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Thinking of striking up a Pisces-Sagittarius romance? We endorse it!
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Pisces and Sagittarius make a wonderful match. Famously sensitive Pisces and bold and brash Sagittarius may experience conflict on occasion, but their endless optimism, shared love of adventure, and abundance of creativity mean they’ll never get bored and always have plenty of fun together. We’ve outlined everything you need to know about Pisces-Sagittarius relationships, from their communication styles to their sexual compatibility. Keep reading to learn more!

Things You Should Know

  • Their sexual chemistry is off the charts. These 2 signs’ creativity and open-mindedness mean they’re free to explore their sexual fantasies together.
  • Independent Sagittarius may need more space than Pisces is comfortable with, and sensitive Pisces may need more intimacy than Sagittarius wants to give.
  • Their optimism and their tendency to give each other the benefit of the doubt means that they can usually find a way to compromise.
  • Pisces and Sagittarius’ spontaneity and sense of adventure make them great friends. They have fun and never run out of activities to enjoy together.
Section 1 of 7:

Pisces & Sagittarius Relationship Overview

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  1. These 2 go-with-the-flow signs have so much in common: they’re both ruled by Jupiter, a planet of optimism and good fortune, and they’re both mutable signs. Their shared creativity, spontaneity, and optimism ensures they’re almost always in sync. Sure, water sign Pisces’ super sensitive side may not always jive with fire sign Sagittarius’ intensity and hot-headedness, but as long as they practice good communication and treat one another with respect, they’ll thrive as a couple.
    • Though their communication styles may not always line up—Sagittarius can be rather blunt while shy Pisces can struggle to be confrontational—their endless hopefulness and curiosity will help them overcome any communication difficulty. [1]
    • In fact, Sagittarius’s groundedness can counterbalance Pisces’ sometimes excessive dreaminess—and Pisces offers Sagittarius some emotional softness at times. [2]
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Sexual Compatibility

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  1. Pisces and Sagittarius are the adventurous types, and that includes in the sack. Whether they bring toys into the bedroom or spice things up by exploring a new kink, sex between a Pisces and a Sagittarius is anything but dull. [3]
    • Because they’re so creative and open to new experiences, a Pisces-Sag relationship is an opportunity for both signs to explore their sexual fantasies.
    • Not only are they open to new experiences—they crave them! Pisces and Sagittarius can get bored easily, making creativity in the bedroom an imperative.
  2. Watery Pisces is so in tune with emotions—theirs and everyone else’s—that sex is rarely, if ever, just sex: it’s a time to gaze into their lover’s eyes and really be present with their partner. And fiery, independent Sagittarius isn’t always up for that type of closeness. [4]
    • This isn’t necessarily a red flag: Sagittarius may need some time to get more comfy experiencing soul-bonding sex with their Pisces amor, and they may not be able to be on Pisces’ level every time they bang, but gradually, and with patience from Pisces, these 2 can achieve a level of intimacy that works for both of them.
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Section 3 of 7:

Emotional Compatibility

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  1. While Sagittarius will appreciate sensitive Pisces' ability to understand where they're coming from and be in tune with their needs and desires, they may feel like they have to handle their Pisces lover with kid gloves sometimes. [5] Pisces, meanwhile, may appreciate their Sag partner's honesty and refusal to shy away from uncomfortable truths, but they may feel they're unnecessarily blunt or even harsh at times. [6]
    • Pisces can be funny—heck, they can be downright hilarious. But they’re not always great at telling when someone else is joking around, meaning their Sagittarius partner will have to be super careful with the sarcasm.
    • Pisces' sensitivity is compounded by the fact that they often put their feelings aside for the sake of others. They may need to practice establishing and communicating emotional boundaries with their Sagittarius partner so that when Sag takes their brutal honesty a little too far, Pisces can stand up for themselves. [7]
    • Sagittarius can temper the effects of their confrontational or bold personality by regularly reminding Pisces how much they care for them, and checking in during emotionally heightened conversations to see how Pisces is doing and encouraging them to take a break if needed. [8]
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Trust Compatibility

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  1. While neither of these signs is particularly untrustworthy or unreliable, Sag's need for independence and solo time may create some trust issues for Pisces. Pisces may be inwardly focused, but they crave intimacy and quality time with their romantic partner, perhaps more than Sagittarius is equipped to give. This may result in some clinginess and anxiety for Pisces.
    • Pisces needs to remember that while Sagittarius craves independence, they also respect nothing more than truth and honesty, and that their need for space isn't indicative of a lack of love or respect for their Pisces partner. [9]
    • Sagittarius can ease some of Pisces' worries by planning frequent dates together and reassuring them before they go off alone that they'll be back again.
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Communication Compatibility

