It goes without saying that your child is very important to you. Part of caring for your child involves keeping them happy and healthy. To create the best health for your child, keep an eye out for possible injury dangers and avoid exposing them to illness. Make sure that your child stays physically active and spends time outdoors. Monitor their mental health as well by communicating openly and regularly with your child.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Establishing Healthy Habits

  1. It is important for your child to get around 10 hours of sleep every night, depending on age. Going to sleep at the same time each evening will help this happen. Stick carefully to this routine and only push back the bed time if it is absolutely necessary. When possible, allow you child to sleep in if they went to bed late. [1]
    • Sleep is important to health in many ways. It allows your body to recover quickly from illness or fight off potential infections. It also boosts your metabolism. Good sleep can calm your emotions and result in a healthier mindset as well. [2]
    • It is recommended that preschoolers get between 10 to 13 hours, elementary and middle-schoolers between 10 to 13 hours, and teenagers between 8 to 10 hours. This is dependent on personal preference as well. Some children simply prefer to sleep more or slightly less than average. [3]
  2. Purchase a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole-grain products, and lean meats for your household. Go for fresh, organic produce whenever you can. Carefully read labels to determine portion sizes and make meals that conform to those guidelines. Offer healthy snacks, such as hummus and carrot sticks, throughout the day. [4]
    • Invite your child to help you with meal prep. Let them choose a healthy recipe for dinner. Take them with you to the grocery store and turn reading labels into a game. Make food more interesting for finicky eaters by crafting healthy personal pizzas (with their own selected toppings) or by positioning fruit into a smiley face on their plate. [5]
    • If your child refuses to eat their veggies, keep offering them. Try out other vegetable options and preparations as well. A child who dislikes straight steamed broccoli may love it when it is topped with a bit of shredded cheddar cheese.
  3. A child should drink the number of 8 oz. water glasses that correspond to their age (up to a limit of 64 oz. total at 8 years of age). So, a 4 year old child should drink 4 glasses containing 8 oz. of water per day. This total does not include milk, juice, or other liquids, just water. [6]
    • Your child should only start drinking water after they reach 6 months of age. Prior to this, they should drink formula and/or breast milk.
    • To add some variety, a child can also drink milk after their first birthday. A 2 year old should drink up to two 8 oz. glasses of milk per day. You can also offer juice, in moderation. [7]
    • A child’s brain is composed of 80% water, so staying hydrated is particularly important for optimal cognitive development. Teach your child to look at their urine to make sure it is more clear than yellow. If they spot yellow, then they should grab a glass of water. [8]
  4. Avoid purchasing sugary, fatty, or heavily processed foods. If you don’t buy them, then your child will turn to a healthy alternative that is available in your fridge or pantry. Watch out for ‘sneaky’ foods that appear healthy but are actually the opposite. This can include items labeled “low-fat” or even low-juice fruit drinks. [9]
    • Other ‘sneaky’ junk foods can include various crackers labeled as kid friendly that actually contain high amounts of sugars or syrups. Watch out for fruit gummies as well. They often contain high amounts of sugar as well. It is better to simply offer your child a piece of fruit.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Preventing Illness and Injury

