Q&A for How to Be a Clown

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    How old do I have to be to become a clown?
    Community Answer
    You can begin at any age; there are many clown/circus programs and classes designed for youth.
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    I am considering becoming a clown. Is it a good idea to get an animal sidekick?
    Community Answer
    Most certainly, if you like animals. They make the act more pleasing to watch for all viewers.
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    How do I put on the honking clown nose?
    Community Answer
    There should be a slot down the middle of the nose. Just put your nose through there. You have to breathe your mouth while wearing one.
  • Question
    How can I make people laugh as a clown?
    Community Answer
    You can try funny knock knock jokes, or try pretending you're trapped in a cage by pretending to pat the walls. You can also wear something really funny, and tell everyone mysteries of the world.
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    Can people with developmental disabilities be clowns too?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Anybody who wants to can be a clown.
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    I'm only 11, but people say I'm hilarious. Can I still clown?
    Community Answer
    Certainly. Work on your jokes, and when you grow up, you can be a clown.
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    Do clowns make a lot of money?
    Community Answer
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    Can I make my own costume?
    Community Answer
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    Are clown costumes expensive?
    Community Answer
    There are clown costumes that are quite inexpensive, and there are those that run into the thousands of dollars. It all depends on the quality you're looking for and what fits your budget.
  • Question
    Can Instagram start you on the path to being an amazing clown?
    alana skiera
    Community Answer
    Yes, it actually can. Instagram is a widespread public platform and can give you great exposure to being a clown. It can really boost your popularity and you can gain more opportunities for jobs and events from being seen and known on Instagram.
  • Question
    Can I be a clown if I am autistic?
    Top Answerer
    Definitely! Anyone can be a clown. If you want to be an autistic clown then go for it!
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