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  1. Pisces is eternally inward-facing—not selfish, mind you, just severely introspective…sometimes to a fault. Non-confrontationality is a Pisces’ M.O., meaning if they have a problem in the relationship, they may not say so. [10] Sagittarius, meanwhile…well, let’s just say they have a habit of putting their foot in their mouth. These contradictory communication styles may cause the 2 signs to butt heads from time to time.
    • Pisces’ tendency to prioritize peace over voicing their needs may become an issue over time. They’re likely to sacrifice their own happiness if it means not getting into a fight, especially with hot-headed Sagittarius.
    • But if they practice using their voice, and if Sagittarius practices tuning into Pisces’ emotional state to see what lies beneath the surface during discussions, these 2 will find a way to communicate their truths and hear one another out.
  2. These are 2 of the most optimistic signs you’ll meet, and their tendency to look on the bright side in every situation goes a long way in a romantic relationship! Even if they struggle to communicate sometimes, their ability to give each other the benefit of the doubt in an argument means that they’ll always find a way to work through their issues.
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Section 6 of 7:

Friendship Compatibility

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  1. In a Pisces-Sag friendship , there’s no sitting around going, “What do you want to do?” “I don’t know, what do you want to do?” These 2 are always ready for a new experience, especially ones that engage the senses and emotions. And their ability to be great friends makes a Pisces-Sag romance all the more promising. [11]
    • Art gallery crawls, a hike in a haunted forest, a last-minute weekend trip to Niagara Falls—Pisces and Sag are always up for something new, and their endless adventures give them plenty to bond over.
    • Sagittarius is likely to take the lead in the real-world adventures, as Pisces’ introspection means they struggle to be grounded in reality at times, and their shyness may make them hesitant to take charge. [12]
    • In fact, for imaginative, reflective Pisces, sometimes saying home is an adventure. Pisces is way more likely than Sagittarius to crave a quiet evening at home once in a while, so in a relationship, Sagittarius will likely have to sacrifice the odd wild night out for a relaxing night of Netflix and chill. [13]
Section 7 of 7:

Potential Challenges

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  1. An amazing relationship is possible between these 2, as long as they can make space for Pisces’ sensitivity and Sag’s brutal frankness. If they don’t go into the relationship with an awareness of one another’s communication styles and emotional fragility (or lack thereof), they may clash too much to make a partnership work. [14]
  2. Both of these signs are free-spirited, but Pisces lives for human-to-human connection, while Sagittarius needs regular solo time. Sagittarius may struggle to feel independent enough in a relationship with a Pisces. However, Pisces’ abundance of empathy means they’ll likely be able to see where their Sag partner is coming from and give them the space they need . [15]
    • While Pisces may understand and acquiesce to Sag’s need for space, Sag must be aware that Pisces will suffer in the relationship if they don’t get adequate quality time together to cultivate intimacy.
    • If they struggle to find the balance between being together and apart, it might help to schedule time throughout the week to go on dates and spend time apart. (And Pisces, who has a tendency to cling, may benefit from solo time as well!) [16]
    • Sagittarius can help allay any anxiety Pisces might feel about Sag’s need for space by regularly reassuring them they’re invested in the relationship.
  3. Because Pisces are so empathic and gentle, there’s a risk that they’ll lose themselves in any romantic relationship—especially a relationship with bold, take-charge Sagittarius. If Sagittarius stays aware of their tendency to take over, and if Pisces works to use their voice and take the lead from time to time, their relationship has potential to thrive. [17]
    • Pisces’ desire for deep connection means they celebrate a love that is all-consuming. To avoid losing their identity in their partner or falling into their partner’s orbit, they have to realize that they’re enough on their own, and that real love doesn’t mean erasing the self. [18]
    • Sagittarius must be aware that gentle Pisces is ready and willing to be sculpted by their whims and desires, and back off a little. To make the relationship work, the Sagittarius partner needs to encourage their Pisces lover to take the lead now and again—for instance, let them pick date night once in a while.
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Join the Discussion...

Basically what the title says.....what signs are compatible with Pisces? Romantically, emotionally, sexualy, ect
Pisces is most compatible with Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio. Pisces and Taurus will love spending time together enjoying the finer things in life, such as gourmet meals and wine tastings. Pisces and Cancer are both sensitive and emotional, so they'll connect on a deep level and understand each other well. Pisces and Scorpio are both romantic and passionate and will enjoy a sensual relationship and connect over art and music.
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Pisces are flexible and fluid, and they need to be with someone who also has flexibility: if you're very rigid with a Pisces, they're going to escape. They're compatible with their opposite sign, Virgo, because Virgo is also a fluid sign, but they can also can be very micromanaging and controlling. And that's water off a duck's back for a Pisces: all the Virgo's little criticisms just kind of roll off their back.

Pisces are big romantics, they love flowers, they love candlelight. They love the trappings of romance, so if a partner is very clinical and cold, that's a total turnoff for a Pisces. Reality is a real turnoff for Pisces as well. They need somebody who will put some imagination into lovemaking and into the wooing process. They do not like direct action at all.

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