Q&A for How to Avoid Temptation to Sin

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    How do I avoid strong temptations?
    Community Answer
    By praying for the grace of God to guide you daily, and by constantly reading the word of God.
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    I had my encounter with Satan as well as God. After repentance, temptation seems to be way more greater than what I can avoid. I do really need some help!
    Community Answer
    It's not always easy to avoid temptation, but keep trying and never back down. Remember no-one on Earth is perfect. Also the closer you are to overcoming a particular temptation, the stronger the temptation will be, just don't let it beat you. And if it does, remember not to guilt over it. Just keep moving forward and don't look back. And ask for forgiveness. Whether you believe or not, praying is a good way to release the sin and feel free-er.
  • Question
    How do I resist a temptation at work? For example, I am married but a guy is attracted to me and I sort of like him.
    Community Answer
    Shut him down and tell him that you're married and that he needs to stop since it's very unprofessional. Remind yourself that you're married too and that while attraction to others will happen now and then in life, you've already made your choice under the eyes of God. Put your work first and make friends of colleagues, not lovers.
  • Question
    How can I live in peace daily?
    Community Answer
    Make sure to remember that God is always on your side no matter what and that even though there are tough times and temptations, the everlasting reward will be truly amazing.
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    How do I overcome the temptation to masturbate?
    Community Answer
    Go out into the world. Spend the entire day in the sun. Do some strenuous stuff. If you can't leave the house, read a book that betters the mind and soul. Find a hobby that does not involve electronics.
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    How do I stop masturbating?
    Community Answer
    You can keep yourself busy and avoid any thoughts of sexual gratification. For example, you can make your own music or listen to movie tracks that aren't sexual inducing. Or you can just listen to uplifting music.
  • Question
    How can I quit a long relationship with a married man, since I now have a child?
    Community Answer
    Put yourself in his wife's shoes. How would she feel if she knew? Also realize that if he actually loved you sufficiently, he'd have left her and married you. Since that's not happening any time soon despite the child (we're presuming it's his), then you need to leave him well behind and start over with someone who has a heart of gold.
  • Question
    How do I avoid lusting after someone?
    Community Answer
    Sex is holy and consecrated. Save your passion and love for your soulmate and be careful not to ignite fire outside your marriage. You can't prevent yourself from feeling lust or attraction, but you can stop yourself from focusing or acting on those thoughts. Find things to distract yourself whenever you begin feeling this way about someone.
  • Question
    How do I resist being addicted to porno?
    Community Answer
    Remember to always occupy the time you use to watch those videos with a hobby, and that hobby shouldn't contain an electronic device.
  • Question
    How do I avoid sexual temptations?
    Community Answer
    Sex drive is an instinct (because of chemicals and hormones in your body) and it is in our DNA, so it may be difficult to get rid of this temptation. Try this: Read a prayer to God (you can ask God to get rid of sexual temptation). Try to discipline your mind so you stop thinking about these temptations. If this does not work, talk to a priest or someone at your church. If you are in a relationship, stay faithful. If you are not, consider looking for a partner to fulfill your needs.
  • Question
    Why do I keep wanting to masturbate but then ask God to forgive me?
    Community Answer
    It's a habit with immediate, although temporary gratification. Afterwards, you're then seeking the spiritual life you know is better. You can feel alienated by succumbing to the physical urge.
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    Can I listen to music as I read?
    Community Answer
    Yes, gospel music, soft jazz, or meditation music are good choices for reading music.
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    What should I do if I keep making promises to follow a set prayer time, but find it hard to follow through?
    Community Answer
    Instead of trying to follow a strict prayer time, try incorporating prayers into your daily routine. When you look in the mirror, say a silent prayer. When you hear your alarm in the morning, take time to pray. Pray before meals, when you start the car, or anything that works for you. You could also try setting an alarm on your phone to go off at times when it would be convenient to pray.
  • Question
    I touched myself with a razor. Am I going to hell?
    Community Answer
    No. Even if what you mean is that you actually self-harmed, your sins (both this and others) can be forgiven.
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    I am a Christian, but some of the habitual sin is hard to leave. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    I have found that if I do not harshly judge others, I am more able to overcome my temptations. 1st Timothy 2:1-6
  • Question
    Is kissing a sin?
