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Students will go to tremendous lengths to cheat in school like slipping a phone in their shoe. The possibilities for how to cheat are endlessly expanding, especially as students have more and more technology available to them. By taking steps to prevent cheating, you can better help your students grow into responsible and knowledgeable adults. With some forethought and effort, a teacher prevent cheating before it happens and can set up the classroom to help prevent students from being able to cheat.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Preventing Cheating on Tests

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  1. It is important to keep test materials secure before a test. This includes making sure that all copies and the original are accounted for after copying. Some students may try to access test questions before a test, even if that means they have to break into your classroom or office to get them.
    • To prevent this, never leave your keys hanging in the door and don't give them to a trusted student for any reason.
    • Also, do not assume that tests and answer guides left at school will be safe. If you are going to leave such test materials at school, be sure to lock them in a file cabinet and keep the key with you at all times.
    • Be sure to change your test content from year to year. This will stop siblings and friends in different grades from passing on last year's answers.
  2. Tell the students that there will be several versions given out and then give the different versions to alternating students. This will prevent students from assuming that they can cheat off their neighbor's test. [1]
    • Be sure that you keep track of what test version each student has. This can be done by numbering the version and having the students write the number they have on their tests.
    • Do not distinguish different versions in a way that can be seen from a distance, for example, by color. Otherwise, students can look around for other students with the same version.
  3. One way to prevent cheating is to allow students to bring information with them into class on the day of a test. This forces them to study the material before the test and to figure out what they need to bring. The students don't necessarily need to memorize all the information they will be tested on, but they will need to know the content overall.
    • Eventually your students will learn that having the material at their fingertips is of no use unless they actually comprehended the material.
    • For remote exams, webcam and screen proctoring can be used to ensure students are not collaborating or copying test contents that are not intended to be released.
  4. If you don't want to have an open book or open note test, but you want your students to focus their studying, consider giving them the test questions before the test. You can give them a list of more questions than you plan on giving them, and tell them that you will choose your test questions out of this list.
    • That way, they will be forced to review more information than you are actually going to test them on but they will be prepared for the test.
    • You can give students the questions but not the answers.
  5. If your class is so big that you don't know everyone enrolled in it, then a common way of cheating for students is to have someone else take the test for them. To stop this, require the students to show you their IDs when they enter and check this against your class roster. [2]
    • This can be done either when entering the exam room or when collecting the exam.
    • Tell students ahead of time that you will not permit entry into the exam room or not grade an exam if the student does not appear on your roster, the student does not have an ID with them, or the student has a false ID.
  6. If you are worried about students bringing answers into the test, then supply all items they will need for the test. That way, you can make sure that the students are taking an exam with a clean sheet of paper, for example. [3]
    • If leaning over to copy is a problem in your class, you may consider investing in dividers that you pass out at test time to keep students from looking over at one another's papers.
    • Letting students know you will be doing this beforehand will prevent some students from trying to cheat in the first place. However, it may drive some students towards other more elaborate ways of cheating.
    • For remote exams, if scratch paper will be allowed, require that students show the front and back of all scratch paper before beginning their exam to ensure it is blank. This can also be required prior to logging off at the end to ensure they are not copying exam contents that are not intended to be released.
  7. Do not allow students to have cell phones, notebooks, lunchboxes, or books out on their desks during tests. This will eliminate older ways of cheating, such as writing answers on the desk, and many newer methods of cheating, such as putting answers in their phones. [4]
    • If you are especially worried about cheating, do not even allow students to have labeled water bottles on their desk. It is a common trick to write answers on the inside of the label and re-glue it to the bottle.
    • You may also require that backpacks be placed in the front of the room (or some other open space) rather than underneath desks for the duration of the exam.
    • For remote exams, require that students do a 360 degree webcam scan of their testing environment prior to starting the exam.
  8. Do not leave the classroom during test administration and keep an eye on what your students are doing throughout the test. You may have honest students, but even then you should not give them the opportunity to cheat by leaving the room.
    • If you are teaching a large class, you might have teaching assistants that are helping with your class. Have them watch the students during testing, so that more of the room can be observed at one time. [5]
    • For remote exams, watch all (or at least a subset) of the recordings at faster playback speed prior to releasing results.
  9. Walking over to your students' desks to answer questions during an exam puts your attention on one student, giving others the chance to cheat. Instead, have students walk up to your desk if they have questions. This allows you to help them while still keeping the rest of the class in view.
  10. If you allow a student to leave the classroom during an exam, make sure they are not taking any test materials with them. In general, you should only allow students to leave the room if they absolutely need to. In cases where you do decide that it is okay for a student to leave the room, such as if they need to use the restroom, you need to make sure that they do not take any notes or electronics with them.
    • Allow only one student to leave the room at a time. This will allow you to keep track of who leaves and how long they are gone. If someone is taking frequent bathroom breaks, there is a chance that they have stashed answers in the bathroom.
    • You may tell a student that they must show you where their phone is, and require that it stay in the room.
    • For a remote exam, you may warn students ahead of time that unless such testing accommodations were required to accommodate a disability, bathroom breaks are not allowed.
  11. You can create a seating chart or you can require students to write down the names of those sitting directly next to them on their test. If an allegation of "I saw someone looking at my test" arises, it can make it easier to figure out who to talk to. It also allows you to compare answers of those sitting close to each other during grading.
    • This would be especially useful in very large university courses, where students may not know the names of those sitting next to them during the exam.
    • You can also create a seating chart documenting who sat where, if you have a small class. This way you can create a chart that keeps friends from sitting right next to one another. If you have a large class, number the seats and have students write their seat number on their test. [6]
  12. If you believe a student's eyes are wandering too much, reseat them. First, reassure the student that you are not accusing the student of cheating, and that you simply want to ensure that they are showing their own work. If they choose to comply, take no action. If they are unwilling to comply, you can assume that they were cheating or had the intention of cheating. [7]
    • If you need to reseat a student, try to put them somewhere where they are away from other students. Being a seat away from other students may make it easier for that student to focus on their own test.
  13. With short answer exams, you can draw a tight box around the response or draw a line across any blank space while grading. This prevents students from trying to add to their answer before requesting a regrade. For scantron exams, draw lines connecting the filled in answer choices before returning the scantron sheets to students. This will prevent students from changing their answer and claiming that the machine made a mistake.
    • There are some websites that allow you to return exams electronically. After all exams have been collected, you can scan them, match the submissions to students, grade the exams, and then release the grades online. Students will login to see their scores and a scan of their exam.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Preventing Cheating on Homework and Other Assignments

