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Planking is a popular Internet meme, originating in England in the late 90s. [1] Taking the Internet by storm in mid-2011, planking is also called the lying down game . While humorous, planking can be highly dangerous, as demonstrated by the death of a active plank enthusiast in Australia plunging to his death. [2] If you are looking for the exercise rather than the meme, check the article on the plank exercise.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing to Plank

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  1. Holding the plank position is hard. Consider doing the plank exercise first, until you can easily hold your body rigid long enough to take a good picture.
  2. You can’t plank by yourself. At the very least, you need someone to take your picture! The more friends you plank with, the more fun it will be. Get a group together or find a local group.
  3. If you plank in a park and no one is around to see it, did you plank? Pics or it didn’t happen.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Finding the Perfect Spot

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  1. You can look around the Internet by searching plank tags or using Google to get ideas of clever or funny places to plank. This can also help you build an idea of what makes a good plank pic and location.
  2. Look for potential places to plank as you go around your town or visit other places. Look for any place that might be funny or unique.
  3. You can also just try being random. Pick a random location, such as a local park, and simply go there and plank on whatever you can. Improvising like this can lead to more unique pictures.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Planking Your Heart Out

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  1. As you are preparing to plank, be sure you won’t get in trouble. Do it in a location where you won’t bother anyone or break anything, or do it in a less acceptable location when no one is watching. You don’t want to get in a fight with a cop over planking. That’s not going to sound very impressive later on when you have to tell the story every time you apply for a job.
  2. Lay face-down in a rigid, straight position. Balance on whatever object or surface you wish to plank on. Hold your arms at your side, palm flat against your thigh. Keep your feet perpendicular with the line of your legs, if possible, so that your toes touch the planking surface.
  3. Get whatever friend you brought with you to take the picture. Be sure that the camera is adjusted for lighting if taking the picture at night or in a dark location. Upload the picture for all the internet to marvel at.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I enjoy planking, but my friends don't. What should I do?
    Inayat Shergill
    Community Answer
    Try talking them into doing planks with you in exchange of something. You can also brief them about the benefits of planking. If your friends are not convinced then try doing it on your own by putting on some music to boost you up.
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      • Always try to plank with at least one able-bodied person who can assist you if you are in danger. If you are planking alone, make sure you have a charged cell phone with you and that someone knows where you'll be.
      • Do not succumb to peer pressure. If your buddies are pressuring you to get in a plank position you're not comfortable with, don't do it.

      Things You'll Need

      • Camera

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To plank, lay face-down in a rigid, straight position on a flat surface or object of your choice. Hold your arms at your sides with your palms flat against your thighs and try to keep your feet perpendicular with the line of your legs so that your toes are touching the planking surface. Then, have a friend take a picture of you while you're in the position before uploading the meme online. For tips on finding unique spots to plank, read on!

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