Q&A for How to Annoy Your Neighbor

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    Can I throw waffles at someone's house to annoy them?
    Community Answer
    Waffles are are a relatively expensive choice for this use. Also, it is illegal to throw things directly at your neighbor's house, but you could bend the law and throw them on his lawn instead. This would be especially annoying as it would attract the local scavenging animals. Just make sure your neighbor doesn't see you or he might make you clean up the mess.
  • Question
    What if I can't get my neighbor to crack?
    Community Answer
    Then you're not trying hard enough. Do all the steps combined several times a day.
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    Can I record activity outside of my home with security cameras?
    Community Answer
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    Can I mow my lawn at 5:00 AM?
    Community Answer
    Depends on your regional noise bylaws. These could be in effect from 9:00 PM - 7:00 AM, but check your city's website.
  • Question
    What if I get caught?
    Community Answer
    Well, you'll have to stop what you're doing, I suppose, and accept the consequences for your actions. Something to think about before you decide to annoy your neighbor...
  • Question
    What's the best way to make a neighbor want to move?
    Community Answer
    Scream, shout and yell in your house, even start swearing. Sing loudly if you have a bad voice. Blast your music on full volume. Put TV on really loud. Bang dishes and bottles. Play drums or any other instrument. Bang on the walls. Get a recording of an annoying baby crying and play it all day long. Play football in the garden and keep wacking their fence, and keep throwing the ball over their fence so you have to keep asking for the ball back. Put smelly bins near their house. Put rubbish in their bins. Park in their car space, and put the bins out to reserve your space. In the early morning hoover and have loud music. Throw stuff in their garden. Have late night parties and blast music. Understand that all these things could just get you really well aquainted with annoyed poilice men. If you don't like your neighbors and can't get past it, YOU should move.
  • Question
    Can I play ding dong ditch with my neighbor?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you live as it might be illegal in your location.
  • Question
    My neighbor trespasses on our property. We have a No Trespassing sign posted. She personally knows the police. How can I get justice?
    Community Answer
    You should notify the police, as it is your right to block her from coming on your property.
  • Question
    My Muslim neighbor prays, sings and chants loudly for about 6 hours per day. Can I throw bacon at him?
    Community Answer
    Of course not; that would qualify as a hate crime. Try talking to the man; let him know politely that you can hear him all the time, and ask if he could be more quiet. If he won't comply, you could file a noise complaint at the police station.
  • Question
    Can I shoot at my neighbor's barking dog?
    Community Answer
    No, this is illegal. You should ask your neighbor to keep his dog inside or file a noise complaint with the city.
  • Question
    How do I become a good neighbor?
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    My neighbor often calls the cops on me. What can I do for revenge?
    Community Answer
    If your neighbors are calling the cops on you for a good reason, then I wouldn't recommend doing anything in retaliation. If they're calling the cops over nothing, I would start watching out for any sign of any possible illegal activity and return the favor at your earliest opportunity.
  • Question
    Is it illegal to put a "no trespassing" sign on my mail box?
    Community Answer
    No. There is no law in the United States that prohibits the use of "no trespassing signs" on private property you own.
  • Question
    If I play my TV really loud, what time can I keep it on legally without someone calling the police?
    Community Answer
    Quiet hours for most places in the U.S. are 10:00 pm to 7:00 am. Most of the time the police will enforce this if they get a complaint.
  • Question
    How do I know if I am going too far when trying to annoy my neighbor?
    Community Answer
    They call the police.
  • Question
    What if the neighbor had enough and calls the police?
    Community Answer
    Apologize to them.
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    How do I annoy communists?
    Community Answer
    Become exceedingly wealthy by exploiting monopolies and the working class.
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    How can I get my neighbors to stop their dog from barking?
    Community Answer
    Speak to them, they may not know that it is a problem for you. Is it barking all night, or does it just bark when someone enters their property? (Because that's the dog's job.) If you live in an apartment, you can talk to the owner/manager of the building if your neighbors are not responsive, but definitely talk to them first.
  • Question
    Is it legal to video tape your neighbors?
    Community Answer
    No, if you are taping people without their consent, that is illegal. If they see you, they may contact the police.
  • Question
    What's the best solution when my neighbor is annoying back?
    Tara Burke
    Top Answerer
    If you want them to stop retaliating, stop annoying them. If you’re willing to go all-or-nothing, ramp up your annoyances and see if you can get them to break first
  • Question
    How do I annoy a neighbor who refuses to clean up his property?
    Community Answer
    Annoying your neighbor doesn't seem like a good way to get him to clean up his property. Why not go over and offer to help him with the job? Be the change you wish to see in the world.
  • Question
    My neighbors constantly record me without my consent. Can I file a lawsuit?
    Community Answer
    That depends on how they are video taping you. If it's a security system, then no, since it's been put there for security reasons. However, if your neighbor is recording you through their phone/camera for example, then maybe. Consult an attorney.
  • Question
    How can I annoy my neighbor's kids?
    Community Answer
    Do not target minors. If the minors are old enough to understand the law and are breaking it, tell their parents and/or call the police. If they aren't breaking the law, just talk to their parents. Just remember that kids are usually loud naturally, so think before you file a noise complaint. And it's also good to be assertive and stand up for yourself. For example, if the kids keep coming onto your lawn, tell them to get off it with an authoritative voice, e.g.: "Hey Ethel and Phil, I don't want you walking across my lawn. It has bare patches I am trying to grow back and footsteps kill the seeds. There is a pathway you can use instead." If they don't listen, then talk to the parents.
  • Question
    How do I annoy my neighbor if they have a barking dog that won't shut up?
    Community Answer
    Record a baby crying and play it really loudly or mow the lawn in the early hours.
  • Question
    My neighbor cut down 100 year old trees that were inside our fence along the property line. I now want to print a massive penis banner or fence with obscene graffiti. Is this legal?
    Community Answer
    No, it is not a good idea and it is also probably not legal in your area. This may count as pornography and can get you in major trouble, especially with obscenities added. You need to look at your state rules to know what this might be considered as.
  • Question
    Can I put out a sign in my yard saying don't rent from the neighbor?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, as long as it is completely on your land. Otherwise you may end up with the police knocking on the door. However, you put yourself at risk of a defamation suit, so be careful what you write.
  • Question
    The woman upstairs is throwing out food over her balcony. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask her to stop or contact the concierge to deal with it. If it's good food, you could salvage it for your own needs. Be aware she may have a mental health issue and could be in need of help, so be understanding rather than judgmental about it; find out the real story first.
  • Question
    I am a kid, my house has a split fence, and my neighbor just yelled at me while I was playing. How do I get her to stop?
    Community Answer
    Your neighbor isn't an authority figure; yell right back at her to mind her own business.
  • Question
    Can I plant catnip in my neighbors' garden when they are on vacation to annoy them?
    Community Answer
    No; that would involve trespassing and possibly destruction of private property (their garden) while planting, which could land you in legal trouble if it's traced back to you.
  • Question
    How do I annoy my neighbor if they let their dog run loose?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them. If that's disturbing you too much, then call the police. Use the same steps in the article.
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