Q&A for How to Act

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    How can I get myself to cry at a sad part in the script rather than laughing? It cracks me up every time!
    Community Answer
    Get into character so much that you actually believe you're going through what your character is experiencing. Then get yourself into the zone and think about how your charterer would actually feel in the same situation and how upset the character would be -- then allow this pain to be properly expressed.
  • Question
    What if I have a slight speech impediment?
    Community Answer
    Just own it. You might even make it a part of your character. You could also trying doing an accent and see if that helps mask the impediment if you want.
  • Question
    Can I make my own show at home?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you need a video camera and you'll probably just be able to post it on YouTube. That said, many people were discovered making YouTube videos.
  • Question
    Do you have remember everyone else's lines or just your own?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to memorize everyone's lines. You just need to know yours, and know when it's your turn, so just know what comes before your lines as well. If you're an understudy, you need to learn the lines of the person you're an understudy for.
  • Question
    How can I get in the zone in order to act properly?
    Community Answer
    Take a deep breath, stay calm, and most importantly of all, try to think like your character would, to put yourself right into that character's mind. Give yourself a pep talk too, if it helps, but in character!
  • Question
    What do I do if I have to kiss a guy because I have the role of his girlfriend?
    Community Answer
    It's no big deal, try not to stress about it. If you don't feel like doing it, you can wait for the show to really kiss him. During practice, you can just fake it, but try to practice at least a few times for preparation of the show.
  • Question
    What do I do if I start laughing?
    Community Answer
    Try to compose yourself as soon as possible and get on with the scene. Don't yell 'Sorry!' or anything, just get back into character as soon as possible in order to disrupt the scene the least you can.
  • Question
    What do I do if I am really nervous?
    Community Answer
    Everyone gets a little nervous before they go on stage. Before you go on, take a few deep breaths and let them out. When you get on stage, don't look at the audience, and don't just act out your character; BE your character.
  • Question
    Do you have tips on remembering lines?
    Community Answer
    If you're really committed to the character, the lines will be easy to learn because you care a lot. You may also find it helpful to read: How to Memorize Lines .
  • Question
    How do I put myself out there when I'm very shy in front of audiences?
    Community Answer
    Become one with the character. Imagine that it isn't you on the stage, but the person you are portraying. Also, use the forth wall method. Picture a wall in between the stage and the set. Now, you can act as the character would in reality, without worrying about the crowd.
  • Question
    How do I use facial expressions in acting?
    Community Answer
    Facial expressions can be used many ways. Ironically, I think one of the most important times is when someone else is speaking. Think about how your character would react to what the other character is saying; this helps to say a lot about your character. You can also use them when speaking to reinforce or emphasize certain emotions. Look exasperated when using sarcasm, or look angry when ranting or shouting. You can also practice certain expressions in the mirror to enhance your skill in using them while acting.
  • Question
    Is it still important to do all this if I don't have a speaking part in the play?
    Community Answer
    Non-speaking parts really contribute to the overall effect of the scene, and can be almost harder than speaking parts. The most important thing is to find the fine line between being too subtle and over-acting so that you look completely natural.
  • Question
    How do you gather the courage to act in front of your family before you go onstage? Also, I can't find scripts from plays.
    Community Answer
    Just pretend they're not there, if you mess up, don't stop, act like it didn't happen and just keep going. If you need help to find scripts, you might want to recreate plays from popular stories such as Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Question
    When auditioning, what is the best way I can project hurt and surprise?
    Community Answer
    Widen your eyes a little and let your jaw drop just tiny bit. Shrink back a little, as if unsure. People are often uneasy when they are surprised.
  • Question
    If I'm bad at acting, can I become good?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course. Like any other skill, acting requires practice. If you want to become better, take every opportunity you can to practice. Get into drama programs at school, look into community drama programs, and even practice acting like your favorite characters around your friends and family.
  • Question
    How do I find out if child acting is for me?
