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Find out what magnetic attraction feels like and how to identify it
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Magnetic attraction is a powerful connection between people—one that brings them together through the strength of their chemistry. But how can you tell when it's happening to you? It’s a sign of physical and emotional compatibility, so people who share it often experience an inexplicable, almost psychic bond. Read on for a comprehensive list of signs that you’re experiencing magnetic attraction with someone in your life.

Things You Should Know

  • If you're experiencing magnetic attraction, you'll feel deeply connected to them—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You'll always feel happy to see them!
  • You'll notice open body language and lots of intense eye contact between you both. You may unconsciously mirror one another when you're together.
  • It'll feel easy to open up to them, and you may find that you share similar goals. You may even sense each other's thoughts and feelings.

You feel an inexplicable connection.

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  1. Magnetic attraction is a powerful connecting force between people; it brings them together, although they may not fully understand why they feel so strongly. So, if you feel an instant connection with someone, even if you don’t know where it’s coming from, you could be experiencing magnetic attraction. [1]
    • Magnetic attraction is usually romantic in nature. However, it doesn't have to be; you may experience platonic magnetic attraction as well.
    • Whether it's romantic or platonic, you’ll always feel that instant connection grow even stronger over time.
    • This can also feed into the idea of spiritual attraction—meaning it may feel like you’re kindred spirits right off the bat after meeting each other.
    • The intensity of your feelings might be a little confusing at first. You might feel exhilarated, scared, or overwhelmed.
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There’s strong eye contact between you.

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You turn up at the same place and time.

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  1. Sometimes it’s just a coincidence when you end up in the same place at the same time as someone else—but when it keeps happening (and you also feel an intense connection to them), it could be a sign that your magnetic attraction keeps drawing you into one another’s orbit. [3]
    • The more you see them, the might you might even find yourself planning your life around them and basing decisions on the desire to be with them.
    • Keep in mind that while spending time with someone you like is one thing, planning your life around them isn’t always healthy. You can still spend time with them and do your own thing!
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You’re always happy to see each other.

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  1. In fact, you may feel a sudden surge of happiness that you just can’t hide when you see them—and they won’t be able to hide theirs, either. You’ll likely notice them smiling happily as soon as they see you, and if physical contact is something you’re comfortable with, they may even go for a warm, heartfelt hug. [4]
    • Are you crushing on this person? You might even feel your heart skip a beat or your face flush.
    • You’ll also feel good around them, like you’re magically content and everything is more fun—even the boring stuff!

You both have open body language.

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  1. Even if you haven’t openly addressed the attraction, body language can say everything. You may notice them start to mirror your body language (a sure sign that they like you). They might also have an open posture and open palms (meaning they’re relaxed and not crossing their arms or legs). [5]
    • You might find your own body language unconsciously becoming more open around them, too.
    • You might also find yourself making similar movements and turning your body in the same direction as them, which means you’re mirroring them.
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You sense each other’s thoughts.

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  1. Does it feel like you always know what they’re thinking, even when they haven’t said anything? When you share magnetic attraction with someone, it may feel like you can read their mind (and they can also read yours). You know when they're sad, happy, upset, and vice versa. [6]
    • In a spiritual sense, this is considered a “psychic connection” between the two of you, letting you understand each other’s intentions without words.
    • It’s even believed that a strong psychic connection can help you sense when the other is sick or in pain (or just sense when the two of you have a solid emotional bond).

There’s an energy exchange between you.

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  1. Spiritually, it’s believed that people can “exchange energy” with one another. So, as your attraction grows, you might feel like there’s more energy flowing between you; this can manifest as hyperawareness of their presence, a tingling sensation in your body, and a sense of excitement or anticipation. [7]
    • You may also experience bodily responses like an increased heart rate, sweaty palms, or dilated pupils, or you may even feel outright aroused around them.
    • In short, your body will likely react involuntarily to all that energy crackling between you as a result of the magnetic attraction.
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They want to know everything about you.

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  1. So, if you’re being drawn together like a pair of magnets, you’ll want to get to know each other—and probably reveal more than you might to anyone else. Does it feel like they ask lots of really thoughtful, in-depth questions? Do you do the same? That’s magnetic attraction. [8]
    • For example, they might ask you about your hopes and dreams, favorite comfort foods, or what books bring you the most joy.
    • You might even lose track of time and spend an entire night just chatting and learning more about each other!