  1. Smoke can linger after you put out a cigarette, so it is important to keep your children away from areas where you are smoking or where you have been smoking. If you are a smoker, enroll in a program to quit and ask smoker relatives to do so as well. Secondhand smoke is harmful to children as they develop.
    • Children exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to contract a variety of breathing problems and illnesses including (but not limited to) bronchitis and pneumonia. Smoke can also make existing medical problems worse, such as asthma. Babies are also at an increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  2. When it is possible, keep your child away from people who are currently sick. Your child encounters plenty of germs during the day but direct exposure to an infection is just not worth it.
    • Stay in touch with your relatives, your child’s friends, and your child’s school to watch out for exposure to various infections. For example, if your child is invited to a sleepover but one of the other children present is sick with strep, it is probably best to decline the invitation. Keep in mind that viral infections are impossible to avoid completely, so don't go overboard if your relatives or friends have a mild cold.
  3. Teach your child to frequently wash their hands. They should do so after using the restroom and before they eat or touch their mouth or face. Give them a small bottle of hand sanitizer to carry around and use if a sink is not available. Instruct them to not share water bottles or drinks with others and to keep their hands out of their mouths (much easier said than done with toddlers).
    • Show your child how to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice when washing their hands with warm, soapy water. This is the amount of time it takes to remove most germs.
    • Show your child how to sneeze into their elbow and how to cover their cough with a hand as well. This way they can help prevent the spread of their germs as well.
  4. If your child is at home with you, then keep them there until they feel better. If your child goes to school or daycare, find out that location's policy on sickness. Some schools require that a child is fever-free for 24 hours before they return. Make no mistake, your child will get sick at some point. Knowing how you will provide for their care will result in less stress for you and your child. [10]
    • Part of planning ahead is also knowing the proper doses of medication for your child. Stock up on common anti-fever medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen. It is best to avoid a run to the pharmacy for basic medications whenever possible.
  5. You child should have a well child check-up every two to three months up until 2 years of age. After 2 years of age, your child will begin to visit their doctor each year for a basic check-up. Find a pediatrician who you trust and make sure to stick to this schedule. Your child’s doctor will take a variety of preventative measures each visit, including tracking your child’s growth and development.
    • Use well child visits as an opportunity to ask any questions that you have regarding your child’s physical, mental, or emotional development. It may help to write down questions before you arrive. For example, you might ask, “Should my toddler be using a spoon and fork yet?”
    • Your child will also generally receive vaccinations at well check visits. These vaccinations offer protect against an assortment of more serious illnesses such as polio. [11] A yearly flu shot can also help prevent a lot of misery from the flu.
    • Don’t forget the importance of taking your child to the dentist as well. At least once every year, your child’s teeth need to be cleaned and checked out.
  6. Place all toxic chemicals and cleaners in an inaccessible area. Hide all cords and wires. Secure furniture that could topple over. Remove any sharp or dangerous objects. Even after your child is beyond the baby stage, keep an eye out for potentially dangerous items in your home.
    • You may want to ask that your relatives or family friends safety proof their homes as well, especially when your child visits. Medications, for example, need to be stored in a location that is inaccessible for a child.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Encouraging Physical Activity

  1. Start experimenting with sports at an early age by enrolling your child through your local rec center or school. Or, you could sign your child up for lessons at a local sports facility. Swimming, dancing, and soccer are just a few examples of worthwhile sporting options. Being involved in sports will help your child to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day, the minimum suggested amount. [12]
    • Be prepared to go through a number of sports before you find the ones that your child will enjoy. This is a normal part of the process. Avoid pressuring your child to pursue a sport that they strongly dislike. Instead, look for alternative options.
    • Sports are also great for mental health. The pressure to focus employed by sports like martial arts is great for children struggling with control issues, like ADD. [13]
  2. Head outside with your child and a jump rope or a bike for a few hours. Go on a nice long walk or hike with your kid. Play an extended game of tag followed by a park picnic. Soaking in the sunshine gets your child their daily dose of Vitamin D. This vitamin can then boost immunity and help prevent a variety of infections. Remember to apply sunscreen to your child before heading outdoors! [14]
    • Fresh air is also just healthy. It is good to take a break from the air inside your home as it could actually possess a variety of unhealthy pollutants. [15]
    • Always make sure to apply sunscreen before heading outside.
  3. Try to limit TV time to a maximum of two hours per day. You should also try to regulate the use of the computer, video games, and even their cell phone (if they have one) as well. Placing time and use limits on these devices will encourage your child to get out of doors and explore the world around them. [16]
    • Do not put a TV in your child’s bedroom. The use of technology can have a negative impact on sleep patterns. Instead, read a book to your child before bedtime or follow another relaxing routine.
  4. Spend time with your child researching healthy food options online. Look to see how particular foods translate into calories in and out of your body. Give your child the challenge of identifying the best possible food to eat before their sporting event. All children want to be strong and having them understand the impact of food is one way to get there. [17]
    • For example, before your child’s soccer game, ask them if them if a fast-food burger or a homemade sandwich would help them perform the best. Discuss the pros and cons of both options.
  5. Go on a hiking or camping trip. Try out kayaking lessons at the local lake. Contact your kid’s friends' parents and make a playdate for the local park. If you create definite plans, you are far more likely to get out of the house and explore the world.
    • Don’t forget to ask your child in advance what they would like to do over the weekend or breaks. They might have some great ideas or know about events that you are unaware of.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Ensuring Good Mental Health