    Community Answer
    Try it. If you don't like it, it's not fun, or it's hard, then you know it's not for you! If you like it and it's not hard for you, then maybe it's a good choice for you.
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    How can you get a part in a showing or movie?
    Community Answer
    There are plenty of online sites which tell you what auditions there are near you. If that doesn't help, go to plan then try going to your local community theater and ask if they have roles for upcoming shows.
  • Question
    How do I stop my voice cracking when I'm nervous?
    Community Answer
    Try to talk in a softer tone. Think of calm things and take a deep breath.
  • Question
    What if the character I'm playing is boring and I hate it?
    Community Answer
    Your statement suggests you've made a judgement on the character, looking from the outside at them. Alternatively, when you flip that and look from inside instead, do you still have the same judgement? Your objective is to present, as your character, truthfully and authentically with integrity. If you think it's right that the character, like you, judges themselves to be boring, then you can present/play that with authenticity - but how many people think they're boring?
  • Question
    I'm playing Nala in "The Lion King" for school and have being training for a long time to get it, but I have to hold hands and stuff and I don't know how I can stay serious. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    If you can't stay serious try thinking of something else like you are holding your mom's hand like when you were a little kid. Just don't forget your lines!
  • Question
    My dream is to become an actor, but I don't know how to fake cry. Can someone help me?
    Community Answer
    Crying on demand is not as useful as you may think. Work on developing portraying emotions through your facial expressions and body language instead.
  • Question
    How do I not slip out of character during times when I have no lines?
    Community Answer
    Listen to what is happening. Pretend that it is really happening. Use your facial expressions to react to what's happening.
  • Question
    How to act like you say something for the first time, when you've read the script a thousand times and you just dream about the lines?
    Community Answer
    Try to really get into character and get swept up in the dynamics of the scene -- this can help you forget, especially if you are acting with other people. You often get a boost from an audience too, which can be really useful. Also try shaking it up when you practice -- try saying it in an accent once or twice, or substitute every word for 'blah' or something and say your lines that way. Just make sure you are not reading... and reading... and reading or you will get bored.
  • Question
    How would I play a sly or cunning bad guy without making it laughable?
    Community Answer
    Get into character and feel sly or cunning yourself.
  • Question
    My role is a kind sister with naughty siblings. What gestures or facial expressions can I use?
    Community Answer
    If she's kind to her siblings, make her gestures affectionate yet reprimanding (such as hugging them, patting them on the back, or putting a firm hand on their shoulder when they misbehave). Kindness is often associated with delicateness and softness - try speaking in a gentle, calm voice.
  • Question
    I am going to be acting in a scene with a stunt and I have to say a paragraph during the same scene. What do I do?
    Julia Millstein
    Community Answer
    Try to practice the paragraph and the stunt separately a few times, try to memorize the paragraph and then try to master your stunt. Once you have, while on stage, don't think about the next thing you have to do, just focus on the present.
  • Question
    How can I not laugh when I'm acting?
    Nairi Lee
    Community Answer
    When you laugh when you're acting, you generally aren't think of yourself as your character, only thinking of your own life and that the situation is not actually that serious. So, to stop yourself from laughing, really believe that you are your character and think of the situation that he/she is in. If you were in a really serious moment with your teacher and you just got in trouble, you wouldn't laugh in the middle of a sentence. Neither would your character.
  • Question
    How can I prepare and be an exaggerated character?
    Community Answer
    Try to really spread out your emotion. A good idea is to really use body language. Imagine yourself in their situation.
  • Question
    How do I get into the character of an elf?
    Community Answer
    Be happy and light-hearted. Giggle often and skip or jump lightly as you walk.
  • Question
    I need help on how to show emotion on stage and stop fidgeting. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    The best thing to do is pretend you are in the situation your character is going through. You can also turn your fidgeting into body movements to emphasize and express what you are saying/doing.
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