It’s easy to open up to each other.

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  1. You might be surprised by how much you’re willing to share with them, which will build up your bond. “Vulnerable intimacy is working on the emotional level, sharing pieces of your heart,” explains life coach and intuitive healer Kate Dreyfus. “This is your opportunity to practice opening up and taking a risk that could be incredibly rewarding.”
    • So, although vulnerability and openness can be tough, you’ll have no problem getting to know them (and letting them get to know you) when you’re magnetically attracted to someone.
    • That’s because when you have a magnetic attraction, your desire for them to know everything about you can overpower any shyness or hesitation.
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You have the same goals.

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  1. It’s a sign of their compatibility! You might find that you have the same hobby, work in the same field, or simply have the same ambitions for your life. Regardless, you may notice that your connection intensifies as you discover the similar goals you share. [9]
    • Keep in mind that having the same goals (and sharing magnetic attraction) doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be together forever.
    • However, understanding one another’s aspirations is still a super promising indicator, and it’ll likely bring you closer together.

There’s no judgment between you.

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  1. You could tell them your darkest secrets, and you know it won’t change the way they think of you or cause them to judge you. You also know you wouldn’t judge them for anything because you like them exactly as they are—flaws and all. [10]
    • Similarly, if you share a magnetic attraction, you probably aren’t worried about looking “perfect” around them. You can be your true self!
    • So what if you have a zit or your clothes are a little wrinkled? You know they’ll still find you gorgeous—because that’s how you feel about them.
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You flirt constantly.

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  1. While not every instance of magnetic attraction is romantic, it’s the most common kind—and when you experience romantic magnetic attraction, flirting is part of that. While you might usually stress over what to say or wait for weeks to build your confidence, you may find yourself getting flirty without thinking twice about it with this person! [12]
    • Do you find yourself sending out suggestive texts without having your friends proofread or boldly flirting, even when you usually wait for others to make the first move?
    • Magnetic attraction usually involves sexual or romantic attraction too—and when you feel it, flirting becomes as natural as breathing.
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You’re drawn to each other physically.

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  1. In short, the two of you will have lots of chemistry! The more you get to know them, and spend time with them, the more you feel drawn to them—to the point that you might not be able to resist holding their hand, sitting next to them, or even brushing against their arm every now and again. [13]
    • Similarly, they’ll try to get closer to you physically, too. It might seem like they’re especially touchy-feely around you, even if they’re not with other people.

You feel lots of sexual tension.

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  1. In short, if you feel physically drawn to them, emotionally connected to them, and you care for them, it’s normal for magnetic attraction to grow into a yearning for intimacy. And, if the two of you act on your feelings, you might find that the magnetic pull intensifies in the bedroom. [14]
    • Sexual experiences with people you’re magnetically attracted to may feel more fulfilling than others!
    • Even their kiss may feel positively electric—like a sudden shock that’s stunning and pleasing all at once.
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You don’t like being apart.

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  1. That’s because it’ll feel absolutely amazing when you’re together—and suffocating when you’re apart. When you’re magnetically attracted to someone, that desire to be pulled together overpowers everything else. It’s like there’s an invisible force screaming at you to be close to them again! [15]
    • You might find yourselves spending more and more time together (intentionally) as your attraction intensifies, making plans as often as possible.
    • Furthermore, when you’re attracted to someone and have feelings for them, you also tend to be more aware of their emotions—which can make it even harder to be away from them.

They tell you how much they care.

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  1. Even if you just recently met, magnetic attraction can bring you together quickly; it’ll feel like the two of you have developed deep feelings for one another practically overnight. They may tell you just how much they care for you—and, in turn, you may realize that their happiness is a huge priority in your life! [16]
    • This can happen when magnetic attraction sets in aggressively, leaving you desperate to be with this person to the point of feeling overwhelmed with love.
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They’re your soulmate.

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  1. A soulmate is someone you have a deep connection with—but they can also be more than that. They’re the other half of your soul and the person who can help you grow into your true self as you go through life. If you feel that someone is your soulmate, you’ll probably also have tons of magnetic attraction to them. [18]
    • Wondering how to tell when someone is your soulmate ? Well, a strong and inexplicable connection (like the one associated with magnetic attraction) is a good start. You’ll also have an innate, telepathic connection.
    • However, if you want confirmation that someone is your soulmate, try consulting a psychic! They can read your energies and give you the reassurance you need.
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