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  1. If your honor code states that students are not supposed to cheat and they need to report any cheating they suspect, this sometimes works well. On assignments and exams, you can require that they sign an honor pledge stating that they did not cheat and they reported any cheating they witnessed. You may choose to not grade an assignment or exam that doesn't have a signed honor pledge attached to it.
    • Make it clear what the consequences of cheating are when they sign the honor code. You should also have these consequences posted on the syllabus for the class, so that students can refer to it whenever needed.
  2. A key part of preventing cheating is building a relationship with your students so they don't want to disappoint or get in trouble with you. Some ways to build trust include being fair when grading, not having overly high expectations, and explaining your reasons for grades and class content. If you express your desire to build a relationship of trust with your students, and then support them and trust them in return, then they are less likely to cheat. [8]
    • Part of building trust with your students is showing your students that you care about them. They are less likely to break your rules if they know that you are looking after their best interests and are invested in their success.
  3. It is important to talk about academic honesty with parents, in addition to talking about it with your students. If you discuss your expectations and methods for avoiding cheating with your student's parents, they can help drive the message home to their children.
    • This will be especially helpful for students who have very involved parents.
  4. 4
    Make homework a small part of a student's grade. Make homework count for only roughly 10% of a student's grade. This is typically enough to ensure that the students do the assignments. However, it will make other types of work, such as tests, more important. [9] [Image:Prevent Students from Cheating Step 17 Version 3.jpg|center]]
    • Most cheating on homework is in the form of excessive collaboration or searching for answers on the internet. If you use this type of weighting and thoughtfully construct your exams, the exams will enforce the no cheating policy for homework better than you can.
    • The students who choose to cheat will likely have their grades lowered as a result of poor performance on exams. Those who are too used to being able to freely collaborate or use the internet may have a hard time with individual assessments.
    • This makes it so there is very little incentive for copying solutions and not very much energy needs to be put into dealing with cheating on homework.
  5. Require that students show all of their work and/or provide reasoning for the answer they arrived at. It is very easy to simply copy a final answer off of another student on an exam.
    • If you suspect a student copied off of another student for an exam question or changed their answer after the fact, ask them to reproduce or interpret their solution individually in your presence a few days later. If there is a large difference in their ability to produce that solution during the exam and reproduce the solution individually in your presence, cheating may have occurred.
    • If the work appears illogical, the student probably made a rash attempt to copy from a neighbor.
  6. There are certain types of homework assignments that are more difficult to cheat on than others. Group projects and presentations are particularly hard for students to cheat on, unless they are all in on it together. [10]
    • In a group, each student will have specific responsibilities and they will be accountable to each other for the final product. When students are working together, individual students will find it harder to cheat, since that cheating will be exposed to their classmates.
    • While group projects and presentations will not eliminate cheating altogether, they do make cheating less likely.
  7. A very common way of cheating is submitting a modified assignment for a regrade. Having a photocopy or scan of the original will allow you to see if the resubmitted work has been altered.
    • Should you catch a student modifying and submitting their work for a regrade, the photocopy or scan becomes hard evidence when you report the case for academic action.
    • This can often happen with students who are very close to the next grade up, who hope to potentially raise a B- grade to a B, for example. So, when photocopying or scanning a sample of exams before returning them, focus especially on those with scores near the grade boundaries.
  8. Once solutions are released you have no control over where they can end up. The copying of solutions is definitely a possibility for any homework attempted to be submitted after that time. To make up for this strict policy, you can choose to drop the one or two lowest homework scores.
    • If a student has a good reason for not turning in an assignment on time, they should be given a slightly different assignment from the rest of the class, so that no cheating can occur.
    • In cases where assignments are reused from year to year, you may not be able to prevent somebody who gained access to the solutions from copying them. Therefore design your exam such that somebody who did not learn the material well cannot perform well.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Preventing Cheating on Papers

