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Fruit trees in dreams can mean a variety of things. If you're having dreams about fruit trees, you first need to write down all the details in your dreams as soon as you have them. Then, you should use those details to decide what your dreams mean. However, you do need to remember that dreams are subjective to what's going in your life. Therefore, what a symbol means for another person may not be what it means for you, so you should take symbolism with a grain of salt.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Preparing for Interpretation

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  1. Have a pen and paper ready on your nightstand. That way, you have it available to write down details when you have a vivid dream. [1]
  2. If you wait to write your dream down, even to go to the bathroom, you'll forget most of what you dreamed. Take the time to start writing as soon as you are coming out of the dream. [2]
  3. As your writing about your dream, make note of the big details. What happened? Why were you looking at trees? Where were the trees? Who was with you? Make sure you capture the major points of the dream. [3]
    • For instance, maybe you dreamed of an apple tree that used to be in your Grandmother's backyard. Maybe you also saw a baby asleep in its branches.
    Nancy Wagaman, Intuitive Consultant

    The practical goal of dream interpretation, as I see it, is to find the value in each dream so you can then apply it to improve yourself and your life.

  4. Dreams make you feel things just like real-life events. As you wake up, note what you're feeling. Are you scared? Happy? Excited? Sad? Jot down what you're feeling. [4]
    • For instance, maybe you had a feeling of contentment when you woke up from your dream.
  5. Now that you've got the main gist of the dream, include any extra details you can think of. What season was it? Was it night or day? What did the light look like? These little details can help you further interpret your dreams. [5]
    • Maybe your dream was at sunrise in the spring, and the sun was coming up behind the tree.
  6. Sometimes it's easier to make a drawing of what you saw, rather than write it. It doesn't have to be a perfect drawing. You're trying to get the feeling of the dream, not just render it in perfect detail. [6]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Interpreting Your Fruit Tree Dream

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  1. The type of fruit tree can make a difference to the interpretation. Different types of fruit represent different things.
    • For instance, apple trees can mean joy and entertainment, while fruits that cluster together on the tree can mean togetherness and unity.
    • If you associated good memories with your grandmother's apple tree, it could be a sense of contentment about a decision you recently made to have children, symbolized by the baby. Remember, what you dream is related to your life, so you should always interpret in relation to your thoughts and memories.
    • Grapefruit could mean you've felt in high spirits lately while kiwi could mean you need to be revitalized [7]
  2. Often, dreaming of fruit trees can mean good is coming your way. Some people think it is a sign of wealth to come. In fact, if you own your own business, you could see an increase in sales after a dream like this one.
    • In some cultures, dreams are believed to provide keys to the future. For instance, your apple tree dream could mean you'll have a baby on the way soon.
    • If you're employed by someone, it could mean you'll move up in the company.
  3. What time of year it is in your dream can affect the interpretation. For instance, full, blossoming trees may mean joy and happiness while bare winter trees or withering fruit might mean there is sorrow in your life.
    • Similarly, if the fruit is not ripe enough, it may mean you need to put in more hard work to achieve your dreams. [8]
    • In your dream with the baby, the fact that it was spring could symbolize new life.
  4. Because fruit is associated with spring, it could mean you have new beginnings ahead. Spring represents re-awakenings or new starts, so it could mean now is the time to start something new.
    • The flowers in your dream, along with the fact that it's associated with your family, could mean the blossoming of children in your life.
  5. If you saw withered fruit but were overjoyed at the sight, it could mean you are happy to see the end of a project, idea, or relationship. Similarly, if you see ripe fruit but it brings you sadness in your dream, it could have other meanings, such as you got your desired wealth but at a high cost. [9]
    • The sense of contentment you felt could mean you know your grandmother would be happy about the decision you made, even if she's not still alive.
  6. You likely didn't dream about just fruit trees. Use what else was in your dream to help interpret the meaning, as one small symbol can influence your dream one way or another.
    • In your dream, remember you dreamed about your grandmother's tree, the baby, and the sun. The sun could symbolize the rising of a different phase in your life.
  7. Another meaning could be good news for your children. In Chinese culture, seeing fruit on a tree means your children will have a good fortune.
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      Article Summary X

      To interpret a dream involving fruit trees, know that fruit trees can symbolize a new beginning or good things coming your way. Additionally, consider whether the tree was in full bloom, which may indicate the beginning of a happy experience, or if it had withering fruit, which could mean there’s sorrow in your life. You should also think about the type of fruit you saw on the tree. For example, apples can indicate joy or entertainment, while grapefruit can mean you’ve been in high spirits lately. For more advice, like how to interpret your emotions during a dream, keep reading!

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