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Get a Libra man’s attention and win him over with these helpful tips
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If you’ve got your eye on a charming, affectionate Libra man, you might be wondering how to make him fall for you. You’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled a complete guide on how to attract and win over a Libra man, complete with expert insights from astrologer Angel Eyedealism. Keep reading for everything you need to know!

How to Make a Libra Man Obsessed with You

To make a Libra man fall for you, make an effort to look classy and elegant, lean into your romantic side, and connect with him through intellectual conversations. Libras are ruled by Venus, so they have a deep appreciation for love and beauty, and as an air sign, they want a partner who can stimulate them mentally.

Section 1 of 4:

How to Attract a Libra Man

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  1. “Libra men tend to be very attractive people, and being in a relationship is extremely important to them,” says Eyedealism. [1] This means that they’re never single for long, and when they’re not in a relationship, all they can think about is getting back into one, she explains. [2]
    • So, if you’ve got your sights set on a Libra man, don’t hesitate or play hard to get—start flirting openly with him , or he might end up with someone else just because he’s eager to be in a partnership
  2. When initially trying to attract a Libra, make flirtatious eye contact with him. For example, try to catch his eye from across the room, then hold his gaze and smile at him. Romantic Libra men will appreciate this flirty gesture, and research even shows that prolonged eye contact can increase attraction between two people. [3] He may be swooning over you by the time you look away!
    • Try holding his gaze for about 5 seconds without looking away. This may spark his curiosity and send a clear cue that you’re flirting, causing him to come over and talk to you. [4]
  3. Don’t be shy about complimenting a Libra man ! Libras respond super well to words of affirmation, and they really appreciate it when someone compliments them on their intelligence, kindness, or attractiveness. The flattery will not only make him feel valued and appreciated, but he'll also be naturally drawn to you. [5]
    • Let him know what you admire about him. Compliment things like his outfit , looks, or personality .
    • Work compliments into a conversation. When discussing a film, for example, say something like, "Wow, I never would have thought of the movie like that. You're so insightful!"

    Jessica Lanyadoo

    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Jessica Lanyadoo is an astrologer with over 20 years of consulting experience. She is the author of Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along and is the host of the popular astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast. Lanyadoo co-hosted TLC’s digital astrology show Stargazing and writes weekly and monthly horoscopes that help you heal.
    Jessica Lanyadoo
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium

    Libras love flattery and validation. Let your Libra crush know how pretty or handsome they look and compliment their clothing and general appearance. You'll have your Libra blushing and flirting with you. Libras also like compliments on the way they approach things because they are often diplomatic in situations.

  4. Since Libra men are ruled by Venus, planet of beauty, “you definitely want to appeal to their sense of aesthetics,” explains Eyedealism. [6] They tend to be drawn to people who have a refined and elegant fashion sense, and they really appreciate it when someone makes an effort to look put-together.
    • Play into this when trying to attract a Libra man. For example, a classic look like a nice cocktail dress or a smart suit can really impress a Libra guy!
    • It’s also important to give off an elegant energy with your manners. “You definitely don’t want to be rude or gross around a Libra man. He gets turned off by somebody who’s coarse,” says Eyedealism. [7]
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Section 2 of 4:

