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Most outdoor chase games (like Manhunt and Capture the Flag) narrow down to a contest on who can run the fastest. Are you looking for something that is more fun and requires strategy and skill? Look no further. To play the Hunger Games outdoor game, follow these steps. You can make a few minor changes to the game if you would like, but make sure to keep it safe and fair.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Setting Up the Game

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  1. The more people you can get the more fun it will be, but 10 is a good minimum. Assign each tribute a district. Districts 1, 2, and 4 are career districts, so make sure your strongest players are from those districts. Distribute walkie-talkies so you can alert people if you're "killed". Alternatively, get everyone's phone number so that you can do alerts by text.
  2. The first thing you’ll need to do is make sure the area is large enough for the group you have. Try to find an area that encompasses a number of different terrains, from urban, to large fields, to rocky terrain. You can use your neighborhood park or a large backyard.
  3. Make sure everyone is clear on the boundary lines and the rules because anyone who goes out of bounds or breaks a rule will immediately be dead. Alternatively, you can have a three-strikes system for rule breakers, so that people are not excluded for making one mistake.
    • When fighting, a hit to the torso should be a “kill”, whereas a hit to the ankle or any other insignificant place should not count as a “kill” unless you are hit more than 3 times. If anyone plays dirty (i.e. hitting someone in the face), the offender is "killed" instead.
  4. Toy bows and arrows play swords, and things like that from the dollar store should suffice. The more diverse you can make the selection of weapons, the more fun you can have. You can also make the weapons yourself, but just make sure the weapons cannot actually hurt someone. Also, make sure the weapons don’t look real, so bystanders won’t freak out. Ideas include:
  5. Having players bring their own supplies is a bad idea because it will take up valuable time to make sure all things are safe and fair. Instead, you should gather supplies yourself beforehand. Make sure to put a bottle of water, a snack (like a granola bar or pack of crackers), a couple of weapons, and a jacket in each backpack. And make sure you have enough backpacks for everyone. Place them in the center of your area. If you can try creating a cornucopia or using a park shelter as one, it will make your games more realistic.
    • If you want, you can also make special packages that one person can hide around the playing area. Make sure this person is not playing, so that way they don’t gain a leg up on the other tributes. Put extra food, weapons, or other items in the package to help the players through their game.
  6. The announcer is responsible for enforcing the rules, keeping track of everyone's alive status, and letting the other players know who is still alive. The announcer will also be the mediator for any disputes. Give the announcer a walkie-talkie so the player can alert the announcer if they die.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Playing the Game

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  1. Have the announcer set two timers: one for one minute and one for two minutes. When the first timer goes off, everyone can race forward to grab a supply backpack. However, they cannot kill other players until the second timer goes off.
  2. Play this as a free-for-all game, but don't be afraid to make alliances. Learn to be stealthy by walking silently and using grass as camouflage. Sometimes just laying down in some medium- to long-grass terrain can keep you out of the enemy's sight. If you have enough weapons for everyone to have multiple, grab both a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. This will also come in handy if you lose one weapon or run out of ammunition.
  3. Remember the following when you fight:
    • If you get hit on the torso, you're dead, but if you get hit on a limb you're okay.
    • You may be tempted to make a rule about not being able to use limbs if they are shot, this is not a good idea, as it makes the game way harder and way less fun.
    • Ration your food and water: if you eat or drink too much to begin, you might starve to death or die of thirst later!
  4. Though the announcer should be keeping a close eye on gameplay, they cannot always keep track of everything. If you're texting, both the killer and the victim should text the announcer. If using walkie-talkies, just one person can notify the announcer.
  5. Once you are killed, you can sponsor other players by giving them your unused helpful items or bringing them new weapons that you make. Again you should make sure that these are safe to use and don’t look real.
  6. The last person standing is the winner!
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Another Way to Play

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  1. Find a big area with lots of places to climb and hide.
  2. Play with water guns; put non-staining red dye in them.
  3. If you are shot with the water in your head or torso, you're dead and you must lie down until the games are over.
  4. The victim or the killer should text the game-maker so they can mark them dead on a list.
  5. The game is most fun when it goes on for one to two hours. The time it takes depends on the number of people and how large an area you've chosen.
  6. The last person standing is the winner.
  7. Let players decide a tribute name and what district they are from. You can even do reaping, and have someone be Caesar Flickerman and do interviews.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How would the "starving to death" aspect of the game work?
    Community Answer
    You could make rule that if a fake day or two passes and that player has had no food or water for that time then they are dead.
  • Question
    If it is based on the Games, then what about the feast, caves, and mutts? What is a good way to do these if we are limited to part of a neighborhood?
    Jon Coomer
    Community Answer
    For the feast, get the announcer / game-maker to gather some of the spare / unused supplies or supplies from dead tributes, then have that person place them at mid or where ever the feast will take place, then they announce that location and the feast to the other people that are still alive via the walkie-talkies / texting.
  • Question
    How do we know when we run out of food or water?
    Felicity Rubiano
    Community Answer
    When your fake "first to third day" has passed, it means any player who hasn't consumed their rations is considered dead.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Let some people in the group be careers. They can take more hits but can't team up with anyone but other careers, and they MUST run to cornucopia at the beginning of the game. If they kill another career, they lose health.
      • Mark your boundary lines with bright lawn flags meant for marking underground pipes and things like that. This makes it easy for the players to stay within the bounds.
      • Use something like an ongoing group voice call to let the announcer make announcements while everyone else's microphones are muted.
      • When hiding things or special packs, have your mom, dad, or the announcer hide them instead of the players so it's more secretive.
      • Set a limit on how many allies a player can have to keep the game fair and prevent everyone from ganging up on a single person.
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      • If somebody comes outside while you are playing around their house, calmly explain to them you are playing a game, and also yell time-out to everyone playing so the bystander is not hurt. If they tell you to stay away from their house, do so, and make sure everyone knows it is now out of bounds.
      • Be careful of holes, cacti, sand spurs, etc. Watch your step.
      • Tell your parents where you're going and what you're doing. Otherwise, they may get worried and you'll get in trouble.
      • Make sure everyone has permission to play.
      • Use common sense. If somebody is hurt and needs medical attention, call emergency services ; don't just get them ice for a cracked skull. Sometimes "shaking it off" can't really be done. However, don't overreact to tripping and bruising your knee.
      • Do not hide in backyards at night; even if it's early, people may overreact.
      • Don't use real weapons.
      • Wear safety goggles, and make sure everyone else does too. You don't want to lose an eye.
      • Be very careful with the weapons. This is a game: you're not trying to actually hurt anyone, just gently poke or fire on them so they know they're out. Don't aim for their eyes or anything else sensitive.
      • Don't hide in places that you wouldn't want to be caught in. This means no garages, cars, sheds, or backyards other than your own and your friends.

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        Nov 1, 2024

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