This wikiHow teaches you the basics of moderating a conversation on Clubhouse. When you moderate a Clubhouse room, you are in charge of maintaining the direction of the conversation and keeping the vibe on point. You also get to determine the structure of the room, such as who gets to join the stage and how long they can stay there.
Create your room. There are two ways to create a room in Clubhouse—you can schedule an event or create a room spontaneously. Rooms can be open to everyone (Open rooms), only those who are invited (Closed rooms), or open to the people you and other moderators follow (Social rooms).
- When creating a room, have a clear idea of its focus. Will it be a panel of experts? Will you allow others to join the conversation? Are there people you want to invite specifically to speak? Use the answers to these questions to help you decide what type of room to create and when to schedule it.
- Even if you plan to have a bustling open room, you may want to start with a Closed room. This allows you to "meet" with other moderators and planned speakers privately to establish topics, ground rules, and anything else you may want to deal with before going live. If you start the room as a closed room you can open it up at any time.
Add at least one other moderator. If you're the only moderator and you receive a phone call or lose internet access, the room will end. Adding another moderator ensures that at least one other person in the room can keep the room alive and invite you back in if necessary. It also gives you a hand in managing the queue and keeping the conversation focused. To make someone a moderator, tap their profile image in the room and select Make a moderator .
- When you create a room on Clubhouse, you are automatically deemed a room moderator.
- Moderators remain on the stage during the entire conversation and are marked with green asterisks. The moderator who created the room always appears first.
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Introduce the room. When you're ready to start the conversation, introduce yourself as the moderator and establish the topic. State any ground rules, an agenda (if there is one), planned speakers, and whether you'll be accepting questions or comments.
- If you don't want to allow people to raise their hands to speak until a certain point in the meeting (or never), you can disable the Raise Hands feature. Tap the raised hand icon and tap the "Raise Hands" switch to toggle it off and on as needed.
- If you are not actively speaking, it is courteous to mute your own microphone. All moderators should do this, as should other speakers. Tap the microphone at the bottom-right corner to do so.
Reset the room every 10 to 15 minutes. As the number of people in the room grows, you'll want to periodically restate the room's focus, remind everyone of who you are, and reestablish ground rules at regular intervals. This is commonly known as "resetting the room" in Clubhouse lingo. [1] X Research source Not only does this keep new members informed of the room's purpose, it also maintains your position as the moderator. This means that if any speakers start to dominate the conversation, you can easily jump in to remind them and the rest of the room of the room's topic without anyone being surprised or taking it personally.
- Tap All rooms at the top-left corner to see how many people are in the room. The number of room members will appear at the bottom-left corner.
- If you want to attract more visitors to the room, encourage the audience to invite their friends. They'll just need to tap the plus sign at the bottom of the room and choose others to invite.
Bring someone on stage to speak. Only people on the stage can speak. If an audience member wants to speak, they can tap the raised hand icon at the bottom of the screen to "raise their hand," which places them into a queue. You, the moderator, must add this person to the stage if you want to allow them to speak:
- Tap the raised hand icon at the bottom of the screen to open the queue.
- If you don’t know the potential speaker, tap their profile photo to check their bio.
- Tap the microphone icon to bring them on stage.
- If you're not ready for the person to speak and they do not mute themselves, tap their profile photo, then tap the microphone icon to mute them.
- When bringing someone onto the stage to speak, let the room know (e.g., "I'd like to invite Tiffany onto the stage to ask a question"). This lets everyone know it's that speaker's chance to speak. Depending on the person and the room, you may also take this time to introduce the speaker. Encourage speakers to "share the stage" and not dominate the conversation or talk over one another. [2] X Research source
Keep control of the conversation. When there are a lot of people on the stage, the conversation may move too quickly, brushing past peoples' questions and veering into digressions. In this situation, it's the moderator's job to step in and remind speakers of the room's focus and redirect the conversation to the correct topic.
- If a speaker is talking for too long or going off on a long digression, wait for a good moment to interject, thank the speaker, and do a quick room reset (reintroducing the topic). You can also encourage listeners to respond to that speaker privately to follow up on his questions or comments. [3] X Research source
- If a speaker is continually taking up too much space in the conversation and not heeding your suggestions, tap their profile photo and select Move to audience . They'll remain in the room, but they won't be able to speak unless approved by a moderator.
Remind the audience of Clubhouse's Community Guidelines. Clubhouse members are expected to heed the guidelines listed at . Abuse, harassment, bullying, discrimination, doxing, and illegal activity all violate Clubhouse's community guidelines, and should not be tolerated in the room you moderate. [4] X Research source If someone is violating the guidelines, remind the room. If it happens frequently, include a quick recap of the guidelines in your regular room reset.
- Giving a warning will hopefully be enough, but if you need to report a violation, tap the user you want to report, tap the three dots at the top-right corner of their profile, and then select Report an incident . Clubhouse will not tell the person you reported them, but they may warn them about the violation or terminate them from the service.
- If a Clubhouse member is blocked by a moderator, they will not be able to see, join, or participate in a room moderated by that person. This means that if you block someone in the room you're moderating, they'll be removed from the room. To block someone, tap their profile photo, tap the three vertical dots, and then select Block . [5] X Research source
End the room. As the moderator, you get to decide when the conversation ends. Before ending the room, unmute your microphone to conclude the conversation and thank all of the participants for joining. Then, tap the three dots at the top-right corner and select End Room .Advertisement
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- Clubhouse "applause" is rapidly muting and unmuting yourself when on the stage. This makes the microphone icon over your profile photo blink, which people interpret as clapping.Thanks
- When someone you follow enters the room you're moderating, you'll see a notification at the top of the screen.Thanks
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Article Summary
1. Determine the focus and structure of the room.
2. Add at least one other moderator.
3. Introduce the room and format.
4. Reset the room every 10-15 minutes.
5. Bring people on stage to speak as needed.
6. Manage the queue of potential speakers.
7. Maintain control of the conversation.
8. End the room.
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