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Q&A for How to Act Cool In Front of Girls
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QuestionHow do I get a girl to like me?Community AnswerYou can't make a girl like you, but there are some things you can do to get her to think of you a positive way. Be confident, and be yourself; don't try to impress anyone, as this usually backfires and makes you look as though you're trying too hard. Dress well, have a good hygiene, be mature, don't hang around with arrogant or rude people are just some of the things you can do in general. Get to know her, show interest in her, as her questions about the things she's into.
QuestionWhat can I do to be more attractive to girls?Community AnswerIn a nutshell: know how to dress to suit your personal style, smile (but not too big), maintain eye contact, stand up straight, be approachable and don't talk too much. The better part of physical attraction is simply the way you comport yourself.
QuestionHow can I talk to a girl if she's alone?Community AnswerWalk towards her with a smile on your face and ask her how her day is going. If you're lucky, your conversation will continue from there.
QuestionHow do I talk to girls?Community AnswerThe same way you'd talk to anyone else! Display confidence, be friendly and show interest in what she has to say. Focus the conversation on her: ask her about her background, interests and favorite pastimes. Don't try overly hard to impress her right away. Just establish a friendly line of communication and go from there.
QuestionWhat can I talk about with girls?Community AnswerTry to make some sort of witty, but appropriate, joke to break the ice. After that, you can ask how are things going, what sort of hobbies or interests they have, etc.
QuestionHow do I gain the confidence to act cool in front of girls?Community AnswerMost people are not confident naturally. You just start out faking it, and gain confidence through experience. The more you practice and face rejection, the more comfortable you become. However, being yourself and not caring what others think is a good way to foster your self-esteem, which will give you confidence.
QuestionIf a girl has a nickname for me, does that mean she likes me?Community AnswerProbably. Nicknames are usually playful or flirtatious, and a good indication that someone has spent time thinking about you.
QuestionHow can I get a girlfriend when I am too cool?Community AnswerBeing "too cool" is probably a sign of arrogance and that scares people away. Try to be a little less self-absorbed and a lot more open and friendly to others and you'll be seen as more approachable and not so "hands off". Try talking to girls you like and letting them know that you're not too cool for love.
QuestionWhat if being yourself is in opposition to acting charming, witty, etc?Community AnswerBeing engaging is a learned skill, not an inborn character trait. With the right mindset and a little practice, anyone can assert themselves, become more approachable and learn to banter. Take it slow, and don't try to change too much about yourself too fast. Try to condition yourself to be comfortable in more situations and talking to different kinds of people.
QuestionIf I can't get a girl's attention properly, should I pause for a short bit or keep pushing it until I get her attention?Community AnswerYou should smile and leave. She might talk to you if she sees you again.
QuestionHow do I know if a girl is in love with me?Community AnswerYou can ask her and see what she says. You can also pick up on her body language to see if she is in love with you.
QuestionHow can I talk to a girl?Community AnswerStart by making conversation with questions. Ask her how she is, and how her day is going.
QuestionHow do I impress a girl who thinks I am weird?Community AnswerJust ask her why do you think I'm weird and then dress cool but don't act weird while doing it. If you are happy who you are, then just be you.
QuestionHow can I be smart in front of my ex?Community AnswerIf she is in a conversation with others then try to join in and make smart comments, and if you get the right chance prove her wrong. If you want her back then compliment her. If you want to make her look bad then start to flirt, but don't try too hard.
QuestionWhat should I do if I try to talk with girls and they laugh or make fun of me?Community AnswerJust try to laugh it off and move on. Part of talking to girls is getting used to rejection -- after all, you can't please everyone. It's terrible to be laughed at or made fun of, but it's not the end of the world, so just brush yourself off and talk to the next girl you see. It will help build your confidence too!
QuestionHow can I impress the girl who is very much conscious about herself and hates the romance?Will Da Pensive Penguin DoodCommunity AnswerGood job -- you just found yourself a yandere. Now try making her blush, and you succeed in getting a waifu.
QuestionIf a girl is always looking at me, does that mean she is in love with me?Community AnswerNo, but it might mean that she's interested in or attracted to you. I would suggest trying to strike up a conversation with her sometime!
QuestionHow do I act if girls say I am good looking?Community AnswerJust smile and give them a sincere "Thank you." Then you can just walk away, or you can return the compliment if you want.
QuestionHow do I act cool in front of a girl who obviously likes me, but picks on me?Community AnswerIf she is picking on you in a lighthearted way simply go along with it and have fun with her.
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