Q&A for How to Ask God for Something (Christianity)

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    Can you ask God for things you want?
    Olivia Woodford
    Founder of Bible Women Speak
    Olivia Woodford is the Founder of Bible Women Speak. Olivia has been teaching biblical stories of women through theater since 1992. She is a member of Biblical Storytellers International and has performed at and hosted learning retreats with churches, schools, and women's groups of all denominations throughout the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. Olivia has a BFA in Theater Arts from Boston University.
    Founder of Bible Women Speak
    Expert Answer
    Sure you can, but the key thing here is to not demand something of God. The idea is to appeal and ask for help. Be vulnerable and share what you're feeling while putting the request out there. Also, it's important to not have a design or a specific result in mind. Let God do His work.
  • Question
    I asked God for a job and I got no reply, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Keep praying, and remember to ask God for the wisdom and courage to continue in your job search. Have patience and faith that if you remain positive and keep trying, you will eventually get a job.
  • Question
    Can God cure my spouse's dementia?
    Community Answer
    Mathew 17:20 - "He said to them, 'Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.' ” Please have faith in the Lord Jesus, and pray. He can do wonders in our life.
  • Question
    What does God expect from me?
    Community Answer
    God doesn't "expect" things, but he does want everyone to be respectful to one another, to pray and attend church, perform acts of kindness and charity, etc. It's all in the Bible.
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    Why do we sometimes lose courage to pray?
    Community Answer
    We lose faith because we are mortals. We can not comprehend God. He words in mysterious ways, and does things well never understand. But we need to never forget he loves us, he has a plan for us, and that he has not given up on us!
  • Question
    Will God still give me a beautiful body if I ask for it?
    Community Answer
    No, because vanity is a sin, and God will not help you to sin. You should be asking God for things you need, or things other people need, not things you want. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Focus on your faith and your inner beauty and God will reward you.
  • Question
    How do I help a person stay positive when they're facing many challenges?
    Community Answer
    If the person is a Christian, you can mention the relevant strengthening Bible verses, and relate their story to some of the Bible characters, like Job and how God was with them throughout all those challenges. Just tell them that no matter the challenges, everything works together for the good of those who love the Lord and that the challenges are for strengthening their faith. If a person is not a Christian, you will have to meet them where they are, say affirming words, and pray for them.
  • Question
    Will God help me with a problem I created?
    Community Answer
    Most certainly! God takes particular notice when we are able to see problems that we created or helped to create, and even more notice once we try to correct those problems ourselves. Talk to God about your problem, he listens. No matter how large or small you think it is, God cares and will do whatever is in his plan to help.
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    How do I ask God for money?
    Community Answer
    The Lord really doesn't work like that, asking God for money probably won't get you anywhere. Also, God is not a genie. Instead, ask for the things you need/want, and let God provide the way for you to get them. Make your prayer in Jesus' name and stack and couple of "Amens" on top. I won't promise your prayer will be fulfilled, but I can say that it will be heard and the Lord will always provide what you need. P.S: When two or more people pray on the same thing, it really goes a long way for the Lord, likewise when your prayers are for others or if you include others' needs/wants, the Lord listens more intently (Matthew 6:26-34).
  • Question
    Should I pray to God to see if I love someone?
    Community Answer
    Your love for God should be above all others. The Lord created you, the ground you walk on, the heavens above and everything in between. Secondly, you need to love your fellow humans, just as you love yourself. I can tell you first hand this is VERY difficult, but should be attempted in earnest. As far as a love interest, God isn't a magic 8-ball. You "love" whoever you "love" and for whatever reasons. At the same time, consult God about EVERYTHING in your life, you will be glad you did (Mark 12:30-31).
  • Question
    Will God answer my prayer even though it consists of something for my car?
    Community Answer
    Take all your needs and wants to God. If He finds it necessary, He will give it. If He doesn't, that might be because you don't need one currently, or maybe you just don't need it at all! Also think about why you want it? Earthly wants, or true needs?
  • Question
    How do I know that God really hears my prayers and it's working out?
    Community Answer
    To know that God really hears your prayers, you should know that you already know that God created all of us. He knows us and what we say, think and do. Your prayers are heard. However, how the prayer is answered need not be estimated by you. Because God has made people capable of working. If there is a part of the work that you can do, you must do your part. And keep at it. This is called diligence. It requires faith. When you keep working in the 'vineyard' with faith, God sees it in time (His time, not yours) and rewards you accordingly.
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    I fasted and prayed to God times without number for admission, no answer and have written 3 times and still going and I don't stop fasting. Please what can I do to make God ask my prayer?
    Community Answer
    Don't take your exams based on God's response. He wants the best for you. However, you might need to study harder, reading through more resources, like digests or books, checking old question papers where you can do better, etc. Keep a plan B in mind. Ask God to guide you in the right direction. Because when nothing seems to be working out, other things will enter your life for even better results. You just have to be positive, patient and have faith in God.
  • Question
    I don't want money but my father does. He has many debts, so when I pray to God to give my father money ,will he give?
