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Taurus men are compassionate, steady, and logical, but your Taurus guy made one key mistake—he walked away from what you two had. While the bull of the zodiac might need a little time and gentle prodding to change his mind, Taurus men don’t easily give up on relationships. We’ve put together the best strategies to make a Taurus man regret losing you and the top tips to make him fall for you again.


Press pause on contacting him.

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  1. If you try and contact him while the breakup’s still fresh, he might view it as a confrontation—and Tauruses dig their heels in when they get confronted. Hold off on reaching out for a couple of weeks after your breakup, and your Taurus will start to miss you.
    • If he posts on social media, just keep scrolling (you can even mute or block him).
    • If he takes the initiative and reaches out over text, leave him on read or dismiss that notification, at least for a few hours.
    • Taurus men don’t like being completely ignored, so while it’s important to give him space, it’s okay to respond if he contacts you first.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 1078 wikiHow readers who've broken up with a Taurus, and 57% of them agreed that the best way to approach them after a breakup is by giving them space and waiting for them to reach out. [Take Poll]
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Work on yourself.

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  1. Take the time post-breakup to reinvent yourself and rediscover what you’re passionate about. If you’re not sure where to start, remember that Taurus men are earth signs, so they’re especially connected to the material world. [1] Find the sweet spot for self-improvement in an activity that lets you stay true to what you love and produces concrete results he can see (whether that’s a portfolio of art, toned abs, or the launch of your dream business).
    • Sign up for a pottery workshop or painting class to connect with beauty, which Tauruses love (since Venus rules this earth sign).
    • Take a cooking class or follow along with online cooking vids. Taurus men are driven by their senses and they love a good meal.

Show off your success.

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  1. Post-breakup, we totally get the urge to curl up in your bed with Netflix and a pint of ice cream. But you’ve got so much going for you! Get out there and get after a big goal—whether that’s related to fitness, professional development, or something else. [2] By taking action, you’ll empower yourself and prove you can match your Taurus' intensity. [3]
    • Post proof of that grueling workout you just did on Instagram or a fitness-tracking app like Strava. Taurus guys are physical beings and they love a good competition.
    • Polish up your LinkedIn profile and post an update about what's going well in your career. Who says you can’t mix business with pleasure? For a Taurus, wealth, power, and pleasure all go together.
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Spend time around other people.

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  1. Plus, it’s healthy to connect with friends and family after a breakup! Hit up a new restaurant, classy museum, or local movie theater with your closest squad. Don’t forget to take pics and post them for your Taurus to see. Taurus men are admittedly homebodies, so if he sees you out with other people while he’s home alone, he’ll probably get a bit of FOMO.
    • Host a fancy with a wine and charcuterie night at your place.
    • Plan a virtual game night and invite a bunch of friends who’ve never met each other before.
    • Join a local club or an online meetup for people who nerd out over the things you like.
    • Steer clear of pursuing new romantic relationships. Taurus men are loyal to their core, and they’ll feel disrespected if you go after someone else.

Look your best and dress to impress.

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  1. Break out your cutest clothes and try to go for high-quality items, since Taurus men like luxury. You don’t have to worry about looking super trendy because these guys go crazy for simple elegance. [4] But if you’re comfortable, show off some skin to appeal to his sensual nature. [5]
    • Want to show off your natural beauty? Wait until golden hour (the hour before sunset) when the lighting’s perfect, then snap a selfie and post it to your story.
    • Throw on an outfit that makes you look hot and post it with a confident caption like, “New outfit. Waiting for Vogue to hire me.”
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Wear your favorite fragrance when you see him.

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  1. The next time you go to see him, spritz on whatever fragrance you wore when you two were dating. Even scientifically, smell is one of the most powerful triggers for memory. That means when you brush by him and he smells your perfume or shampoo, he might get a nostalgic rush of memories from your time together.
    • Taurus men love subtle woody, floral fragrances, like honeysuckle, oakmoss, and jasmine.
    • Not into fragrances? Hop in the shower before you see him so your hair smells nice, and throw on freshly laundered clothes for a subtle scent.

Bring up old memories from the good times.

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  1. Bring up the most romantic moments from your time together, from the grand gestures to the little things. Restart your text convo with an inside joke or nickname or a message starting with “Hey. Remember that time when we…” By getting a little nostalgic, you’ll make him wish he could turn back the clock and fall in love with you again.
    • Send him a photo of where you went on a great date and text him, “Thinking of you.”
    • Appeal to a Taurus’ touchy-feely nature by texting him, “I miss cuddling with you.”
    • Send him a link to a song you two loved and say, “Listening to this rn and missing you a little extra.”
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Rebuild a friendship first.

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  1. While he takes time to sort out how he feels about you, show him you still respect and care about him. Start by hanging out in group sessions if you can, or offer to casually grab coffee together to catch up. Rather than forcing a romantic connection again, just show genuine interest in his life and offer support if he needs it.
    • Shoot him a text like, “Hey, do you want to take a walk? I’d still love to be friends and hear about what’s new in your life.”
    • Make sure he knows you’re still there for him, “Just wanted to say: I’m always here if you need a friend!”

Tell him what you want.

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  1. While they don’t like being told what to do, Taurus men do like knowing where your head’s at, so they can make their own decision. After a couple of weeks, once you’re on good terms, let your Taurus man know that you want to get back together. The key here is to avoid pressuring him into a situation he doesn’t want to be in—Tauruses don’t like losing control, and it’s never a good idea to force someone else into a relationship.
    • Try gently opening the door to a relationship by saying, “I really miss you, and I miss us.”
    • Remind him what you two had by saying, “I know what we had was real. I wish we could get back together.”
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Keep past in the past once you’re back together.

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  1. Once your Taurus man has committed again, discuss what you both need from the relationship moving forward, then let go of past arguments. Remember, these guys are like rocks in the ocean—they’ll weather any storm, and they’re usually in it for the long haul.
    • Talk about both of your relationship needs in the future. You could start the conversation by saying something like, “What can I do to make you feel more loved and appreciated?”
    • If you want him to change a behavior going forward, describe how the behavior makes you feel and make a request rather than a complaint. For instance, “It makes me feel connected to you when you put your phone away when we eat dinner. Would you mind doing that tonight?”
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      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      2. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      3. https://www.horoscope.com/zodiac-signs/taurus
      4. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      5. https://www.vice.com/en/article/xwj4az/zodiac-horoscope-astrology-dating-taurus
      6. https://www.horoscope.com/zodiac-signs/taurus

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