How to Treat a Libra Man in a Relationship

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  1. Ruled by Venus, planet of love and beauty, Libras are hopeless romantics at heart, and they love to feel a little pampered. [8] The occasional surprise can really knock a Libra man off his feet and show him how much you care.
    • For example, try surprising him by cooking his favorite meal after he's had a hard day at work. Or, you could drop by his office with a latte for him from his favorite coffee shop.
    • Because of their connection to Venus, Libra men also tend to be drawn to the finer things in life. So, if you surprise him with a fancy gift, like a nice tie, a cool technological gadget, or a luxurious cologne, he’ll likely be super excited. [9]
  2. Libra men tend to see love and dating through rose-colored glasses, and they’re looking for the ideal fairytale romance. [10] Because of this, they respond best to traditional romantic dates rather than wild or unconventional ones. When planning a date night , go for something that feels straight out of a rom-com. A candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant followed by a starlit stroll through the park would be perfect! [11]
  3. Libra men don’t like to argue, but they are huge fans of a good intellectual debate. Like all air signs, Libras are known for their intellect and communication skills, and they’re attracted to partners who can match this energy. [12] A Libra man wants someone who is “refined and intellectual, because he’s an intellectual,” explains Eyedealism. [13]
    • A Libra man will jump at the chance to engage in a good conversation with you about topics like politics, philosophy, literature, or art, so don't be shy about sharing your opinions on these things.
    • However, remember to flatter your Libra man even while arguing with him. For example, say something like, "While I disagree, you really know a lot about this issue. I'm impressed."
  4. Libra men are known for being the ultimate social butterflies, and they tend to have very large social circles. [14] As a result, a Libra man is unlikely to fall for you if he thinks you won’t be open to seeing friends regularly. If you really want to win him over, show him that you can meet him on his level, and that you’re always game for fun social events.
    • Try not to be clingy toward him in group settings. Allow your Libra man to socialize with his friends, and show him that you’re able to chat up other partygoers and enjoy yourself, too.
    • He’ll appreciate you letting him be himself and pursue his own interests, and he’ll also be impressed by your confidence and charm!
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How to Be the Kind of Woman That Libra Men Are Attracted To

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  1. Libra men tend to prefer someone who knows their own mind and does not rely on others for happiness. If you want to attract a Libra , a sense of independence is key. [15] Here are some tips to show him your independent side:
    • Express your opinions freely, even if they're different from his. Let a Libra man know how you feel about things like politics, art, music, and so on.
    • Avoid being too clingy or reliant on a Libra man. Make plans without him on occasion, and don't bombard him with phone calls or texts. Libra men value their freedom, so they appreciate a partner who can give them a bit of space sometimes. [16]
  2. As a cardinal sign, Libras are known for their active and extroverted qualities, and they’re all about engagement with the outside world. [17] Because of this, they often look for partners who enjoy getting out of their shell, seeing new places, and experiencing new things. So, if you're trying to attract a Libra, show him that you have this kind of energy. [18]
    • Attend social events and make conversation with others to show him that you like having a good time and connecting with new people.
    • Be willing to push yourself out your comfort zone to find new ways to have fun. For example, go hiking if you've never been before. This will show a Libra man that you're always looking for new ways to enjoy yourself.
  3. A Libra man wants a partner who can go toe-to-toe with him in intellectual debates, hold their own in social situations, and carry themselves with assurance and poise. [19] Confidence is a key ingredient for doing all of these things, so if you're looking to win over a Libra, it’s a good idea to work on your self-confidence level . [20]
  4. Libra men are determined to maintain harmony and emotional equilibrium, and they hate it when there are tense or awkward vibes. [22] Try showing him that you can be calm and easygoing in tense situations, and that you’re able to mediate between friends who disagree with each other. He'll deeply appreciate these traits, and he may even see the two of you as a peacemaking team!
    • Libra’s symbol is the Scales, so it’s no surprise that they often end up being the mediators in their families and friend groups. [23]
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Section 4 of 4:

All About Libra Men

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  1. They seek balance in all areas of their lives, and they’ll go out of their way to promote harmony in their families, social circles, workplaces, and romantic relationships. As air signs, Libras are known for being communicative and intellectual, and due to their planetary ruler, Venus, they have a deep appreciation for love, romance, and beauty. [24]
    • Element: Air
    • Modality: Cardinal
    • Ruling Planet: Venus
    • Symbol: The Scales
    • Keywords: Peacemaking, fair, diplomatic, social, likable, talkative, intelligent, refined, elegant, romantic, affectionate [25]

Libra Compatibility Chart

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I've gone out a couple times with a libra guy and I've heard conflicting opinions about libras so I'm curious what anyone can tell me about libra men generally and in relationships? are they cheaters or are they generally pretty loyal? do they prefer to pursue or be chased? how do you keep a libra guy interested/attract him? What are the pros and cons of dating a libra man?
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Libra is ruled by Venus, and Libra men tend to be very attractive people, and being in a relationship is extremely important to them. However, Libras flip flop, so when a Libra man is in a relationship, he wants to be out of it and when he's out of it, all he thinks about is being in one. They're constantly trying to balance things. In a relationship with a Libra guy, you definitely want to appeal to his sense of aesthetics, you definitely want to be not rude or gross around a Libra man. He gets turned off by somebody who’s coarse, wants a woman that is refined and intellectual, because he’s an intellectual. It's an Air sign. The Air sign loves intellectuals, but it's a Venus-based sun sign. So he definitely wants a woman who is attractive, but also intelligent.

