Have you been elected to moderate a Q&A? Are you looking to expand your public speaking skills by stepping up as a moderator? If so, you’re in the right place. Moderating a questions and answers session may seem intimidating, but it’s not as difficult as you might be imagining. So long as you put the work into prep and you keep an eye on the clock, you’ll be directing questions and managing speakers like a pro in no time. Read on to learn everything you need to know about moderating a questions and answers session.
Things You Should Know
- Decide on the Q&A format and solicit questions before the day of the event. You may also want to prepare a few questions of your own.
- Kick off the Q&A by introducing the speakers and topic. Then, ask questions to each panelist, jumping in or soliciting further information as needed.
- Keep close track of time. Wrap things up at the end by thanking your panelists and audience members and, if applicable, announcing the next speaker(s).
Expert Q&A
- There are no concrete guidelines for the length of a Q&A session, but you might set aside 10 minutes on the shorter side, or 1 hour on the longer side. Consider leaving more time for extremely reputable speakers, and less time for smaller crowds with less well-known speakers.Thanks
- Most people put the questions and answers session at the end of any presentations. This is especially ideal if you’re doing an open Q&A, since the lectures, debates, or presentations will give the audience something to think about.Thanks
Expert Interview
Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about public speaking, check out our in-depth interview with Shannon O'Brien, MA, EdM .
- ↑ https://hbr.org/2014/08/four-ways-to-fix-the-qa-session
- ↑ https://www.buckleyschool.com/magazine/articles/good-panel-discussions-the-moderator-s-role/
- ↑ https://www.buckleyschool.com/magazine/articles/good-panel-discussions-the-moderator-s-role/
- ↑ https://www.buckleyschool.com/magazine/articles/good-panel-discussions-the-moderator-s-role/
- ↑ https://slack.com/slack-tips/moderate-live-qa
- ↑ https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/203435537-Muting-unmuting-participants-in-a-meeting
- ↑ https://sourceforge.net/software/product/Airmeet/
- ↑ https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/92496/best_practices_for_moderators_guide_0.pdf
- ↑ https://psd.ca.uky.edu/files/moderate.pdf
- ↑ https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/92496/best_practices_for_moderators_guide_0.pdf
- ↑ https://www.enago.com/academy/6-simple-ways-to-handle-a-qa-session-at-a-conference/
- ↑ https://www.buckleyschool.com/magazine/articles/good-panel-discussions-the-moderator-s-role/
- ↑ https://www.buckleyschool.com/magazine/articles/good-panel-discussions-the-moderator-s-role/
- ↑ https://www.acc.org/Education-and-Meetings/Products-and-Resources/Faculty-Development/Moderators
- ↑ https://www.apha.org/events-and-meetings/annual/presenter-information/moderator-guidelines