  1. Make an effort to be present so that your child will have the chance to approach you, if needed. Ask your child questions about their life and do so on a regular basis. Resist the urge to try to fix all of their problems and instead just be a good listener and a resource for help, if needed. [18]
    • If you discover that your child is upset, you might say, “When you are ready to talk, I’m here and will help you figure everything out if I can.”
  2. Recognize and acknowledge the mental pressures that your child will face. They will likely be offered drugs, alcohol, or be pressured to engage in sexual activity at some point. It is important to open a dialogue with your child about these issues. Encourage them to ask questions without receiving negative consequences. A single question could prevent them from making a harmful choice. [19]
    • It is best to initiate these conversations prior to your child reaching their teen years. Most parents open up this subject before their child is ten years old, if not earlier.
    • You could role play various scenarios with your child to get them used to saying “no” and sticking with it. You might say, “What is a good way to respond if someone offers you a beer at a party?”
    • Don’t rely on school sex ed to fully inform your child. Take responsibility for their well-being and ask them what they know, what they’d like to know, and what concerns they have. Tell them your concerns as well.
  3. Let your child know that they are important to you. This also reassures them that they are safe and protected. This will also provide the groundwork for them to have healthy and happy adult relationships later on. They will be able to more fully express their feelings to future partners. [20]
    • Never use words of affection as a way to control or manipulate your child. Only say them when you truly mean them in the way that they are intended. For example, you can unintentionally manipulate your child if you say, "I'll love you even more if you clean your room."
  4. Your child’s teachers spend a great deal of time with them and can give you a heads up regarding their mental state. At parent meetings, make sure to inquire not only about grades but about how your child is doing interacting with others and coping with any life changes that are occurring. [21]
  5. If your child seems consistently tired, agitated, angry, irritable, or negative, you may want to seek professional help, perhaps with counseling. Other signs of possible depression or other mental concerns include slipping grades, lack of communication, poor hygiene or eating habits, and overall antisocial behavior. [22]
    • Talk to your child's doctor if you have concerns about their physical or emotional health.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    My son and daughter get sick every 2 months. What can I do?
    Laura Marusinec, MD
    Board Certified Pediatrician
    Dr. Marusinec is a board certified Pediatrician at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, where she is on the Clinical Practice Council. She received her M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Medicine in 1995 and completed her residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Pediatrics in 1998. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association and the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care.
    Board Certified Pediatrician
    Expert Answer
    Many kids get viral infections frequently, especially in the winter months or shortly after starting school in the fall. But if your children continue to get sick frequently, or have more severe illnesses, it's time to talk to your doctor to find out the cause. Kids with asthma or allergies or problems with their immune system can get sick more than other kids.
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      • Set a good example. Your child will look to you as role model and they will imitate your behaviors for good or for ill. Be aware of this as you consider your physical activity level and eating habits. [23]
      • Stay positive. Celebrate those healthy successes that you and your child make together. Focus on achievements and the development of a healthy level of self-esteem.
      • Be patient if you or your child slip up on the journey to a healthy lifestyle. Making and sticking to many of these changes is not easy.


      • Get your child to wear proper safety equipment when participating in any type of physical activity. A bike helmet, for example, is a must have when riding a bike.
      • Take proper weather precautions when pursuing outdoor activities. For example, make sure that your child wears sunscreen in the sun and bundles up for chilly weather.

      About this article

      Article Summary X

      If you want to keep your child healthy, encourage them to consume a wholesome diet containing fruits and vegetables, whole-grain products, and lean meats. This can be tricky, but you can make food interesting by allowing them to help you prep a healthy meal such as a personal pizza with their selected toppings. You should also establish a regular sleeping schedule for your child as this will boost their metabolism and calm their emotions, and hopefully give you a good night's rest too! In addition, be sure to offer drinking water after your child reaches six months of age as this will improve their concentration and mental development. For more advice from our Medical co-author, including how to encourage your child to avoid germs, read on!

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