You can tell a Libra man is playing games if he becomes cold and distant, or not engaged. If he goes off by himself, then that's a really bad sign, because he's supposed to be balancing his energy with your energy. Libras find themselves through their partner. So if he becomes evasive, that means he's not interested in you. Libras are so polite, they won't necessarily come out and say they don't want to be with you, but they'll do these evasive maneuvers.
Anonymous WikiEagle
Anonymous WikiEagle
In my experience, Libras are the most devoted, engaged, honest, open, genuine, completely committed men possible. They love every last shred of you, good, bad or otherwise… they see who really are no matter what “state” you’re in, and love you because of your faults and flaws, and not not despite them. They definitely have a “standard” in mind for anybody they will consider being with, but once they decide you’ve ‘made the cut’, they accept that you’re human and not some flawless “ideal” who isn’t allowed to have your imperfect moments (ie not looking perfect, sick with a stomach bug or stuffed nose, bad hair days, flop clothes, etc). Once they know you’re CAPABLE of looking and acting “flawlessly” when needed, they get over the fact nobody is actually flawless, including you.

And I truly cannot understand anybody says they are “flaky”… in my experience, they are like rocks! I learned what “I’ve got you” meant for the first time in my life with my Libra… No matter where I was, or what I needed, DONE!!! if I sent a text and said “I need to talk to you”, the phone was ringing with an instant of hitting send… If I said “I need you“, the doorbell will be ringing before I could blink. If they heard or sensed any distress or shred of upsetment, sadness, stress, anxiety… FORGET IT!!! I couldn’t even tolerate that… and it ate him a lot if he couldn’t fix it or make it better for me. If I was in any kind of trouble…flat tire, broken leg, didn’t matter!!! Flew to my side instantly.

And there is absolutely no tolerance for anybody hurting me… At all… Under any circumstances. At times I feared for people who he even perceived as having hurt me in any way. And there was absolutely absolutely nothing he wouldn’t do for me… NOTHING.

I don’t think I ever knew what it meant to be “adored”, how I SHOULD AND DESERVE TO BE TREATED AND LOVED, OR even what being “loved” really meant until along came my Libra. I’ll never again accept anything less from anybody in life.

Maybe I lucked out! But if that’s the case, I’ve never been luckier.

PS I’m an Aquarius… Pretty true Aquarius, but not at all distant or “needing my space“… That is one part has never applied to me. My Libra never wanted to be without me…and I LOVED it

Learn How to Attract a Libra with this Expert Series

Libras are free-spirited and social, but they crave balance and harmony. This expert series will help you learn what makes Libras tick and how to attract the Libra of your dreams.

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    What kind of women do Libra men like?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    Libra men tend to give importance to aesthetic and intellectual aspects. They usually want someone who is attractive, refined, but also intelligent.
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      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      2. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/science/hottopics/love/flirting.shtml
      4. https://psychcentral.com/relationships/prolonged-eye-contact
      5. https://www.sosyncd.com/the-libra-love-language-unlocking-the-key-to-their-hearts/
      6. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      7. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      8. https://cafeastrology.com/articles/libramanlove.html
      9. https://cafeastrology.com/articles/libramanlove.html

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Making a Libra man fall in love with you is all about flirting with him and engaging his fun, outgoing nature. When you meet a Libra man, try complimenting him on the things you like about him, since Libras love a bit of flattery. Try to act quickly, since Libra men favor being in a relationship and you don’t want someone else to catch his eye. However, once you’ve got his attention, don’t be afraid to be a little playful with him, since Libra men love a chase. When you start dating, be open to fun, spontaneous things, like trying a new cuisine or taking an impromptu trip to the beach. Or, surprise him with a home-cooked meal or plan a romantic weekend away. Libras also like to have intellectual conversations, so debate him on politics, art, and music. For more tips, including how to dress to attract a Libra man, read on!

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        Jul 5, 2018

        "It made me realize that Libra men like the chase as well as attraction. Yes, they like attention, of course; but ..." more
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