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Guinea pigs enjoy having a variety of toys to chew on and explore. With just a few supplies you find around your home, and some hay and guinea pig treats from the pet store, you’ll be able to create guinea pig toys very quickly and cheaply. Soon enough, you’ll be letting your imagination run wild and creating all kinds of things for your guinea pigs to play with and chew on!

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Stuffing a Cardboard Roll with Hay

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  1. Don’t use the white cardboard rolls because these have been bleached. The untreated brown cardboard rolls are perfectly safe for guinea pigs to munch on.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Guinea Pig Toy
    Get some timothy hay from a pet shop and fill the cardboard tube with it. Timothy hay is the recommended hay for guinea pigs.
    • You shouldn’t stuff the tubes with alfalfa because it is too high in calcium for guinea pigs to consume in large quantities. Use alfalfa in small quantities as a treat for adult guinea pigs.
  3. Your guinea pigs will munch on these tubes and eat all of the hay inside. This will help them keep their teeth filed down and keep them entertained and happy.
    • You can shove a treat in the middle of the hay inside of the tube to provide an extra incentive for your guinea pigs to reach the middle!
    • Save your old cardboard rolls to make new toys once your guinea pigs finish all the hay and chew up the rolls.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Making a Hay Sock

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  1. Save all those old socks that you can’t find the partner to. Put them through the wash first if you aren’t sure whether they are clean.
    • Long socks will be easier to tie off after you stuff them.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Guinea Pig Toy
    Fill the sock up with timothy hay from the pet store. Tie off the end of the sock around itself, with a piece of fabric, or with a piece of wool or cotton string.
    • You should be able to tie off long socks around themselves. If it is difficult to tie off the sock, you could cut off a strip of fabric from the end of the sock to use to tie it closed.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Guinea Pig Toy
    Use scissors or a knife to carefully cut some small slits in a few places on the sock. Pull out a bit of hay through each hole to give your guinea pigs something to pull on.
    • You could stuff a guinea pig treat or two inside the sock as well for them to try to reach.
  4. They will enjoy pulling the hay out through the different holes to munch on. They will even drag the sock around and play with it like a ball.
    • You should remove the sock from the cage once they have pulled all of the hay out, or if it looks like it’s getting dirty.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Building a Shoebox House

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  1. Your guinea pig will chew on the box. Brown, unprinted cardboard is the safest cardboard for your guinea pigs to gnaw on.
    • Make sure the boxes don’t have any glue or another residue on them. Cut off and remove any parts that do.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Guinea Pig Toy
    Use scissors or a knife to carefully cut holes big enough for your guinea pig to run in and out of. A hole in the top will allow them to poke their head out and climb up on top of the box.
    • You can even use multiple cardboard shoe boxes or other cardboard boxes to create bigger houses with multiple rooms and levels for your guinea pigs to explore.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Guinea Pig Toy
    Add some timothy hay to the house for the guinea pigs to snack on and hide some treats in the hay for them to find. Add other chew toys, like cardboard rolls stuffed with hay, that they can play with, then introduce your guinea pigs to their new playhouse!
    • Be sure to let your guinea pigs play in the house in an area of your home that it is safe for them to run around in or within a closed playpen.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Creating a Fleece Forest Accessory

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  1. Buy a few pieces of fleece from a craft supply store, or cut up an old fleece blanket into some rectangular strips. Cut a rectangular piece of fleece approximately 14 in (36 cm) wide by 30 in (76 cm) long. [1]
    • The measurements are just a general guideline and you can modify them to whatever fits in your guinea pigs cage.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make a Guinea Pig Toy
    Cut the strips every 2 in (5.1 cm) on the shorter sides of the fleece. Make them about 12 in (30 cm) long so that there is a connecting piece in the middle that you will drape over the cage. [2]
    • Think of the curtains that you drive through at the car wash. This is what your fleece forest should resemble.
  3. Place the middle piece of the fleece somewhere on top of the cage so that the strips you cut dangle down into the cage to create your fleece forest curtain. Your guinea pigs will enjoy running through it and hiding in it.
    • You can make several fleece curtains and hang them in the same part of the cage to create a denser forest for your guinea pigs.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Instead of carrots hanging on a string, can I use cucumbers or anything else?
    Community Answer
    Any type of safe fruits or veggies should work fine, just keep in mind that softer and/or heavier foods will be harder to keep on a string.
  • Question
    Are balls bad for Guinea pigs backs?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Exercise wheels/balls are very dangerous for guinea pigs, and aren't suitable for them. Guinea pigs don't have flexible backs like hamsters or mice, so the ball would simply put strain on the spine.
  • Question
    Will the hay ball make a mess?
    Dolphin Dain123
    Community Answer
    It won't make any more mess than your Guinea pig already does on its own.
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      • Make sure that any cardboard rolls you use are clean and don’t have any kind of glue residue on them.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Whenever your guinea pig makes a purring sound, that means that it's chill. So, don't think it's growling at you—that's what I thought, but I was wrong.
      • Use good quality hay like Timothy and Orchard. If your guinea pig eats hay or grass with preservatives, it might fall ill.
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      Things You'll Need

      Stuffing a Cardboard Roll with Hay

      • Brown cardboard paper towel or toilet paper rolls
      • Timothy hay
      • Guinea pig treats

      Making a Hay Sock

      • Clean unwanted socks
      • Timothy hay
      • Guinea pig treats
      • Scissors or knife

      Building a Shoebox House

      • Old cardboard shoebox
      • Timothy hay
      • Guinea pig treats and toys
      • Scissors or knife

      Creating a Fleece Forest Accessory

      • Pieces of fleece
      • Scissors

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To make a guinea pig toy, stuff an empty cardboard paper towel roll with timothy hay, and place it in your guinea pig's cage to snack on and play with. You can also try stuffing a sock with timothy hay and tying off the open end. Then, cut a few holes in the sock so the hay pokes out, and watch your guinea pig work to pull the hay out through the different holes. Or, you can cut some holes into a shoebox and give it to your guinea pig to play inside of. To learn how to make a fuzzy fleece toy for your guinea pig, scroll down!

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      • Lily Graves

        Oct 26, 2020

        "Well I have always wanted to take one of my guinea pigs on a walk because she is very active a lot. Now I know that ..." more
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