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It can be hard to tell if someone likes you romantically, especially when you’re at school and there are a hundred other things going on. Luckily, there is a lot you can find out just by paying attention to a guy’s body language and how he acts around you on a daily basis. If you think he might like you, look for some of these signs to get a better idea of what’s going on!


Does he make a lot of eye contact?

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  1. If you start to notice that he stares at you on a daily basis, and if you don’t have anything weird stuck in your teeth, this could be a sign that he is into you. [1] If he makes direct eye contact with you when you pass in the hallway and gives you a smile, he is definitely noticing you and interested in being friendly. [2]
    • If you catch him looking at you and he quickly looks away, that means he was definitely looking at you and not just in your general area.
    • Don't be discouraged if he seems to be giving you lots of attention one day and not the next. He might have something else on his mind that day, but it doesn't necessarily mean he's not thinking about you. [3]
    • If he looks right at you and smiles, think about what kind of guy he is in general. Do you notice him flirting with lots of people? Or is he generally shy? If he is a flirt, he may still be interested in you, but pay attention to his actions to find out for sure!
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Does he give you special attention?

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  1. Does he seek out your company? Does he try to talk to you and keep your attention even when other people are around? Look out for these other types of special treatment: [4]
    • Does he come to your defense if someone is teasing you?
    • Does he hold open doors, wait for you after class, or ask to borrow things from you?
    • Does he listen to you attentively when you speak?
    • If this guy is really outgoing and friendly to everyone, it may be hard to tell if he is treating you differently. You may have to pay attention for a while longer to definitely find out.

Does he try to sit next to you?

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  1. Try to pick a spot where there's a free seat beside you instead of surrounding yourself on both sides with friends. This is especially a great idea if you are both in the same friend group and tend to end up in common areas anyway. It’ll be easy for him to move next to you so you can talk. [5]
    • If he does sit next to you, pay attention to how often his body brushes against yours and how interested he is in talking to you. Being in close proximity is a great way to get a better idea of whether or not he is into you.
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How often does he interact with you in class?

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  1. If you and your classmates have a chance to talk, answer questions, tell stories, or interact in any way, observe him to see if he is giving you special attention. For example, he might laugh at a joke you tell, piggy-back off an answer you give, or say something encouraging to you. [6]

Does he try to make you laugh?

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  1. Whether he is talking directly to you or to a group of his friends, see if he is checking out your response to his stories or jokes. If he glances your way to see how you’re responding, this means he cares that you notice him. [7]
    • If he tries to make you laugh and seems happy when you do, that’s another sign he may like you.
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Do you notice that he gets flustered around you?

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  1. This won’t be true with all guys, but it’s a fairly common thing that happens. If he likes you, he may get tongue-tied, trip, knock things over, or just seem a bit clumsier than usual when he gets near you. If he drops his books or knocks something off if his desk when you walk by, he may like you. [8]
    • Think about how you act when you get close to your crush. Chances are, this guy experiences really similar feelings when he’s around someone (maybe you!) that he likes.

Has he asked you to team up on a class project?

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  1. Sure, he might only want to work together is to make the most of your brilliant lab skills or impressive artistic talent. But, if he always seems to single you out when it's time to partner up, there's a chance he's just looking to get close to you. [9]
    • The next time your class has a team project coming up, don’t rush to sign up with your BFF. Instead, give him a chance to offer to work together. If he keeps looking at you, give him an encouraging smile so he feels more confident approaching you.
    • If you’re feeling really brave, you could even ask him if he wants to work with you.
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Has he asked you to be his study buddy?

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  1. This is a classic way that guys will try to get closer to someone they like. If you share classes, he may send you a text or catch up with you after class to see if you want to hang out and prepare for the next test that’s coming up. [10]
    • If you want to spend more time with this guy but know you can’t after school, suggest studying together during lunch or a free period.
    • If you're already part of a study group, invite him to join! Then, pay attention to how much he talks to you compared to the rest of the group.

Does he seem to be picking up your hobbies?

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  1. That could be a sign that he wants to spend more time around you. He may notice that you’re involved in things like drama club, band, sports, student council, the yearbook team, key club, or other school activities, and decide to join up to get to know you better. [11]
    • This can be really flattering, and it can be a great way for you to get to know each other better.
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Do his friends tease you when he's around?

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  1. They might whisper when you walk by, nudge him and laugh, or punch him to tease him. If there wasn’t something going on, his friends probably wouldn’t be acting that way. [12]
    • Keep in mind that rumors aren’t always true. If you can combine a rumor with several other signs that he likes you, though, that’s a pretty good sign of his feelings.

Has he called or texted you?

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  1. If this guy calls you or sends you messages via email, text, or social media, that’s a sign he might be interested in you. He may even start liking and commenting on your posts, giving you more things to connect over when you’re back in school the next day. [13] Bonus points if he leaves comments, responds to your stories, or sends you memes that remind him of you. [14]
    • Don’t be surprised if he uses classes as an excuse to start texting you. Maybe he will say he has questions about the test coming up or wants to start a study group.
    • You can also pay attention to how quickly he responds to messages. The faster he responds, the more eager he is to talk!
    • Don’t forget to engage with his social media, too. Like his posts, ask him questions, and try to find common interests if this is someone you’d like to become friendlier with.
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Does he find excuses to touch you?

