wait to spend the next 30 years loving and being loved by you!
    • I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since I met you. Time flies when you’re in love, but know that I’ll always find new ways to spice things up! Happy 30th birthday to the most handsome husband in the world.
    • Happy 30th birthday to the person who will always be by my side. Even when we’re old and gray, my love will still grow for you every day. I love building our future together, and I never take you for granted.
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      • To celebrate a milestone birthday, throw the themed party of your dreams. Don’t be afraid to tap into your inner child, and incorporate elements that align with your interests and passions. If you’re obsessed with Halloween, for instance, ask all your guests to wear costumes, play Halloween music, and watch a scary movie. Or, if you love the film 13 Going on 30, serve Razzles and Pina coladas, crank up the 80s music, and throw a dance party!

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