Q&A for How to Ask Your Friend to Pay Back the Money They Owe You

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    A friend of mine owes me $60. It's been 3 months and she hasn't pay me back yet. I reminded her before but she didn't have it. Would it make me a bad friend to politely remind her again?
    Top Answerer
    Not at all. Don't feel guilty. Your friend is in the wrong, not you.
  • Question
    If it is a small amount of money, wouldn't it be weird if I ask for the money even if he didn't pay me back?
    Community Answer
    It may feel petty, but you have the right to ask for your money back no matter how small the sum. Just give your friend a casual reminder. If you feel really awkward, try something like "hey man, I'm a little short on funds this month, do you think I could get that $5 back?"
  • Question
    A friend owns me 2000 pounds. I keep on asking her to pay it back, but she doesn't answer my phone calls. What do I do?
    Top Answerer
    Send one or more letters to her policing requesting payment. If that doesn't work, you could sue her in county court. But, honestly, depending on the longevity and nature of the relationship, you might forgive her that debt and determine never to lend her a penny again...
  • Question
    What if the courts order the person to pay you but he still does not pay?
    Community Answer
    Report him to the necessary authority.
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    I loaned my friend money, but wasn't paid back when he agreed to. I got evicted from my home. Can I file for those losses in court to be paid back as well?
    Community Answer
    First, talk to your friend. If you can't get in contact with him, you can file for those losses in court.
  • Question
    I am a secondary school student and my friend lost my Frisbee. I asked him to pay me back, but he says he won't. I don't want to report him to the principal as he has been in trouble before. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Inform his parents of what happened; you don't necessarily need to make the school know your friend lost your Frisbee. You could keep it a private matter. If you have questions, asking your parents for help is good.
  • Question
    Bridesmaids agreed to pay for the bachelor party, one hasn't paid me back. I know she's seen my group and individual messages. Should I politely call her out in the group chat?
    Community Answer
    Maybe you should ask to meet her face to face first and approach the subject, or ask her more directly and forcefully on a message just sent to her. If this doesn't work, and you're not worried about looking petty in front of the other people in the group, go ahead and call her out.
  • Question
    If it was said in the text that if they owe you money and they sign a contract -- is that enough evidence?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is, since it shows written proof that you loaned money and that the other party agreed to it. Although it would be much more preferable if there were a stated amount of money, else the other party could just give you a lesser amount back. Remember the golden rule -- always get it in writing.
  • Question
    What can I do when someone who owes me money ignores me? We have a contract.
    Community Answer
    You could sue him, but if he's a close friend/family member and you don't want to lose the relationship, you may forgive the debt and let it go. You could also try reminding him gently.
  • Question
    I helped a friend pay for a concert ticket and she said she is still short of money, but my parents are urging me to keep asking for the money back. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Be nice and direct. Don't loan her anymore money until she pays you back. Let her know that you're happy she went to the concert, though, if she gets angry quickly/easily. Or, if there's something that you're saving up for, tell her that you need the money back so she can start saving up for it.
  • Question
    My friend said she paid me money owed but lied about it. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Let her know that you never got the money and you really would like to get it back. Let her know gently because money is generally a touchy subject.
  • Question
    I loaned my friend money a year ago so how do I ask him to give it back? And what if he never gives it back?
    Community Answer
    There's an old saying: only loan what you're willing to lose. Don't give away ridiculous amounts of money you won't be happy to say goodbye to. Simply ask your friend if he has the money he owes you. If he doesn't give it to you within a week, you know he doesn't want to give it to you and probably doesn't care much about your feelings. You can then decide if you want to let it go or end the friendship.
  • Question
    I loaned a friend's boyfriend a large amount of money. The only evidence I have is the receipts from paying it into his bank account. Can I take this to a small claims court?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, this is the kind of thing small claims courts are designed for, as long as the claim doesn't exceed some specified limit, which varies with the court. (In California, it's $10,000.) Courts are pretty good about getting to the truth when it's one person's word against another's.
  • Question
    What is a good way to bring up the topic with someone?
    Community Answer
    "Remember when I loaned you money for (xyz)? I was wondering when you'd be able to pay me back, as I'm a bit financially strapped at the moment, and could really use the money."
  • Question
    How can I get my neighbor to pay me back the cash I lent him if there's no signed documents or any kind of record?
    Community Answer
    If you have no records, there isn't much of a way for you to get your money back. It's a case of your word against his with no proof. You can ask him to pay you back or try to appeal for the help of mutual acquaintances.
  • Question
    I gave an ex-boyfriend money for the advertising business he started 6 months ago, and he still hasn't paid me back. Would the cash transfer slip be enough for evidence?
    Community Answer
    No, because he could easily say the money was a gift. You'd need some kind of signed agreement where he stated that he would pay you back the money if you wanted to try take this to court.
  • Question
    I loaned my friend money for my business, and it's been a year. She still has not repaid me. What do I do?
    Rucha Naik
    Community Answer
    It depends on the amount of money you loaned her. If it was a large sum, you may be able to go to court for it. If not, perhaps you could negotiate some kind of part payment, dividing the sum into a certain time period.
  • Question
    My mother gave my brother money, we were supposed to share but he didn't give me a single dime. My mom won't help me. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Was your mother in a bad mood when you asked for her help? Were you whining? Maybe you could try to bring the issue up with her again in a calm, respectful manner. If she's still unwilling to help, you will probably just have to accept this. Sometimes life is not fair.
  • Question
    My friend borrowed $700 from me and I have become unemployed through no fault of my own. We are good friends. How do I bring this up to him?
    Community Answer
    I assume you see your friend often since you are good friends, so sometime when you are together and not in a rush, try something like, "Hey man, I don't remember if I told you, but I recently got laid off due to the company downsizing. I'm starting to feel the pinch in my wallet and I was wondering if you still have the $700 you borrowed from me a while back? It would really come in handy about now." Tailor it to your personal speaking style, but the important thing is to be direct.
  • Question
    A friend asked if I would put him on my credit card so he could use it for airfare, with the promise of paying me back. He used it for more than airfare, and the balance is over $4,000. He's avoiding me.
    Community Answer
    If he is refusing to communicate with you, then I would suggest taking him to small claims court to get the money back.
  • Question
    How should I get a hold of my friend who owes me $1500?
    Community Answer
    Start with a telephone call, and if they don't answer, leave a voicemail. Follow up with a text or an email. If they live nearby, you could always stop by and ask for it, but I would not do this as a first or even second attempt.
  • Question
    How do I know if I need to confront someone who hasn't paid me what they owe?
    Community Answer
    First, if that person owes you a lot of money. Second, how much that money means to you. Third, your relationship with that person. If it is a large loan, it is only fair they pay you back. Your friend might have simply forgotten, or thought it was a gift. Be polite, but be firm about it too.
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