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Tongue ulcers are painful round sores that can be white, gray, or yellow in color. While they can be irritating, they’re usually not serious, and most resolve on their own in just a week or 2 at home. Genetics, biting your tongue, stress, certain food allergies, nutritional deficiencies, and, rarely, oral cancer can all play a role in developing ulcers. By managing your discomfort, addressing the causes of ulcers, and knowing when to seek professional help, you can heal your tongue ulcer and feel better in no time. [1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Managing Pain and Discomfort at Home

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  1. Swap your firm- or medium-bristled toothbrush for a toothbrush labeled “soft” on the package. Stiff-bristled toothbrushes can cause small abrasions and tongue irritation, including ulcers. [2]
  2. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is a foaming agent found in many types of toothpaste. SLS may cause tongue ulcers to form or recur. [3] Ask your dentist to recommend a good toothpaste that is SLS free.
  3. Ask your doctor about using an antimicrobial mouthwash, which is available by prescription. Many of these mouthwashes contain chlorhexidine, a strong antimicrobial agent, which can help heal your ulcers but may also temporarily stain teeth. [4]
    • Children under 2 years old shouldn’t use chlorhexidine mouthwashes.
    • These mouthwashes should be taken as directed by your doctor, and most shouldn’t be used more than 7 days in a row.
  4. Temporarily steer clear of sharp or rough foods, such as brittles or hard candies, as well as spicy or acidic foods. These can all inflame tongue ulcers and delay healing. Minimize hot beverages, which can burn your mouth, and drink very cold beverages through a straw. Avoid talking while you chew, since this can increase your risk of biting your tongue and irritating the ulcer further. [5]
  5. Apply a nail-head sized amount of oral numbing gel to your ulcer up to 4 times per day to ease discomfort. Avoid using toothpaste or drinking acidic beverages for at least an hour after applying the gel. [6]
    • You can purchase over-the-counter oral numbing gels containing benzocaine or lidocaine at your local pharmacy or grocery store.
  6. Dissolve 1 teaspoon (10 g) of salt or baking soda in ½ cup (118 ml) of lukewarm water. Rinse your mouth out with the solution twice a day. This can lessen the sensitivity of tongue ulcers and speed healing. [7]
  7. Dip the tip of a cotton swab into milk of magnesia. Dab the tip of the swab gently against your tongue ulcer. Repeat this up to three times a day to lessen your discomfort. [8]
  8. Let ice chips dissolve in your mouth over the tongue ulcer, if it dulls your pain. In some people, cold may increase pain and sensitivity, so listen to your body. You can apply ice as frequently as is comfortable to ease any discomfort. [9]
  9. Certain types of vitamins may help prevent the development of mouth ulcers. If you have trouble with recurring tongue ulcers, try taking vitamin B, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, or lysine. [10]
    • Always consult your doctor before starting a new vitamin or dietary supplement, especially if you are taking other supplements or medications.
    • Talk to your doctor about the possibility that your tongue ulcers might be caused by a vitamin deficiency. Tongue ulcers can be caused by deficiencies in vitamin B-12, zinc, folic acid, or iron. [11]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Addressing the Causes of Ulcers

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  1. Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking and weaning off any oral tobacco use. These products can irritate your tongue and cause ulcers to form.
  2. Spicy, salty, or acidic foods and drinks can aggravate current ulcers and cause new ulcers to form. Certain other types of foods may also cause ulcers in people who are sensitive to them. If you get tongue ulcers frequently, try cutting these foods out of your diet:
    • Chocolate
    • Strawberries
    • Eggs
    • Coffee
    • Nuts
    • Cheese
  3. Aim to drink fewer than 3 drinks in a given day and no more than 7 drinks over the course of a week. Heavy alcohol consumption combined with tobacco usage can greatly increase your risk of tongue ulcers caused by oral cancer. [12]
  4. Meditate to reduce your anxiety. Try meditation to lower your stress level, as many doctors believe anxiety can trigger recurrent tongue ulcers. Go somewhere peaceful and sit quietly, taking 5-15 minutes to focus on your breathing and clear your mind. [13]
    • If possible, clear your schedule of unnecessary commitments for a period of time to reduce your stress level and help you relax.
  5. Bring any retainers, dentures, or headgear to a routine dentist appointment to make sure your devices are fitting properly. Poor-fitting dentures, defective fillings, and even the rough edges of orthodontic devices can all cause tongue ulcers and oral irritation. [14]
    • Your dentist can make small adjustments as necessary and even examine any ulcers.
  6. If you menstruate, track your monthly cycle to note if your tongue ulcers coincide with hormonal shifts. Your period or even menopause can cause tongue ulcers to form as your body manages changing hormone levels. [15]
    • If you find these hormonal ulcers bothersome, consult your gynecologist about whether hormonal birth control or other hormone-replacement therapy might ease your symptoms.
  7. Consult your doctor about any long-term medical conditions that may impact your oral health. Certain antibiotics, beta-blockers, and inhaled corticosteroids can cause tongue ulcers. [16]
    • Asthmatics, diabetics, and those who suffer from depression are more at risk for these side effects given the common treatment medications these ailments require.
    • Some negative side effects can be mitigated by behavioral changes, such as rinsing your mouth thoroughly after taking a corticosteroid inhaler. Your doctor may also be able to try other medications to manage your long-term condition with fewer side effects.
    • Those with ulcers should avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as Tylenol and Advil, regularly as these medications can cause tongue ulcers to form. If your doctor has prescribed a therapeutic NSAID regimen, discuss any tongue ulcer concerns.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Seeking Professional Treatment

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  1. Make a doctor’s appointment if your tongue ulcer persists beyond 3 weeks. It may be infected or require special care. Typical ulcers should heal within a week or 2 at home. [17]
  2. See your doctor or dentist if your tongue ulcer bleeds or becomes acutely painful. It may be caused by a viral infection or skin condition that needs to be addressed with medication rather than home care. [18]
    • Cold sores, caused by the herpes virus HSV-1, and hand, foot, and mouth disease are examples of viral infections that can cause tongue ulcers.
  3. Tell your doctor about any recurrent tongue sores, which may be a sign of a more serious condition. Nerve irritation, Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, Behcet’s disease, and Reiter’s syndrome, and oral cancer can all cause recurrent tongue ulcers that heal slowly. Your doctor can examine your sores and create a treatment plan for you. [19]
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Tongue ulcers are painful round sores that can be white, gray, or yellow in color. While irritating, they’re usually not serious and can be handled with some simple, home remedies. Try using a soft-bristled toothbrush and switching to a toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate, which will be gentler on your mouth. As your sore heals, use an antimicrobial mouthwash to speed up your recovery and prevent infection. You can also rinse with salt water to keep your sore clean. Simple mix together 1 teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water. If you’re in pain, try sucking on an ice cube to relieve your discomfort. You’ll also want to stick to soft foods and cold beverages, which will be easier on your sore. If your sore doesn’t heal within 3 weeks, talk to your doctor about additional treatment. To learn how to prevent tongue ulcers, read more from our Medical co-author!

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