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Exploring the roots and significance of the infinity symbol
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You’ve probably seen infinity symbols on jewelry, clothing, or even tattoos, but what does this sideways figure-eight shape mean? In a nutshell, the infinity symbol represents endlessness, and it can indicate that something is everlasting or unlimited. In this article, we’ll cover the all the meaning of the infinity symbol, plus its historical origins.

Things You Should Know

  • The infinity symbol represents endlessness and the idea that something will last forever.
  • In mathematics, the infinity symbol represents the concept of something endless or limitless. It was first used by mathematician John Wallis in 1655.
  • The infinity symbol also represents emotional and spiritual concepts such as eternal love and faith.
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What does the infinity symbol mean?

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  1. Many people use the symbol to express concepts like eternal love, never-ending commitment, continuous spiritual growth, and unlimited potential. [1]
    • The shape of the symbol also represents endlessness, as it can be drawn with one unbroken stroke, and it has no beginning or endpoint. [2]
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Infinity Symbol History

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  1. Wallis used the symbol to represent the concept of something endless or unlimited, such as the number of points on a continuous line. The concept of mathematical infinity can be traced all the way back to ancient Greek mathematicians, but Wallis was the first to use the infinity symbol to represent it. [3]
    • The infinity symbol is sometimes also called a lemniscate. The term comes from the Latin term lemniscatus, which means “with hanging ribbons.” [4]
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Spiritual & Emotional Interpretations

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  1. Many people use the infinity symbol to represent endless love for romantic partners, family members, or lifelong friends. [5] In a romantic context, the symbol can also represent a permanent commitment, such as a marriage or life partnership.
  2. The infinity symbol can also represent boundless potential and unlimited possibilities. [6] If you’re trying to achieve a long-term goal or figure out your life’s purpose , the infinity symbol can act as an encouraging reminder that there’s no limit to the things you can accomplish!
    • If you’re looking for ways to incorporate this motivational reminder at work or school, try using a notebook or journal that features the infinity symbol.
  3. The infinity symbol is not associated with any individual religion, but many people use the symbol to represent their spiritual belief in eternity. [7] In a religious context, the symbol can act as a representation of things that last forever or exist beyond earthly limits, such as God or a person’s soul.
    • An infinity symbol featuring a cross is a common tattoo design that some Christians get to symbolize God’s infinite love.
    • Other common tattoo designs include the infinity symbol with a word, such as “faith” or “belief” included somewhere along the figure-eight shape.
  4. The infinity symbol can also represent a person's limitless capacity for spiritual growth. [8] It can serve as a reminder to continuously seek spiritual knowledge in order to achieve enlightenment.
    • Infinity symbols appear on several cards in the tarot deck, which many people use as a tool for spiritual exploration and growth.
    • The symbol appears on The Magician, Strength, The World , and the 2 of Pentacles . [9]
  5. Because it has no beginning or endpoint, the infinity symbol is also a common representation of regeneration and rebirth. It can also illustrate the never-ending cycle of reincarnation (the belief that, when someone dies, they are born again into a new body). [10]
    • The infinity symbol is sometimes associated with the Ouroboros, an Ancient Greek and Egyptian symbol of a serpent devouring its own tail.
    • The Ouroboros likewise represents eternal cycles of destruction, regeneration, and rebirth. [11]
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