    Community Answer
    No, not usually. Kissing someone who is committed to someone else may be considered a sin.
  • Question
    I'm only 12 years old and I'm always sinning. I disrespect my parents and call my siblings bad names. I want to stop, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Age does not mean you cannot sin. Simply stop, ask god for forgiveness, and never do it again. Say a prayer if you are struggling, or perhaps read the Bible for some comfort. Do what it takes to mend your ways.
  • Question
    How can I feel more comfortable with confessing my sins?
    Community Answer
    You need to realize that God loves you unconditionally, and that confession is meant to bring you closer to Him by cleansing you of your sins and preparing you for forgiveness.
  • Question
    If I have committed many sins in my life and have vowed to change that, will I still go to hell?
    Community Answer
    As long as you have given your life to Christ and repented for your sins, you will not go to hell.
  • Question
    How can I avoid specific temptations, like laziness?
    Community Answer
    If you know you're prone to engaging in specific temptations, come up with techniques to distract yourself from them. For example, if you start to feel yourself getting lazy, set a goal of working on something productive for 10 minutes. That will hopefully help propel you away from further laziness.
  • Question
    How do I keep myself from talking too much?
    Community Answer
    Practice becoming a good listener. You can talk as much as you like once you become comfortable with knowing when to pause in order to listen.
  • Question
    I often lie and cuss a little, will I go to hell?
    Community Answer
    God is merciful. I do not think you will go to hell for that, but that doesn't mean it's good. Being honest can be hard, but it is the right thing to do. Repent for your sins and you'll be forgiven.
  • Question
    Is it sinful to wear jewelry with the moon or snake symbols on it?
    Community Answer
    No, as long as your intentions aren't to honor pagan gods.
  • Question
    Why is it so hard to continue doing good things to people who do not appreciate them?
    Harold Crawford
    Community Answer
    It is difficult because of our limited growth and practice of God's love in our life. Our human nature resists those who do not appreciate us, but God's love says to love them anyway. This does not mean we let people abuse us; some people we have to love from a distance.
  • Question
    My friends are trying to get me to drink, but I want to stay as holy as possible, because I feel I am too young to commit such sins. What should I do to prevent the situation from happening?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Point out that you consider them to be your friends. Above all, friends respect each other. You can have fun together, even if they drink and you don't. Laugh, make jokes, poke fun, it's all good times. But firmly demand that they respect your decision to not drink alcohol, and that they stop insisting all the time. Remember that you don't have to debate the reason why you don't drink; regardless of the reason, the decision is yours and yours alone. For you to have decided not to should be enough for them to leave you alone about it.
  • Question
    Can I be forgiven by God for the same sin I commit continuously?
    Community Answer
    You can definitely be forgiven no matter how many times you sin, but you do need to be actively trying to be better.
  • Question
    I have not been able to quit smoking tobacco, and I feel guilty whenever I smoke. How do I get rid of the smoking habit?
    Community Answer
    There are many different ways to get rid of the urge to smoke. There are patches, gum and even prescription medicine.
  • Question
    Is it biblical that a man cannot ask a woman for her money? My boyfriend asks me and says it's a part of giving, and that it's okay for a man to ask a woman.
    Community Answer
    In the Bible, women were very low status and most wouldn't have had their own money. Women married men and the man would support his wife and keep her safe. It sounds like your boyfriend might be trying to take advantage of you. Certainly if he needs money for something legitimate and you have it to give, it would be okay to lend or give him some. Relationships are about supporting one another. However, if he is constantly asking you for money, he is probably using you.
  • Question
    Does this work for Mormons?
    Community Answer
    Of course it does. It works for anyone, as long as they believe in the one true God.
  • Question
    My boss, a married man, tells me that kissing and hugging are just greetings and nothing serious. I don't agree; I told him its a sin since I'm married, too. How do I avoid him?
    Community Answer
    Your boss is using his position of authority to solicit unwanted romantic contact from you, and this is illegal in most regions. Tell your boss firmly to stop because you're not comfortable with it, and if he persists, report him to HR or the authorities.
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