What's My Perfect Vacation Spot?

Take this quiz to find out!

The world is big, and there are so many amazing places to travel. So, where in the world is your perfect vacation spot?

Answer our questions, and we’ll crunch the numbers to find the best place in the world for you to travel. This quiz has a ton of possible results, and it features all of the most beautiful spots this world has to offer. Click “Start Quiz” to find yours!

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Questions Overview

1. What’s your favorite weather?
  1. Warm and breezy.
  2. Hot all day long!
  3. Mild and temperate.
  4. Chilly…or downright cold.
2. Are you more of a city or country person?
  1. City!
  2. Country!
  3. Both, please!
  4. I’m happy with either.
3. You’re given four choices for dinner. You pick:
  1. Something new and different.
  2. Anything gourmet.
  3. Fresh seafood.
  4. Delicious street food.
4. What do you look for in the “perfect vacation place”?
  1. History and culture.
  2. Shopping opportunities.
  3. Peace and relaxation.
  4. Nonstop adventure.
5. What do you do to plan your vacations?
  1. Make a detailed schedule and budget.
  2. Look up a few ideas and roll with them.
  3. Think up some Insta hashtags.
  4. Planning is for the weak!
6. What’s the one thing you won’t travel without?
  1. A good book.
  2. Hiking shoes.
  3. A bathing suit.
  4. A great camera.
7. Where do you want to stay when you travel?
  1. An all-inclusive resort.
  2. A luxury hotel.
  3. A local B&B.
  4. Is glamping an option?
8. What’s your main pet peeve when it comes to traveling?
  1. Loud crowds.
  2. Feeling bored.
  3. Too many expenses.
  4. Inauthentic tourist traps.
9. If you could pick one vacation activity, what sounds most fun?
  1. A museum tour.
  2. Yoga on the beach.
  3. Snorkeling.
  4. A scenic boat ride.
10. What’s your favorite way to relax?
  1. Reading my favorite book.
  2. Sitting in the fresh air.
  3. Going for a quiet drive.
  4. Taking a long, luxurious bath.
11. Which of these animals would you most love seeing in the wild?
  1. Elephant
  2. Dolphin
  3. Monkeys
  4. Llama
  5. Lion
  6. Sea turtle
12. Finally, are you alone or with someone else on this dream vacation?
  1. By myself.
  2. With a friend.
  3. With my partner.
  4. With the whole family.

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Ready to start planning a vacation<\/a>? You\u2019ll need to:

Tips for Picking the Perfect Vacation Spot

The world is a big place, so even if you want to plan a vacation, choosing the best destination can feel overwhelming sometimes! If you’re still trying to decide, use this list of tips to help narrow down your options.

Take stock of your budget and time limits. First, get the not-so-fun aspects of vacation planning out of the way. Do you have a budget? If so, what is it? Take time to figure out exactly how much money you’re comfortable spending—both on travel expenses and while vacationing. That way, you’ll know what you can afford when looking at destinations and won’t overspend on vacation.

Remember that going further away doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend more money; it’s possible to sniff out a deal regardless of where you’re going. So, don’t rule anything out before even looking—just keep your budget close while you look for tickets and make plans.

Then, ask yourself how much time you can spend on vacation. Your budget may also affect this; you might not have the money for a two-week vacation, or you might only have a certain number of days off you can take from work. So, decide how long you’ll be gone, no matter your circumstances. (If you can only travel for a weekend or less than a week, a closer destination might be better; that way, you’re spending less time in transit and more time enjoying your vacation.)

Figure out why you’re traveling.
In short, what’s the purpose of your vacation? Are you trying to spend quality time with your family, decompress from your busy day-to-day life, have an unforgettable adventure, or something else? Once you know why you want to travel in the first place and what you’re seeking in a destination, it’ll be easier to pick something you’ll truly love. Design a trip that offers whatever you’re genuinely hoping to experience!

Think about what type of traveler you are.
Are you the kind of person who needs a comfy place to relax after a long day? Or do you need to stay busy and entertained to enjoy yourself when you travel? Do you absolutely need a pool to lounge by or luxurious accommodations? Similarly, is there a particular mode of travel that suits you and your preferences? When you understand how you like to travel (and how anyone else coming with you likes to travel, too), you’ll be able to make a fun and fulfilling plan for everyone.

Consider your interests, likes, and dislikes. Now, it’s time to get more specific. Are you interested in art? Music? Cuisine? Wildlife? Nature? History? Come up with a few interests or hobbies that might be relevant for your vacation, and then pick a location that fits them. For example, if you’re a food connoisseur, you might choose a city or region that’s well-known for its high-quality food. If you’re passionate about wildlife, you might pick a vacation where you can go on tours and see your favorite animals firsthand in the wild.

And, if you have multiple interests that won’t fit inside the same vacation, try ranking them. Which interest are you most passionate about—and what’s the one corresponding activity or experience that you’d absolutely regret not experiencing?

Keep the people you’re traveling with in mind. It’s important to balance your own needs with those of your fellow travelers. If there are kids involved, for example, you’ll need to make sure the activities you plan aren’t too strenuous (and that they’ll be kid-appropriate). If you want to go somewhere that isn’t kid-friendly, you’ll need someone to stay with them and something for them to do in the meantime.

Similarly, if you’re traveling with a large group, try to find activities they all feel enthusiastic about (to ensure nobody feels left out). And, if accommodating big groups isn’t your style, consider keeping your travel party small—maybe just you and a close friend or partner.

Get creative with your vacation options. Odds are, you can travel cheaper or find a hidden gem destination if you don’t go on vacation at the same time as everyone else. For example, Hawai’i’s busiest month is July—so why not try to visit in April or October instead, when there’s less tourism? Or, if there’s a continent or area of the globe you want to visit, are there less popular destinations there you can visit?

Traveling in the off-season is one of the easiest ways to travel affordably, and choosing less popular or underrated destinations is another. So, start thinking creatively instead of following all the trends. You might just put together the vacation of a lifetime!