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  1. Physical touch is a huge indicator of attraction. Does he tap your shoulder or place his hand on your arm to get your attention? If you’re talking, does he reach over and make physical contact? Does he try to sit beside you in class or on the bus? [15]
    • If you think this guy might like you and you don’t like him, any kind of physical touch could be really uncomfortable. If this is the case, try to step back whenever you’re near him so it’s harder for him to touch you. It’s also totally okay to say something like, “Please stop touching me. I don’t like it.”

Does he want to hang out?

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  1. He could be hoping it will turn into a date . You could say something like, “I was thinking of going to the football game this weekend,” or “That new movie is coming out on Friday. I’ve really been wanting to see it,” and see how he responds. If he offers to go with you or suggests getting together to do the activity, he is definitely interested in spending more time with you. [16]
    • Even if you can’t hang out one-on-one, he may indicate that he’d like to get a group of friends together to do something fun. This may be a way he can spend more time with you without risking being rejected if he isn’t sure of how you feel yet.
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Have you asked him directly?

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  1. If you feel pretty certain that he likes you and you just have to know, you could definitely have a direct conversation with him. This can be a little risky, especially if you’re friends, but it can also give you a lot of clarity. [17]
    • If you can, ask him in person. But, if you just can’t bring yourself to do that, you could always send him a text, write him an email, call him on the phone, DM him on social media.
    • Try Saying This: “Ryan, I’ve been wanting to ask you something. Do you like me as more than a friend?” You could also say something like, “I’m not sure how to say this exactly, but do you have feelings for me?” You could also let him know that it’s okay if he doesn’t like you, but you have been wondering and wanted to clear the air.

Ways to Ask a Guy if He Likes You

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Hey everyone! I would really love some help figuring out how to tell if someone is flirting with me, especially when it comes to reading body language and facial cues. I feel like I completely misunderstand the difference between someone being friendly and someone actually trying to hit on me. I won’t bore you with the details but I’ve missed out on so many chances where I just thought the other person was being nice, and I’ve gotten into trouble a few times for mistaking someone being friendly as someone trying to hit on me. Any tips here?
John Keegan
Dating Coach
Examples of flirting would be lots of eye contact and smiling, being curious about your relationship status, and specifically asking to do something with them in the evening, like getting a drink, or on the weekend. Those are very clear signs of flirting. That means they like you, they're attracted to you, they're drawn to you, and they feel safe around you. Subtler signs of flirting would be just eye contact, playful comments, light touching at the end of a joke, things like that.
Cher Gopman
Dating Coach
What someone does when you suggest hanging out or doing something together can really tell you a lot about how they feel about you. If you ask someone if they’re free on a certain day and they’re super excited to say they’re free, they’re probably into you. Just think about how “available” they seem to be whenever they’re around you. Are they always up for anything, or do they always seem to be busy? If they’re often busy, they’re probably just being friendly. Someone who is crushing on you will try and drop everything else to hang out.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I told my friend who I liked because it was a dare. Turns out she is dating him. She told him I liked him. The whole class knows now. He acts the same from before he knew. What do I do?
    Sarah Battilana
    Community Answer
    If he is acting the same, you could try and act normal, too. It stinks that your friend did that to you! Try to move on and remember that this moment will fade away quickly and people won't remember it forever.
  • Question
    what if he shows you all the signs but he still denies it when you ask?
    Sarah Battilana
    Community Answer
    It's possible he does like you but isn't ready to admit it yet, for one reason or another. Maybe he is shy, afraid of being rejected, or it could be that he may like you but isn't sure yet. The best thing is to give him space and let him tell you himself if he likes you when he is ready.
  • Question
    I need help, so this boy I like does all of this however he does to a few other girls but it isn’t every girl. I can’t tell whether that means he does or doesn’t. What should I do?
    Sarah Battilana
    Community Answer
    You could keep watching to see what happens. He may just like to flirt with lots of girls, which is a thing that happens. You could also ask him how he feels if you absolutely have to know.
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      • Try to move on if he doesn’t like you or if you can’t figure out his feelings. Don't let it drive you crazy!

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Sometimes boys will tease people that they have a crush on. If you don’t like the teasing or it seems mean spirited, consider confronting him about it.
      • If he points his body and toes at you while you’re talking and gives you a lot of attention that could be a sign that he’s into you.
      • If you ask him if he has a crush on other girls and he says “no” and then gets nervous or flustered, he may have a crush on you.
      • If he plays with his hair around you it could mean that he’s nervous (because you’re his crush!).
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you want to know if a guy likes you in school, start by paying attention to how often he looks and smiles at you compared to his other friends. If he likes you, he will probably try to be near you as much as possible, so he may start sitting by you in class or at lunch. You can test the waters by leaving a space open near you and waiting to see if he takes the opportunity to sit there! If the guy asks for your phone number, adds you on social media, and starts communicating with you outside of school, there's a good chance that he likes you as more than a friend. For tips on asking him directly if he likes you, read on!

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