    Community Answer
    Money requires wisdom to handle. Even if someone has money, if they spend it all, it is gone. Keeping it in the bank, saving, investing, etc., helps in growing the saved money. Ask God to help your father see the need to save money and not spend it like in the past.
  • Question
    Will God perform a miracle for me to bring back my recently deceased beloved emotional support dog?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, God won't bring back the deceased beloved emotional support dog. However, God can help you find emotional support in another dog or a new friend. All you have to do is work toward this as well as waiting on God to fill the void. It is also important that you think of giving back. Thank God, praise Him, help others and be a good Christian who offers as they receive.
  • Question
    Is it okay to request for several things from God all at once?
    Community Answer
    You can ask for all the things you want and God will grant however many He deems appropriate. It is expected that you narrow down your desires to the most relevant though, so that you can keep greed aside.
  • Question
    I asked God to help with a decision "option A can you send me a camping dream, option B can you send me a music dream" because both rarely occur. But that night I dreamt about music. Did God really answer?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you have a proof right there. Are you checking God though? Because you shall not test God. Be honest and thank God for His blessings. Ask more, whatever you need for yourself and the betterment of others and keep being in touch with God.
  • Question
    Will God help me to study and pass a difficult exam?and will god help me to survive the most difficult period in my life? How should I pray?
    Community Answer
    Yes, God can help you in passing difficult exams and surviving the most difficult of times. Pray in quiet and seek God's blessings so you can study and make it a regular habit to pray daily and not worry about how other siblings or classmates are doing. Because your performance depends upon your 100% focus and effort. Ask God to help you with focus and remembering concepts.
  • Question
    How do I ask the Lord to help my father because he is going through a lot, an emotional and financial crisis?
    Community Answer
    It is unfortunate that your father is facing such a crisis. It might be causing you and the rest of the family a lot of distress too. What you can do is pray for your father and ask that God helps your father in seeing true opportunities and making the most of it and denying the temptations that may have led him to emotional and financial crisis.
  • Question
    If you sense that God is speaking to you about feeding His flock, where and how do you start?
    Community Answer
    You can pray and ask God to give you more clarity. It's not necessarily that what you hear is going to remain the same for longer as you wait. So, ask and try to get working in that direction. Read the Bible about Samuel and how he was called upon by God. Read such verses and try to find your path, which is in Jesus.
  • Question
    How can I ask God to make my crush like me back?
    Community Answer
    This might not be a prayer that God will answer, immediately or in long-term! Maybe if you are not getting a response, it's because God wants you to focus on something else instead of that. Or, He might not deem it really important at the time in your life.
  • Question
    Why is it important to have faith?
    Community Answer
    Because Faith is about things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Faith keeps us going.
  • Question
    Will God return to you what was taken from you from an inheritance thief?
    Community Answer
    God will always avenge his children, no matter how long it may take, provided it is appropriate. Just make sure you don't go crazy trying to avenge yourself. That is revenge, and is frowned upon. God fixes problems in ways you can't imagine.
  • Question
    I have prayed to God to help me get a job but I have not gotten one. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    God works in mysterious and wondrous ways. He has plans for you. Trust and abide in God faithfully. And could it be that you (don't worry, I am too!) are being impatient? I find that quite a lot in myself. Patience is a virtue. And, who knows, maybe tomorrow you will get one and you just spoke too soon!
  • Question
    I want God to do a lot of things for me, but I don't know how to ask. I don't know how to pray. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    God just wants a personal relationship with you. There is no 'right' way to pray, as long as it is genuine. In fact, God loves prayers when people just talk their heart out to him. So don't pressure yourself about it, but make sure you don't pretend. God loves the real you.
  • Question
    I know God knows my needs. However, why when I pray for those needs, there is no answer, especially when He is the only one that can help?
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    You can’t guarantee he will answer. Think of it that if your prayer isn’t answered, it’s best left unanswered.
  • Question
    When should I stop praying for something?
    Community Answer
    You should never stop. God wants you to have a great relationship with Him. He loves you and wants you to be open with Him.
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    When I pray for something and I believe God will do it but it has not been done yet, should I continue praying for that thing, or should I begin giving thanks until my prayer is answered?
    Community Answer
    God shows us ways to achieve what we want. Merely waiting for God to give to you as you keep busy praying may not help you see beyond your prayers. Seek His messages and act to achieve what you want. Grow are an individual in the meantime and have faith in God.
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    Why do I cry when I'm praying?
    Community Answer
    When you feel moved, you cry. Maybe your connection with God strengthens as you pray. As a result, you feel touched by God and tears start rolling down your eyes. Be happy for such a truthful and heartfelt connection.
  • Question
    My faith is gone. I have tried so hard, but I can't get what I want and feel so far away. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Faith comes from within. Follow His commandments are see what good He bestows on you. Be diligent in doing the right things, or at least in trying to be righteous. It will come. Something lost need not be gone forever. But you have to keep trying every day. What you want is another question. You can work and think properly so you become eligible to receive what you want. God responds to our efforts. Pay heed to God's messages, and don't ignore what you believe is the truth.
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