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  1. Before you assign a paper, have a discussion with your students about what plagiarism is and how to avoid it . This will help students to know what to avoid when writing their papers. It will also eliminate their ability to claim ignorance is they get caught plagiarizing.
  2. If you want to prevent students from cheating, make them write essays that are unique to your specific class. A prompt that compares readings or specific content from your class will produce more unique essays than a general prompt.
    • These essay prompts should be changed when teaching new classes. Students may be tempted to plagiarize if students they know have written on the prompts you are giving.
  3. If you don't want your students working on essays together, you need to make that clear before the assignment is even given. Some students will work together effectively, which can enhance the learning process. However, it can be a problem if one student just copies another student's essay. Decide whether you want students to work independently and then let them know, so that they cannot claim ignorance of your policy.
    • You can always state that you are OK with students working together, but what they turn in must be their own work. This allows them to work together but it also requires them to do some independent work as well.
  4. Since many students are very technologically savvy, you can use that knowledge to your benefit. Have students turn in assignments through an online software program that checks it for plagiarism, such as Turnitin or PlagScan. [11]
    • Most universities have this type of program built into the websites that they use for students.
    • If your school doesn't have this type of program available, discuss getting access to one with your supervisor.
    • There tend to be more cases of cheating in the computer science department than other departments at many universities, simply because they have great resources for automated cheat checking.
  5. Students should only require roughly one week to request a regrade after work is returned. Make the deadline the same for everybody, regardless of whether they picked the assignment or exam up before your set deadline.
    • This way, once the class ends, you are not pressured to review a ton of assignments that were returned months ago.
    • Students, especially those near the course grade boundaries, may want to make attempts to seek extra points to raise their course grades at the end of the term.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Do students use Bluetooth watches to cheat in exams?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily Bluetooth, but smart watches off the internet can be programmed with data that can be bought online. These watches usually, but not always, are quite chunky or thick. If you see this, just ask them to take it off and place in a central basket along with phones, for the duration of the exam. If they are planning on cheating, they will likely ask why they can't have their watch. Ensure that there are clocks in the room for time keeping.
  • Question
    What are two ways I can help a new student who just joined the class?
    Community Answer
    Provide them with one or two buddies to help them assimilate. Provide some assessments to gauge where the students fall or what they already know in the subjects you're teaching.
  • Question
    What are two ways I can prevent children from cheating?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Preventive and punitive. Work on their understanding why it's better not to cheat. They're here to learn, and one failed test isn't the end of the world. At the same time, let them know beforehand the punishments that come with getting caught cheating.
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      • If you find out about some ingenious and novel type of cheating do not post the specifics here, as students will then find out about it.
      • The truth is that over 90% of students are actually honest, but the only way to be fair to those honest students is by being strict with those who may attempt to bend the rules.
      • Don’t accuse people of cheating without evidence.
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      • Certified teachers may lose credentials for allowing standardized tests to be unsecured, taken, or read by other teachers or students.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      There will always be students trying to cheat on their exams, but you can help prevent this by limiting their access to their belongings and watching them carefully. Once you’ve printed the exam papers for a class, make sure you keep them locked away to deter any students from stealing a copy. When they sit their exam, have them place their backpacks at the front of the room so they can’t hide notes in there. You can also make them remove labels from water bottles, since students can easily hide notes inside. During the test, watch your students carefully for suspicious activity. If they have any questions, make them come up to the front so you can still watch the class while you answer the question. For more tips from our Teaching co-author, including how to check student papers for plagiarism, read on!

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        Sep 15, 2017

        "Step 1, Preventing Cheating Before Tests, helped."
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